[TP][FUN] NetherPortal - Multi World Fast Travel with a challenge v0.6.10 [803]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by asdaarg, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    NetherPortal v0.6.11

    New in Version 0.6.11:
    • Added NetherPortal.portal.use permission

    I always thought things like random tping around that make the game too easy takes away the fun of playing, but in SSP fast travel constrained by 8x ratio rule was fun and reasonable advantage considering that you had to go through the nether a dangerous place to set up portals there, and if you wanted to make the travel safer you'd have to build or dig to make it safe. Unfortunately I have not seen a single plugin that does the following:

    1. Fast travel (8x rule)
    2. Auto portal creation (i.e. when you go through a portal a portal is created at the destination that is linked to it)
    3. Multiworld

    Well this plugin does. But it is also different from other plugins.

    The challenging thing is of course how to match portals. One thing I did not like in SSP was portal hopping, making it possible to easily find caves by digging down in the nether and place a portal there , and travel ultra fast by placing portals where there was solid material on the nether side. One solution to this was creating airpockets and platforms as in NetherGate. While this preserves the 8x rule, it is a bit dangerous to use, since you can destroy things you've built, and alternatively it would make it difficult to program to avoid it.

    The easy solution for me, which also adds a bit of challenge in setting up working portals, is that portals simply do not work if there is not air for the portal to be created in, the portal exits on both sides, and a platform for the portal and you to stand on when you exit it. So the challenge is to find a suitable location for a portal, but you can do it with the aid of a compass which gives a rough indication of the probability of there being a suitable location nearby, the closer the greater. The compass will also give you a guaranteed indication "X" that there is one solid block underneath and 5 air blocks above and one solid block underneath and at least 1 but at most 4 "_". The shape of the "X" indications in the following form:
    will guarantee that a portal can be constructed here, however if you have linked the world to more than 1 other world, readings from another world could interfere and you lose this guarantee, even though it is not likely to fail. Note, the exact size of the shape depends on the ratio between your world and the target world. If you are going to the nether from a normal world with default ratios (1 to 8) the shape is 8 times bigger. Note also that each indication then represent the entire 8x8x8 cube.
    If you are going to a higher or equal scale world, the portal has to be placed so the two bottom middle blocks reside within the two middle blocks of the shape.
    If you are going to a lower scale world, a special portal indication "N" "S" "W" or "E" is needed to guarantee that a portal can be placed, indicating the direction the other bottom middle block of the portal from the block you stand on (which is one of the bottom middle blocks).

    To get any reading at all YOU HAVE TO LINK THE WORLDS using the WORLD LINK or WORLD TARGET commands for a one way link.

    Here is a top down schematic view of all blocks needed on each level of a suitable location for a portal:
      S  |  A  |  A  |  A  |  A  |  A
     SSS |  A  | AAA | AAA |  A  |  A
     SSS |  A  | AAA | AAA |  A  |  A
      S  |  A  |  A  |  A  |  A  |  A
    y-1    y     y+1   y+2   y+3   y+4
    Where S is solid i.e. non air block and A is air block.
    Full features list (open)

    • Portals that simply work, no strange glitches or random suffocations happening. Place a block in front of the portal exit and it will refuse to teleport you.
    • Fast travel (8x rule like in single player, but ratio adjustable)
    • Auto-portal-creation at destination, so you can go back, like in single player
    • Multiworld support - create or import any number of worlds, nether or normal.
    • Permissions/Group manager support (optional)
    • Iconomy support (optional) - set the cost of portal usage
    • The (now optional) challenge to find a suitable location for a portal using compass
    • The option to create portals destructively (air pocket and platform creation)
    • The option to link any portal to any other, one way or two way.
    • Basic safe teleportation commands-adjusting to prevent fall damage and suffocation
    • Eternal night in the nether - good bye blue sky!
    • Worlds can link/target each other to allow fast travel auto portal creation and compass reading
    • Deconstruct portals faster - destroy one block and all will drop.
    • Anti-obsidian farming auto-created portals.
    • Configurable commands
    • And more.. see full list of commands

    Commands (open)

    fullsearch <target world>                searches a 400x400 area around you of suitable portal locations to target world
    fullsearch <target world> <size>         same as above but you can specify the area size
    teleport <world>                         teleports you to worldname to the corresponding coordinate
    teleport <world> <x> <y> <z>             teleports you to worldname to specified coordinate
    location                                 lists your corresponding coordinates in each world
    world create <world> <environment>       creates or imports world of type environment (normal or nether)
    world remove <world>                     removes a world (does not delete it)
    world ratio <world name> <ratio>         sets the ratio of the world (nether is 8 by default and normal is 1)
    world center                             centers the world at the spot you stand (0,64,0 by default)
    world list                               lists all loaded worlds
    world link <world1> <world2>             link together 2 worlds (i.e. both target each other)
    world settarget <world1> <world2>        world1 targets world2 - allows fast travel auto created portals and readings from world2.
    world detarget <world1> <world2>         removes world2 from world1's target list
    portal link <portal1> <portal2>          link together 2 portals (i.e. both target each other)
    portal settarget <portal1> <portal2>     portal1 targets portal2 - stepping into portal1 teleports you to portal2
    portal detarget <portal>                 set portal points to null i.e. nowhere
    portal name <portal>                     sets name of portal you last stepped through
    portal punch through to <world>          auto creates a portal in world for the latest entered portal and with air pocket and platform if necessary
    portal list                              lists all portals in current world and their locations and targets worlds and locations
    portal setcost <cost>                    set the iconomy cost of portal you last entered
    teleport adjust                          change configuration of command based teleport to not adjust you on y axis to avoid fall damage or suffocation
    teleport to potral <portal>              teleports you to a named portal.
    world target list                        lists the target worlds of a world
    setspawn                                 moves spawn point to current location

    config.txt (open)

    alwayspunchthrough - sets whether to punch through to a target world automatically when you enter the portal
    tpadjust - sets whether teleportation y coordinate is adjusted so you do not take fall damage or suffocate
    respinnormal - respawn in last normal world you were in, when you die in nether
    artificialportal - workaround for portal not teleporting you when it reports the portal block to be air
    cooldown - number of milliseconds it takes for a portal to work again
    compass - the item id of the compass
    noYscale - whether Y scaling (up/down) should be used or not.

    Permissions (open)


    Downloads (open)

    Todo (open)

    • Fix portal not lit on the other side at times (is this happening at all anymore? a bukkit issue that got resolved?)
    Done and will be in next update:

    Changelog (open)

    Version 0.6.11:
    • Added config option noYscale, is false by default. It removes scaling factor on Y axis.
    Version 0.6.10:
    • Fixed /world remove not being called
    • World remove now removes the world from MC server without needing a restart.
    Version 0.6.9:
    • Added NetherPortal.portal.use permission
    Version 0.6.8:
    • Updated iConomy support to iConomy5
    • Added compass config option for changing the id of the compass
    Version 0.6.7:
    • Fixed inaccurate teleportation when portal exit is on different axis than entrance
    • Fixed portal names not being loaded into lookup table at startup.
    Version 0.6.6:
    • Fixed scrambled portals on reload when there is at least one portal without target
    Version 0.6.5:
    • Removed nag about some old event that i imported
    • Fixed singly linked portals not being loaded correctly
    Version 0.6.4:
    • portals will not break other portals when punching through, they will "angrily spit you out" on autopunchthrough
    • cooldown option for setting how long time til a portal can be used again
    • defaults to ops only when permissions is not present
    • autocreation of config file
    • uses NSCommand now
    Version 0.6.3:
    • bug fixed old portal names remaining after being renamed
    • All portals are now given auto-generated unique names until renamed. No more indistinguishable "null"s
    • Portals can no longer be given a non-unique name
    • Right clicking a portal gives info about it as well as selects it, in the same way walking through it does.
    Version 0.6.2
    • Updated for 617
    • Fixed broken permissions
    • Removed debug messages
    • Added permissions NetherPortal.portal.create and NetherPortal.portal.destroy so you can control who can create and destroy portals
    Version 0.6.1
    • Backward incompatible support for #602 (bukkit api changed so can't help it. You can use the previous version for #556 - nothing else changed)
    Version 0.6
    • Iconomy support: portal setcost <cost> (all portals are free when iconomy is not running) Backward compatible savefile format change to accomodate cost
    • Portals are no longer auto constructed on water, lava or any other player walkable materials
    • Portals now accepts player walkable materials as portal exits (but they will not show on indication still, which only looks for air)
    • Portals are no longer auto constructed in place of active portals (although they can still be constructed on inactive portals)
    • Fixed embarassing bug causing nonsensical indication. It should make a whole lot more sense now.
    • Fixed faulty target location is not safe messages
    • Fixed teleportation to bottom of world when using tpadjust when location is solid.
    • Fixed dropped air blocks on collapse causing client to crash
    Version 0.5.5
    • Teleportation to nonexisting world causes nullpointer exception bug (harmless but pollutes your server log) fixed
    • Portal frame corner blocks drops obsidian blocks on collapse when corner blocks are not obsidian bug fixed
    • Artificial Portal block (the workaround for bukkit portal is air block error) remaining after collapse bug fixed
    • Artificial Portal blocks configurable off by default. Put "artificialportal=true" in config.txt to turn it on.
    Version 0.5.4
    • If you die in the nether you respawn in last normal world you were in. Can be turned off by putting CFGrespinnormal=false in config.txt
    • command setspawn will set the location to current location
    Version 0.5.3
    • Permissions no longer required to have a config file
    Version 0.5.2
    • workaround for portal block said to be air (randomly stops working until server restarted - bukkit issue)
    • debug messages removed
    • fixed portal creation on too high or low altitude
    • fixed linking worlds is being only oneway
    • changed indications of 80000 to X and 70000 to _
    Version 0.5.1
    • Added alwayspunchthrough config option
    Version 0.5
    • Command for Air pocket and platform creation portals for lazy people
    • Command for teleporting to a portal
    • Configuration to adjust command based teleportation target y wise to avoid suffocation or fall damage, default is on, but can be changed in configuration file
    • Command to change the above configuration on the fly
    • Command to list all portals in current world and their locations
    • removing any block of a portal result in the portal to collapse and are thereby removed from list of registered portals
    • A portal that collapses, drops all of it obsidian blocks unless it was autocreated
    • Autocreated portal collapse when untargetted
    • Autocreated portals cannot change target
    Version 0.4
    • Symmetric Portal creation criteria
    • Portal linking feature - link individual portals
    • Configurable commands
    • Commands and permissions changed
    • World linking feature - link worlds rather than all worlds being directly accessible to each
    • worlds not saved when world created or imported fixed along with some other world related commands
    • Somewhat more useful search function for higher ratio to lower ratio worlds
    Version 0.3.2
    • fullsearch no longer teleports you but lists all locations
    • fullsearch allows specification of size and default changed to 400x400
    • proper colouring of text
    • np location displays corresponding locations in all worlds
    • indication no longer displays location
    • indication no longer displays two kinds of it
    Version 0.3.1
    • Save files to keep data on how portals are linked (needed for x8 to x1)
    • x8 to x1 auto portal creation finally working
    Version 0.3
    • workaround for "Player moved wrongly" bug.
    • moon higher up now updating every 2 hours (72 seconds your time) rather than 8
    • More output, less guessing
    • Fixed some permission names
    • Fixed always displaying indication 0 [0,0(0)] before any interaction with a newly loaded
    • Reverted to 8x8x8 rather than 8x1x8 even though it means only 1/8 of the nether is within reach of a 1x1x1 world. Since 8x1x8 makes readings make less sense.
    • Compass starts moving erratically and spin on full indication
    • np tp <world> <x> <y> <z>
    • np fullsearch <target world>
    Version 0.2
    • set ratio fixed.
    • Normal worlds have a default ratio of 1 and nether default 8.
    • Auto-created portals are now lit (apparently problems with it still)
    • Improved long range search giving readings inverse square proportional to manhattan distance
    • Eternal night in the nether - good bye blue sky!
    Version 0.1
    • Initial Release

    Donate (Not necessary but appreciated)
    Hrdkr, harakiwi and Maxwolf Goodliffe like this.
  2. Offline

    Tim Yong

    Greetings and thanks for this plugin!

    In order to link my world to the nether, is it necessary that my world name not have any spaces? I tried going through all the plugin files and changing it to a one word name for my main world, but MySQL went crazy. lol
  3. Offline


    Updates forthcoming for 1.4?
  4. Offline


    World name cannot contain spaces for now. You can have underscores though. NP doesn't use mysql so that's probably a different plugin that doesn't like it.
    That's something to ask the Bukkit team. The point with bukkit is that plugin makers don't have to update their mods each time minecraft updates.
  5. Offline


    2011-04-02 10:37:31 [INFO] plugins\NetherPortal\np_worlds.txt (The system cannot
    find the path specified)
    2011-04-02 10:37:31 [INFO] plugins\NetherPortal\np_worldtargets.txt (The system
    cannot find the path specified)
    2011-04-02 10:37:31 [INFO] plugins\NetherPortal\np_portals.txt (The system canno
    t find the path specified)

    doesn't this plugin auto create default settings?
  6. Offline


    Those are inconsequential messages that I have to remove. It creates those files when needed, but it reports that they are not there when it tries to read them.
  7. Offline


    i see...im really confused how this plugin works. could you do a tutorial on how to get it set up? im not a game server noob, ive been hosting personal game servers for years, but some of these plugins for minecraft are too confusing.
  8. Offline


    For a basic nether setup type:
    /world create nether nether
    then type
    /world link world nether
    Then follow the instructions in the first page how to find a good location for a portal, or use punch through option if you can't be bothered with that.
  9. Offline


    Sorry, I misspoke, I meant, "Is there an update forthcoming for the latest recommended CB build 612"?
  10. Offline


    Updated now for 617.
  11. Offline


    i dont understand how to name portals. so now i cant link the ones i made!
  12. Offline


    I'm constantly getting a bug when going through the portal (from nether back to world).
    The chunk i'm standing on doesn't get loaded so i just float there twitching. I've tried it with 612, 617, and 635, same bug each time.
    It doesnt happen every time though. It seems to be random =\.
    Once it happens, portals all stop working. I dont get teleported from world to nether anymore. Strange bug o_o

    oohkay they start working again after a server restart. but the missing chunk still happens.
  13. Offline


    You have to walk through the portal you want to name first.
    Sounds odd, that is if you have waited long enough. In the past it could take anything from a couple of seconds to half a minute to load the chunks for me and perhaps longer if you have a slower connection. Can you see any chunks being loaded in the distance?
  14. Offline


    This appears to be a bukkit bug as people report the same issue with other TP plugins since 1.4.
    If it isn't reporting any errors (to the player (that it is blocked) - in which case it is a feature or server log), it is probably due to a another bug with bukkit reporting portals to be air, which I've made a workaround for, just put artificialportal=true in config.txt.
    I'll see if I can replicate that, but there is a way to remove them for sure, by removing the line with that name from portals.txt
    Good idea. Perhaps it could even tell it when you enter it. Btw if you type portal list, you get a list of them in the current world and their coordinates, so this would be one way to tell it, but it is less convenient.
    That could be one way of doing it, if you don't like typing, but it has also the drawback that you have to go to the portals and do it.

    If you by "dead" imply mean unlinked, then they're not suppose to disappear from the list until you destroy the portal (it is is a feature allowing you to link, punch through or make the corresponding location in a target world suitable for it). Is that the case or do you have portals that you destroyed but are still in the list? To remove a "dead" portal simply remove a block of it and it will collapse and drop all blocks. If you have destroyed the portal but they still appear in the list, that's something I need to fix. Unlinked portals btw are denoted -1 in the 5th field.
    I guess I could implement some kind of page system.

    Probably yes, since removal is triggered on block-break event. You're suppose to destroy it with a pick. I suggest you give them arbitary names to the unnamed ones in the file and use the teleport to portal command to check which ones are gone, and then remove them from the file too. Edit: Alternatively construct a portal in their place and destroy it with a pick. In fact I might be as simple as placing a mud block anywhere the frame was and breaking it.
    Yes, since it may actually not create a new (registered) portal but use the old one, if it shares portal blocks with it.

    There are commands that links and delinks portals, but I could at least provide some info on what portal you are looking at.
    The portals already have their x y z displayed in portal list, but I suppose I could have a counter so you get "portal 1" "portal 2" etc.. then you can check portal list where they are.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  15. Offline


    Yeah all the chunks but the one I'm standing on get loaded. I think the bugs Im experiencing are the same as ravklok's.

    artificialportal = true seemed to fix some things though. What exactly does it do? Might be a coincidence but I feel like the portals are being aligned with open spaces on the other side like how it works in single player.

    Oh and a minor bug, placing a new portal that punches through close enough to another portal in the real world partially destroys the old portal in the nether, but the old portal in the real world still warps to the broken portal.
    If that made sense...
  16. Offline


    It makes moving to the blocks where the portal blocks are suppose to be, teleport you. The downside with this is however that the portal works even if its burned out, but at least it works.
    Yes, punch through indiscriminately punches through everything, even existing portals. I guess I could limit it from at least doing that. Either that or have the broken portal collapse and unregistered.
  17. Offline


    Can't get your plugin to work, do I need Permissions plugin installed? tryed the commands and every thing comes back as unkown command from my op account and direct to console , trying to go though a portal just gives message that I don't have permission, running Craftbukkit [617] and re-downloaded 0.6.3 today to give another try and it just don't work. Does say NetherPortal is enabled on server start so it's loading the plugin as far as I know.
  18. Offline


    It doesn't require permissions to be installed, and if you don't it should allow you to use the commands and portals. Have you tried 670?
  19. Offline


    Very nice idea to make it always night! How did you do it? I can't find any source files.
  20. Offline


    I have a repeating scheduled task setting the time of the world.
    Edit: You can do it basically like this:
    server.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable(){
    			public void run() {
    , 1000, 1000);
  21. Offline


    Tried with 670 , Commands now work but this plugin is screwy at best, the nether mobs spawn in the top world now. Sorry your plugin sounds really cool but it just dose not work for me.
  22. Offline


    Nether mobs spawn in your normal world? Or what do you mean?
  23. Offline


    yup burning zombie pigs and ghast firing at me top side blowing up the terrain, till I shut down the server and restart. when I tryed to make to the portal it would not work till I run the punch though command then when coming back to top/large world the nether mobs all spawn top side and I have mobs off in the server properties right now.
  24. Offline


    But that's in the nether isn't it? You can use the mob control plugin to stop mobs from spawning there. Server properties only applies to the world you start at. As for portal not working until you punch through, you can configure it to always punch through.
  25. Offline


    What about coming back from the nether and the nether mobs start spawning in the main/large/top world? thats what freaked me out. Fine with them being in the nether but when they leave the nether with me.
  26. Offline


    Hi, quick question. I've been using the Nethrar plugin for a while now and my only gripe with that one is the fact that Ghasts, whilst sometimes visible, are often invisible.. and their attacks don't show at all. All you experience is the constant noise of them and every now and then you're hit by an explosion or one lands near you.

    Is this the same in that respect?

  27. Offline


    They're not suppose to do that no. My plugin does not do anything with mobs at all so this is probably a glitch in the minecraft server, although this has never happened to me.

    Invisible fireballs and ghasts behaving weird is due to notch never implemented nether for multiplayer, and bukkit team hasn't provided fixes for them yet.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  28. Offline


    Yes, then. XD
  29. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    could you get a command structure like /npworld ? /world interferes with essentials... sigh..
  30. Offline


    Currently I just rent a server and their bukkit support is a bit limited. They won't allow you to upload files unless they are .jar, was hoping you might consider putting the config file in by default so I could edit it. Want to try making alwayspunchthrough=true
  31. Offline


    You can change them in the config file

    I guess I will have to do it now that enough people have asked.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016

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