Timed Access

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by NomicCrafter, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin Name: Timed Access

    Description: This plugin would allow you as a server owner/developer to make a sign that when clicked you will spend a sort of currency (tickets) to get teleported to a specific location for a set time period and then teleported back when the time is up. Use the following command to give or take tickets from a player. These tickets could be given as a reward for voting or winning games. /timedaccess <give|take> <player> <tickets>

    - Setup as many timed access signs as you want.
    - Customize the sign prefix.
    - Customize the amount of tickets needed per sign.
    - Option to change the tickets to currency supported by vault.
    - Timer on scoreboard at side of screen.
    - Set max players to use a sign at once.

    - timedaccess.create - Access to things needed to create timed access areas.
    - timedaccess.use - Access to using the signs.
    - timedaccess.tickets - Ability to give and take tickets from players.

    Making Timed Access Areas:
    1) Make the sign, prefix on 1st line, area name on 2nd line, and ticket amount on 4th line.
    2) Go to the spot you want players to return to after time is up and use the following command with the area name used on the sign. /timedaccess return <areaName>
    3) Go to the location you want the players to be teleported to when the timer starts and use the following command. /timedaccess area <areaName>
    4) Use the following command to set the timer length for the area. Keep in mind that this time length is in seconds. /timedaccess timer <areaName> <seconds>

    Photo of the Sign:

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