[TOOL/WEB/INFO] phpMCWeb 0.8.5

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by NotoriousPyro, Apr 12, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Cool, but what is it?
    phpMCWeb is an open source web interface to show users server information on a fancy XHTML/CSS compliant GUI! Long gone are the days where websites render differently on each browser - phpMCWeb renders the same on ALL modern browsers, even IE8!

    Included is currently a news page (powered by Fusion News), chat, dynmap page, player list with inventory viewing!

    I've decided to discontinue this since I simply don't have the interest in Minecraft any more. Sorry for anyone who is disappointed by this. I may bring it back at a later date but at the moment it's future is uncertain.

    Can I see a working demo?
    Sure, go here: http://mc.notoriouspyro.com

    There must be a catch right?
    Unfortunately, there is one catch - phpMCWeb is still beta quality - please report any bugs and suggestions. I'm also more than happy to accept more developers that wish to join the team! People with PHP/XHTML/CSS experience are needed!

    Quick! Gimme the download link!
    Whoa! Hold on there, make sure you read the README file included first! You'll want to make sure you can actually run it first and you understand what to do! But as long as you are ready to go, scroll down further.

    I need help!
    You can ask for help here (or I can help you personally with installation, customization, etc for a small fee - email me at craigcrawford1988 AT gmail DOT com).

    I need something more custom,
    can you do this for me?
    Of course I can, but customizations to phpMCWeb are not free (however they aren't expensive).
    You can email me at craigcrawford1988 AT gmail DOT com if you'd like a quote.

    Tasty links
    phpMCWeb 0.8.5
    github repository

    Show Spoiler

    12/06/2011 - 0.8.5
    * Updated for Minecraft 1.6.6
    * Bug fixes and code improvements
    * "Upgrade" option removed, will be readded in the future
    16/05/2011 - 0.8.1
    * Bug fix involving names that start with zeros - thanks 081247 ;)!
    16/05/2011 - 0.8.0
    * Large update, many fixes and improvements
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.6
    * Massive whoops :)
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.5
    * Added health bar
    * Various code improvements
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.3
    * Bug fixes with rendering.
    14/05/2011 - 0.7.2
    * Fixed a bug with default skins - Thanks TBK!
    13/05/2011 - 0.7.1
    * Programmed a GD player image renderer for the inventory view page.
    12/05/2011 - 0.7.0
    * ApiCraft -> JSONAPI migration
    * Many new features including chat and inventory viewing!
    22/04/2011 - 0.6.1
    * Minor changes to get_players.php
    22/04/2011 - 0.6.0
    * Migrated from CuteNews to Fusion News
    * Various Fixes
    12/04/2011 - 0.5.2
    * Fixed smilies in cutenews admin interface
    12/04/2011 - 0.5.1
    * Added server status image and cleaned up code
    12/04/2011 - 0.5.0
    * Initial release
    Lolmewn and blaize9 like this.
  2. Offline


    A couple of ideas:
    • Dresser - A tool that allows you to try "outfits"- e.g. to see how a pumpkin on your head looks with a iron sword in your hand :p
    • Recipe lookup
    • Skin maker/editor - You start with the default skin and you got some simple paint like tools to alter it.
  3. Offline


    Hmm, those are a bit more characteristic of a fan site - not what phpMCWeb is meant for (it's meant for server info, etc).
  4. Offline


    Statistics? :p
  5. Offline


    0.7.3 released

    @TBK later on - now is the stuff that can be provided quickly by JSONAPI.
  6. Offline


    Great :) Will you add server administration in the future or is that out of scope?
  7. Offline


    That will be added, but not just yet :)
  8. Offline


    Great job you're doing with this!

    Can't wait for chatting to be implemented. :3
  9. Offline


    Two new idea:p Member Signature and Server Banner Generator
    Especially Member Signature combined with stats would be fun :)
  10. Offline


    I was trying to set it up on my web server, and I had your page opened.
    I accidentally logged into /news and changed the details in your page instead.

    It's not letting me change it back... I didn't realize the details on your end were the default :S

    Just letting you know... you may want to change it to something else.

    Can't seem to get it working on my end though, it's just loading endlessly.
  11. Offline


    I'm not really bothered, with each major version I replace the stuff on my own webserver anyway - that's why I never changed them.

    Make sure you have the JSONAPI settings correct, they must be exactly the same (salt, username, password, IP and port).

    If it still fails then check logging on JSONAPI and also check your apache logs for php errors.
  12. Offline


    They are exactly the same, :/

    I'm not getting any PHP Errors either, and JSON doesn't report anything happening.
    Is there anything special I need to do if I'm setting it up on an external webserver?

    Another issue, possibly related, is that when I go to save changes I make to my profile I get:
    You don't have permission to access /phpmcweb/news/index.php on this server.
    And I have set the permissions of both news and cache to 777 like the readme said...
  13. Offline


    Ensure that php logging is at the right level in your php config, see the php documentation. I believe your problem is most likely that the port to JSONAPI is not open on the server hosting it.
  14. Offline


    This looks cool <3
  15. Offline


    Others can access the port just fine... This has me quite stumped.
  16. Offline


    You need to ensure php logging is at the right level, I can't help you without logs.
  17. Offline


    How do I let it connect to my server (which is not on the same machine)?
    This is my Config.php right now:
    // These are set manually for now... ;)
    $language = "english";
    $theme = "default";
    $site_name = "phpMCWeb";
    // Full URL to phpMCWeb (e.g. http://www.somesite.com/phpmcweb)
    $site_url = "http://www.centrility.nl/test";
    // JSONAPI settings
    $jsonapi_ip = "";
    $jsonapi_port = 20059;
    $jsonapi_username = "Lolmewn";
    $jsonapi_password = "MyPassw0rd";
    $jsonapi_salt = "Salt";
    // Full URL to Dynmap (ignore if you've deleted map.phtml from the pages directory)
    // (e.g. http://www.somesite.com/dynmap)
    $dynmap = "";
    I don't have DynMap online yet.
    I was just guessing to put my IP at the jsonAPI, I'm not quite sure what needs to be in there.
  18. Offline


    With that config I could fuck your server up. Look out
  19. Offline


    That is not actually my password ;)
  20. Offline


    with that 0 it looks like yours
  21. Offline


    Im stupid, but not That stupid xD Anywayz, you know the answer to my question?
  22. Offline


    Well, if you are looking for an answer to... something - just point those IP & port to your server's IP and JSONAPI's port.
  23. Offline


    What's a JSONAPI? Can I just use my normal ports for that?
  24. Offline


    JSONAPi is what this plugin uses.. is a plugin
  25. Offline


    oh lol :p

    Oh, right. I installed it and it still doesnt work.. Dynmap is working though :p
    I forwared all three ports (20059, 20060 and 20061), the JSONsettings file has the same salt as in the config.php, and the login and passwords are all correct (as far as I know). What could I have done wrong?
    Edit: This is what it looks like right now: http://centrility.nl/test/news.php

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  26. Offline


    You need to enable php logging and check the apache logs.
  27. Offline


    When will 0.8.5 be released? :p
  28. Offline


    At the moment I haven't been developing phpMCWeb too much as I've been very busy with sorting out my University course and studying for a test.

    I will try and get it released sometime today.

    Updated to 0.8.5 ;)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  29. Offline


    Super :)
    Good luck with the test.
  30. Offline


    I would be glad to help develop! I know php and html/css, I can do basically anything web and i have a small vps we can use to test it on, its centos 5.5 and i get it for free every month so i have it forever

    add me on skype: ninjapanda19
  31. Offline


    Feel free to grab the source off github and make edits, I'll push them if they're any good.
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