[TP] KonseptGate v0.6.2 - Stone telepads [1.5.1-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by DemmyDemon, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version v0.6.2

    Simplified/stripped-down teleport/gating plugin using stone pressure pads as telepads.

    Why pressure pads?
    Because it's a very easy event to detect without spending any resources listening for them.
    Why stone?
    Because wooden ones don't look as cool. No, really, it's because an item placed on a stone one won't press it down.
    Why at all?
    Ever since my favorite teleport plugin ever, EpicGates, went into inactivity and disrepair, I have wanted to provide a relatively similar mode of transportation as simple as possible.
    I built it for my own server over at minecraft.webkonsept.com, hence the odd name. "Konsept" is Norwegian, and means "Concept". As I've seen people lamenting the inactivity of EpicGates I decided to release KonseptGate to the general public.

    • Simple, uncomplicated use.
    • Multiworld-capable (thanks to Bukkit being Multiworld-awesome!).
    • Each gate can have any number of sources, but just one target.
    • Relatively nice on the resources.
    • Origins and destinations easily recognizable as teleport pads, but do not take up a lot of room.
    • Automatically places a configurable block with a stone pressure pad on it for you.
    • Right-click the pressure pad to find out where it leads.
    • The telepad is protected against harm.
    Note that EpicGates does not, and probably never will, support gate "ownership" or restrictions.
    In stead, use something like SimpleChestLock to lock the origin pressure pad.

    /kg - Takes the selected action (see below) against the indicated gate(s)

    Actions with and their [required] and <optional> arguments. (open)

    create [name] <target gate name> <teleport command>
    Creates a KonseptGate with the name [name] that is optionally already linked to <target gate name>. The target gate does not have to exist yet.​
    Will create a glowstone block (unless otherwise configured) with a stone pressure plate on it.​
    It will also turn the two blocks directly ahead of you to air so that you won't suffocate when you emerge from the gate.​
    Be mindful of what way you are facing, as that is the way people will exit the gate when they arrive.​
    If the <target gate name> is not given, the gate will go to the default gate as set in the configuration file. If that configuration is blank, or that gate does not exist, the gate will inform any attempted user of this.​
    If you don't want a command to be executed by the player when he/she teleports, simply omit the <teleport command> part.​

    command [gate] [command]
    Executes that [command] as the teleporting user when he/she steps on [gate]​

    delete [name]
    Deletes the KonseptGate with the name [name], removes the pressure plate and tries to guess the correct block to have underneath.​

    move [name]
    Same as create in many ways, but the KonseptGate called [name] must already exist, and will be moved here.​
    Be mindful of what way you are facing, as that is the way people will exit the gate when they arrive.​

    link [origin] [destination]
    When people step on the gate at [origin] they will emerge at [destination]​
    Both gates must exist.​

    list <name piece|page>
    Shows a list of all the gates.​
    Give an additional argument to search for gates who's name contains that string.​
    For example "/kg list foo" will match the gates "food_room" and "kung_foo"​
    It matches against both source and destination.​
    If the argument is an integer, it will show the page of that number. For example, "/kg list 3" will show page 3.​

    Discards all the gates in memory, and loads a new set from gates.txt​
    This will also refresh all the teleport blocks (including the underblock and pressure pad), and clears out the emergence blocks, setting them to Air.​
    It will also reload the configuration.​
    This, of course, happens automagically when you start or reload the server.​

    jump [name]
    Jump to the KonseptGate called [name] right now.​
    Suggested use for this is for admins to quickly move around. It is not the intention of this plugin to become Yet Another Warping Plugin, so it's not intended for public use.​

    Tells KonseptGate to ignore you when you step on a pressure plate. This allow you to step onto a pressure plate and use /move to change the direction of that KG, for example.​
    Lasts until the server is restarted, reloaded or you issue the command again.​

    verbose: false
    underblockID: 89
    defaultTarget: 'warpzone'
    verbose decides whether or not the plugin nags at you to try and turn you insane.
    underblockID is the ID number of the block you want below the stone pressure pad.
    defaultTarget is the name of the KonseptGate you want newly created gates to be linked to unless another name is given. You can say '' if you want it blank. When listing and giving a page number, gatesPerPage decides how many gates per page.

    For simplicity, all the commands/actions use konseptgate.command.<commandname> permission.
    For example, if you want to /kg jump someGate you need the konseptgate.command.jump permission.
    To use a gate to teleport, you need the konseptgate.teleport permission.
    If you have the konseptgate.info permission, right-clicking a KG will tell you what it's called and where it leads (if linked). Note that if you lack the permission, it does nothing, so you can "hide" KonseptGates in between other blocks with stone plates on them...

    Download KonseptGate
    Source code

    Version 0.6.2
    • Fixed wonky list output when /kg list-ing gates with no command.
    • Updated the missed deprecated async tasks and reverted the one I made synced to be async again. Makes no sense to sync it.
    • Thanks a bunch to guyag again for the work put in. Even if I didn't end up using his actual commits, it's still his code, pretty much.
    Version 0.6.1
    • Merged guyag's pull request, fixing NPEs when giving silly command arguments.
    • Updated use non-deprecated tasks (synced) to track who's considered "in transit".
    Version 0.6.0
    • Correct "northness", so you come out facing the right way again.
    • Added COMMANDS to gates.
    • Made the source code jump through hoops to get rid of some odd encoding issues.
    • Some minor performance tweaks.
    Version 0.5.3
    (0.5.2 never made it past beta)
    • Fixes the "plates don't pop up" issue by not having them be pressed down in the first place.
      NOTE: This breaks any redstone currents you're expecting from the plate!
    Version 0.5.1
    • Fixed tiiiny little plugin.yml problem that was conflicting with 1.1-R6
    • Tested and found working with 1.1-R6
    Version 0.5
    • Moved to new and improved Bukkit Events system
    • Much improved /kg list, with support for paging.
    Older releases (open)

    Version 0.4.1
    • Tells you why a gate doesn't work when the target world is not loaded. NPE fix.
    • Creates the teleporter after registering it, so the stone plate doesn't plop if it's on a block that doesn't "vanilla" support it, like glass or glowstone.
    Version 0.4
    • Loading or creating a KonseptGate is no longer as destructive to it's vicinity. Non-hindering blocks such as signs, grass, ladders and torches will be ignored and not considered in the way of teleportation.
    Version 0.3
    • Much improved gate protection. Protection against, for example, pistons.
    • Threw out obsolete Permissions support and moved to the new configuration API
    • Allows the underblock to be pretty much anything, even air, and makes it "physics proof" so it doesn't pop.
    • Improved gate file reading, lessening the chance of the gate file being corrupted/emptied.
    Version 0.2
    • Fixed where multiworld-support would be purely theoretical if a gate was loaded before the world it was in.
    Version 0.1
    • First public release
  2. Offline


    How did you link them? What command?
    Can you post your gates.txt?
    Not at all, as long as the target world is already loaded it's no issue at all. KG will not attempt to load worlds, however.
  3. Offline




    thats my gate.txt folder

    i've linked with /kg link creative spawn and /kg link spawn creative

    the worlds are loaded because if i use /warp creative i can get there.

    but if i warp you arent getting gamemode so i need this plugin
  4. Offline


    That's very odd. I have multiple worlds and hop between them a lot.
    If you edit config.yml and set verbose:true, what does it say when you attempt to use the telepad?
    Also, try warping to the relevant world, then /kg reload and jump back via KonseptGate. Does that work?

    Also, what multiworld manager do you use? MultiVerse? Hah, you already said >.<
    Please, what's your multiverse setup like? I'm trying to recreate the problem, and the more information I have the more likely I'm successuful.
  5. Offline




    multiverse and multiworld i dont know why i have both, is it a problem?


    if you cant find the problem it doesnt realy matter
    i've switched to multiverse-portals but if you can find
    the problem i will download this one again.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  6. Offline


    When you enabled verbosity it said ... nothing? nope?
    You are not making much sense, kid.

    Right, I'll stop investing time in helping you, then. Without your help I can pretty much guarantee that I can't find the problem.
  7. Offline


    i just answered your questions.
  8. Offline


    Answer in full sentances is vital to communication.
    Anyway, whatever, assistance is ended as you're no longer using the plugin.
  9. Offline


    wow.. very awesome in particular springboard
  10. Offline


    ...when it works :p
  11. Offline


    Easy to set up, simple commands. Thanks for a straightforward, unbloated plugin!
  12. Offline


    Glad you like it :-D
  13. Offline


    thanks this is just what i needed for my server!
  14. Offline


    You're very welcome, I hope it serves you well.
  15. Offline


    It seems I am having a similar problem as Turitafo. I enabled verbosity and it was reporting the events like it should; however when I stepped on a gate and it didn't teleport me, it said nothing. I stepped on the gate numerous times and it still failed to record any event. I have updated to 1.1 R3 because it is the latest option from my server host. Do I need R4? This is a single world, nothing special.
  16. Offline


    No, R4 or R5 won't make a lick of difference.
    It's simply not getting the event. You have some other plugin that "eats" the event, most likely. For example if you're vanished using VanishNoPacket or whatever.

    I know for sure this is not a general defect on the side of the plugin, as I've stepped on telepads in R4 (and R5 on my test server) all day, so I know it works fine.

    What plugins do you have? What permissions have you defined?
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    No, pastebin is fine, except it will become a dead link over time, and people might want to see what it looked like in some theoretical future where someone else has the same problem.


    You're not actually giving the konseptgate.teleport permission. This is defined as true by default, but I've seen stranger stuff.

    Other than that, I can't think of anything. Can you turn verbose on and give me a full log, please?
    It might tell me stuff that's going on unexpectedly, or whatever.

    If you give yourself konseptgate.info permission, what happens when you right-click a gate/plate/whatever?
  19. Offline


    012-02-24 13:55:52 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.1
    2012-02-24 13:55:52 [INFO] Loading properties
    2012-02-24 13:55:52 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25577
    2012-02-24 13:55:52 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2012-02-24 13:55:52 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2012-02-24 13:55:52 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
    2012-02-24 13:55:52 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.1-R3-b1846jnks (MC: 1.1) (Implementing API version 1.1-R3)
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [SuperpermBridge] Superperm/Permissions bridge initialized
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Vault] Loading Vault v1.2.9-b111.
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] BOSEconomy7 found: Waiting
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] EconXP found: Waiting
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsBukkit hooked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsBukkit found: Waiting
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Vault] Enabled Version 1.2.9-b111
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Safe Creeper] Loading Safe Creeper v0.4.
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [Safe Creeper] Safe Creeper V0.4 Enabled
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] [BKCommonLib] Loading BKCommonLib v1.02.
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] BKCommonLib version 1.02 enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] Preparing level "CJW_World_of_Minecraft"
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] Default game type: 0
    2012-02-24 13:55:53 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 8453149658783710954)
    2012-02-24 13:55:54 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -6942936610592663821)
    2012-02-24 13:55:54 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -6942936610592663821)
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.2.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] WorldEdit 5.2 enabled.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [EconXP] Loading EconXP v0.4.1.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [EconXP v0.4.1] EconXP is enabled.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] EconXP hooked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [Graveyard] Loading Graveyard v0.4.4.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [Graveyard] v0.4.4 loaded successfully!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [Graveyard] Loading: CJW_World_of_Minecraft/wd'sgrave: -55.53125, 63.0, 60.15625
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [CommandBook] Loading CommandBook v2.0.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [CommandBook] Maximum wrapper compatibility is enabled. Some features have been disabled to be compatible with poorly written server wrappers.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component SessionComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component BansComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [CommandBook] 0 Homes(s) loaded
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component HomesComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [CommandBook] 0 Warps(s) loaded
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component WarpsComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component MessagingComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component TeleportComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component InventoryComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [CommandBook] 1 kit(s) loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component KitsComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component JingleNoteComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component TimeComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component NameVerificationComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component FunComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component DebugComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component ThorComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component OnlineListComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component StoredMessagesComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component SpawnLocationsComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component InfoComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component WorldComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component PlayerComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component GodComponent successfully enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:55 [INFO] [PermissionsBukkit] Loading PermissionsBukkit v1.2.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] PermissionsBukkit v1.2 is now enabled
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsBukkit hooked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [PorteCoulissante] Loading PorteCoulissante v1.2.6.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [PorteCoulissante] plugin version 1.2.6 by Captain_Chaos enabled
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [PowerNetherrack] Loading PowerNetherrack v1.0.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [MineMail] Loading MineMail v1.2.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [MineMail] v1.2 is initializing
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Permissions] Loading Permissions v2.7.7.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [SuperpermBridge] Superperm/Permissions bridge enabled
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [MineMail] Hooked into Permissions version 2.7.7.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [MineMail] v1.2 is initialized!
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [ChannelChat] Loading ChannelChat v0.6.2.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [BananaChunk] Loading BananaChunk v4.6.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [BananaChunk] version 4.6 is enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v5.5.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Blacklist loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft) Lava fire is blocked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft"
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Blacklist loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft_nether"
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Blacklist loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (CJW_World_of_Minecraft_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft_the_end"
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 6 regions loaded for 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft'
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 1 regions loaded for 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft_nether'
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft_the_end'
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [NarrowtuxLib] Loading NarrowtuxLib v1.2.0.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] Version: 120
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [NarrowtuxLib] v1.2.0 by [narrowtux] enabled.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [LightVote] Loading LightVote v1.72.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [LightVote:1.72] Initialised
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [LightVote:1.72] Scanning properties file.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [LightVote:1.72] Properties loaded. Debug messages: false
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [LightVote] Permissions not enabled in config.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [RetractableBridge] Loading RetractableBridge v1.3.12.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [RetractableBridge] plugin version 1.3.12 by Captain_Chaos enabled
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Showcase] Loading Showcase v0.7.9.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [WARNING] Wrong location for net.minecraft.server.EntityItem@111 in world 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft'!
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [WARNING] Entity is at -352.5,-28.5 (chunk -23,-2) but was stored in chunk -22,-2
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [WARNING] Wrong location for net.minecraft.server.EntityItem@12a in world 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft'!
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [WARNING] Entity is at -352.5,-23.5 (chunk -23,-2) but was stored in chunk -22,-2
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [WARNING] Wrong location for net.minecraft.server.EntityItem@16d in world 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft'!
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [WARNING] Entity is at -336.5,-26.5 (chunk -22,-2) but was stored in chunk -21,-2
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [basic] (0 items loaded)
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [finite] (0 items loaded)
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [infinite] (116 items loaded)
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [exchange] (0 items loaded)
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [tutorial] (0 items loaded)
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [Showcase] version 0.7.9 has been enabled.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [xAuth] Loading xAuth v3.1.
    2012-02-24 13:55:56 [INFO] [xAuth] 'Permissions' v2.7.7 support enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [xAuth] Connection to database established!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [xAuth] Accounts: 10, Sessions: 1
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [xAuth] v3.1 Enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Scavenger] Loading Scavenger v1.4.0.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Scavenger] Starting: v1.4.0
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Scavenger] Attached to Permissions
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate] Loading KonseptGate v0.5.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Verbose mode! Spammy as hell!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] fireEffect is ON!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] underblockID(41) is GOLD_BLOCK
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Listing 9 gates per page
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] No default target gate (which is fine, really!)
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loading gates from C:\UserFiles\jedimaster0\GameServers\TC08172227084064348507025\plugins\KonseptGate\gates.txt
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded xroadmall, linked to patternbuffer
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded adminshop, linked to xroadmall
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded patternbuffer, which is unlinked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded pb1, linked to xroadmall
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded castlefarm, linked to patternbuffer
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded Stonehenge, linked to patternbuffer
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded pb2, linked to Stonehenge
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded kystatue, linked to pb4
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded pb4, linked to kystatue
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded pb3, linked to ky1
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Loaded ky1, linked to patternbuffer
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] 11 konsept gates!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5] Enabled (11 gates)
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [godPowers] Loading godPowers v2.5.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command zeus.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command godmode.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command jesus.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command die.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] ERROR another plugin has already taken the command slay.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] ERROR another plugin has already taken the command smite in place of slay.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command maim.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command inferno.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command superjump.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command gaia.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] ERROR another plugin has already taken the command heal.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command godpowers.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command vulcan.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command vulcan.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command demigod.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command hades.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Successfully registered command bless.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] godPowers version 2.5 is enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [GodPowers] Permissions detected. Now using permissions.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Lockette] Loading Lockette v1.4.9 beta.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Lockette] Version 1.4.9 beta is being enabled! Yay! (Core version 1.3)
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Lockette] Detected craftbukkit build [1846] ok.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Lockette] Enabled link to plugin PermissionsBukkit for Groups, version 1.2
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Lockette] Ignoring fake Permissions plugin version 2.7.7
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Lockette] Using ops file for admin permissions.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Lockette] Ready to protect your containers.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] Loading Runecraft v0.1.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] Runecraft plugin enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] Rune blacklist with 0 runes loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] Loaded:
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] - 0 waypoints, 0 teleporters
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] - 0 position runes
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] - 0 rune pads
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] - 0 logic pads
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] World 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft': id 0
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] Runecraft 2.10.4 initialized.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] World 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft_nether': id 1
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Runecraft] World 'CJW_World_of_Minecraft_the_end': id 2
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [PluginInfo] Loading PluginInfo v0.1.4.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [PluginInfo] PermissionsBukkit plugin detected.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [PluginInfo] 'Help' isn't detected. No /help support.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [PluginInfo] PluginInfo 0.1.4 enabled
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [PluginInfo] Saving data into file: C:\UserFiles\jedimaster0\GameServers\TC08172227084064348507025\plugins\PluginInfo\plugins.xml
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [PluginInfo] 2XML export succesful
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [IntelliDoors] Loading IntelliDoors v1.1.11.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] IntelliDoors version 1.1.11 was initialized.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [MoneyDrop] Loading MoneyDrop v1.6.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [MoneyDrop] Startup complete.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [MultiHome] Loading MultiHome v0.11.2.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [MultiHome] Using PermissionsBukkit for permissions system.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [MultiHome] Version 0.11.2 loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Loading AutoAnnouncer v1.3-06.25.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] WARNING! No permission system enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Settings Loaded (11 announces).
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Scheduled every 2 minutes!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] v1.3-06.25 is enabled!
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Developed by: [Sharkiller]
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [BOSEconomy] Loading BOSEconomy v0.7.3.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] BOSEconomy v0.7.3 enabled.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [NarrowtuxLib] Payment method found (BOSEconomy version: 0.7.0)
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] BOSEconomy hooked.
    2012-02-24 13:55:59 [INFO] [ChestShop] Loading ChestShop v3.33.
    2012-02-24 13:56:00 [INFO] [ChestShop] Permissions version 2.7.7 loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:56:00 [INFO] [ChestShop] Lockette version 1.4.9 beta loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:56:00 [INFO] [ChestShop] WorldGuard version 5.5 loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:56:00 [INFO] [ChestShop] version 3.33 initialized!
    2012-02-24 13:56:00 [INFO] [ChestShop] BOSEconomy 0.7.0 loaded.
    2012-02-24 13:56:00 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    2012-02-24 13:56:00 [INFO] Done (6.608s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2012-02-24 13:56:06 [INFO] Jedimaster0 [/] logged in with entity id 493 at ([CJW_World_of_Minecraft] -300.8125, 63.0, 502.53125)
    2012-02-24 13:56:20 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Teleporting Jedimaster0 to patternbuffer
    2012-02-24 13:56:56 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Teleporting Jedimaster0 to Stonehenge
    2012-02-24 13:57:00 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Teleporting Jedimaster0 to patternbuffer
    2012-02-24 13:57:44 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Teleporting Jedimaster0 to kystatue
    2012-02-24 13:58:00 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] You can set your default home with /sethome and other homes with /sethome <name>. To travel back use /home or /home <name>.
    2012-02-24 13:58:16 [INFO] [KonseptGate 0.5 VERBOSE] Teleporting Jedimaster0 to pb4
    When I right click a plate it says what it is and where it goes. Even when I can't travel through them. I gave myself permission and all that. However I noticed something important. When I can't travel through a gate, the pressure plate appears to be held down like something is standing on it. If I watch it for a while, it pops back up and works fine. I thought it was server lag; however my stats are fine and other things work while it is held down.

    At the end of the log, where it displays the gate interaction, I stepped on a plate a bunch of times. It only recorded the actual teleports.
  20. Offline


    That's right. When a pressure plate is already triggered (it's down), then another trigger won't happen. It can't happen again before it "pops up" and the triggering event can happen again.
    Why this happens, I have no idea, but I know that exactly 0 lines of code in my plugin affect this. I'm in no way stopping stone plates from popping back up.

    I managed to reproduce it, however.... By making the server very busy in processing a lot of events, sometimes there's no time during the tick to pop the stone plate back up (or something), because with enough noise and load, it stays "stepped on".
    This happens even when KonseptGate isn't installed, so I'm not to blame (thank gods).

    I suggest you file a Bukkit issue on this.
  21. Offline


    Well at least I know its not this plugin, I am grateful for that. It doesn't bother me as much knowing this. Thanks for your help, I will try other things. If I figure something out I will let you know.
  22. Offline


    Best of luck, Master Jedi. May the force be with you.
  23. Offline


    I signed up just to say that this teleport mod is the best I've seen. Thanks for making it. Simple, elegant and easy to use. Here are some pics of the teleportation system I made with it:

    Home Base

    Exit to remote site:

    Remote site:

    Return to home base:

    The only thing that seems to be missing which would be a nice add would be an optional requirement of resources to make the pad. For example, if the pad creates an iron block and stone pressure plate, both materials need to be in the player's inventory and will be consumed when the pad is created.

    EDIT: Currently using KonseptGate 0.5.1, CraftBukkit 1.1-R4, Minecraft 1.1

  24. Offline


    Thanks for your support.

    Resource use is a pretty good idea, actually, but usually the person making the telepad would be an admin with unlimited resources anyway.
    I'll keep it in the back of my head while I keep working on KG and see if I can't come up with something useful.
  25. Offline


    Is there a max limit of 12 pads? I have 13 pads right now an every once in a while, I run across a pad that no longer works. Delete and re-create fixes it but then another will eventually stop working.
  26. Offline


    Nope. I have 126 on my server.
    What you're experiencing is probably failure to pop back up. Do they look like they're pressed down when they don't work?
    This is a server performance problem, and they will eventually pop back up.

    You can also /kg reload to re-create.
  27. Offline


    A reload did temporarily fix the non-working pad but I don't recall the pad looking like it was stuck in the down position. However, if you notice in my screenshots, I had no free space available behind the pad. I gave it one additional free space for all pads and none have stopped working yet. I don't think performance is the issue since it is running on an IBM 7870 Blade with 8 CPUs running at 3.0 GHz each. :cool:

    If you don't hear back from me on this, the extra space will have done the trick.

  28. Offline


    Oh, you can run it on a quantum computer, and a lot of the Minecraft code will still be inefficient, causing events to not happen because a tick processing takes too long. Besides, you can have 9001 CPUs and Minecraft will still be single-threaded.

    Still, yeah, a rig like that will make the odds veeeeery close to zero for it being some kind of performance issue.
    I don't know what to tell you... I'm just not experiencing the problem.

    I have a setup that looks like this:
    That's gates with iron underblocks (clay in the vacant slots) and signs over them.
    As you can see, there is no "air" anywhere around them, and there are more than twelve of them in the screenshot, all working perfectly every time.
  29. Offline


    I Cant Stop A Permissions Group From Using The Gates... I'm Trying To Make A V.I.P Only World But EveryOne Can Join It!

    Can You Help Me Stop This.
  30. Offline


    I can try, if you try to follow common sense on capitalization of letters.

    Anyway, it's enabled by default, so you have to deny permission specifically by giving a negative permission.
    How this is done differs from permissions manager to permissions manager, so ask the author how to do it for the one you use.
    The permission you have to block is konseptgate.teleport
  31. Offline


    i got it working now

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