[TOOL/WEB/INFO] phpMCWeb 0.8.5

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by NotoriousPyro, Apr 12, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Cool, but what is it?
    phpMCWeb is an open source web interface to show users server information on a fancy XHTML/CSS compliant GUI! Long gone are the days where websites render differently on each browser - phpMCWeb renders the same on ALL modern browsers, even IE8!

    Included is currently a news page (powered by Fusion News), chat, dynmap page, player list with inventory viewing!

    I've decided to discontinue this since I simply don't have the interest in Minecraft any more. Sorry for anyone who is disappointed by this. I may bring it back at a later date but at the moment it's future is uncertain.

    Can I see a working demo?
    Sure, go here: http://mc.notoriouspyro.com

    There must be a catch right?
    Unfortunately, there is one catch - phpMCWeb is still beta quality - please report any bugs and suggestions. I'm also more than happy to accept more developers that wish to join the team! People with PHP/XHTML/CSS experience are needed!

    Quick! Gimme the download link!
    Whoa! Hold on there, make sure you read the README file included first! You'll want to make sure you can actually run it first and you understand what to do! But as long as you are ready to go, scroll down further.

    I need help!
    You can ask for help here (or I can help you personally with installation, customization, etc for a small fee - email me at craigcrawford1988 AT gmail DOT com).

    I need something more custom,
    can you do this for me?
    Of course I can, but customizations to phpMCWeb are not free (however they aren't expensive).
    You can email me at craigcrawford1988 AT gmail DOT com if you'd like a quote.

    Tasty links
    phpMCWeb 0.8.5
    github repository

    Show Spoiler

    12/06/2011 - 0.8.5
    * Updated for Minecraft 1.6.6
    * Bug fixes and code improvements
    * "Upgrade" option removed, will be readded in the future
    16/05/2011 - 0.8.1
    * Bug fix involving names that start with zeros - thanks 081247 ;)!
    16/05/2011 - 0.8.0
    * Large update, many fixes and improvements
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.6
    * Massive whoops :)
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.5
    * Added health bar
    * Various code improvements
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.3
    * Bug fixes with rendering.
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.2
    * Fixed a bug with default skins - Thanks TBK!
    13/05/2011 - 0.7.1
    * Programmed a GD player image renderer for the inventory view page.
    12/05/2011 - 0.7.0
    * ApiCraft -> JSONAPI migration
    * Many new features including chat and inventory viewing!
    22/04/2011 - 0.6.1
    * Minor changes to get_players.php
    22/04/2011 - 0.6.0
    * Migrated from CuteNews to Fusion News
    * Various Fixes
    12/04/2011 - 0.5.2
    * Fixed smilies in cutenews admin interface
    12/04/2011 - 0.5.1
    * Added server status image and cleaned up code
    12/04/2011 - 0.5.0
    * Initial release
    Lolmewn and blaize9 like this.
  2. Offline


    Heh, I was looking for this thread :p Somehow I ruined the buttons I think.

    oh wait that was stupid, javascript was turned off xD

    Where can I make the pages larger? (In width). Cuz this looks like eeh.. not good : www.centrility.nl/server/?page=forum

    ok, something SERIOUSLY screwed up the website: http://centrility.nl/server/news.php

    I got all the standard things, only changed the settings with JSONAPI and Dynmap, and website name.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  3. Offline


    Looks really easy for me to re-code ><
  4. Offline


    What is your point?
    I really don't know what you've done to it to make it look like that. Restore it to the original version and edit it one step at a time. Bear in mind the standard theme is very restrictive and static, so you must be careful on what you change.
  5. Offline


    It was even worse, all items were @ the wrong position (that somehow got auto-fixed though). I'm now trying to make it wider.

    Hooray! I made it bigger <3 See the result @ www.centrility.nl/server

    Daym! It seems it only looks good in FireFox, not in Chrome.. Darn! How did you do that?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  6. Offline


    Not sure why it's rendering differently for you.
  7. Offline


    Really weird, on FireFox it looks OK, but on Chrome it sucks. Any clue why?
  8. Offline


    Not sure mate, works perfectly fine on my webserver. Are you sure you haven't changed anything?
  9. Offline


    Well ye I did, I changed the images (bigger) and the width's in the main.css
    I am sending my part to a friend who is awesome with HTML/PHP/CSS stuff :p
  10. Offline


    You've probably missed something that needs changing then haha, I'll probably be improving on the design in the next version so it'll work a bit better.
  11. Offline


    Config width please? =D
  12. Offline


    Noooooooo, that is meant to be defined in CSS files.
  13. Offline


    Can't CSS somehow be manipulated by PHP? It would be quite handy :p
  14. Offline


    Do you have any clue why it's not-nice in Chrome and does look good in FireFox? Btw link changed to www.centrility.nl
    I haven't changed anything lately, added some pages but that's it. (And of course still the modified main.css). I thought you sent me a .css which should work, but I lost it somewhere :'(
  15. Offline


    Not sure mate, I can't help you with it if you've changed the default theme. You haven't even setup JSONAPI properly.
  16. Offline

    XLawless BaronX

  17. Offline


    So does my comp need to be on at all times for this to be on?
  18. Offline


    A couple of questions, I'm not sure why with the map page the php dynmap variable isn't working, but if I put in the direct link with out the php statement in it works just fine.

    I asked Alec why my ram usage wasn't changing from 990 MB, ram free was reporting 0, and neither were right; and he said he removed those methods. So I was curious as to where its pulling the 990 MBs from?
  19. Offline


    http://ramblingwood.com/minecraft/jsonapi/apidocs/#package-System Usage Methods
  20. Offline


    I've decided to discontinue this since I simply don't have the interest in Minecraft any more. Sorry for anyone who is disappointed by this. I may bring it back at a later date but at the moment it's future is uncertain.
  21. Offline


    I know you aren't actively developing or supporting this, but I was wondering if you could answer a question for me.
  22. Offline


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