A plugin that allows you to set up a time lapse "camera" to activate you use a command like /camera create Camera1 600 this will create a 'camera' that takes a screen shot of what your current viewing range is regardless if you are there or not every 600 seconds, the screen shots are then saved to a server directory specified in a config file and are numbered based on the order of their creation I got this idea after seeing someone's idea to have a live feed, this should be a little more feasible and server mods / web admins should be able to show the evolution of their servers with this!
Very fond of this idea i really need something like this. It shouldn't be too hard to make, allthough i would have a lot of respect if anyone did. I myself have no time to make anything like this D=
Do you know what a screenshot is? It takes a shot of your screen. Only a client would be able to do this, not a server. It would need to be client-side, but then when no player are in an area the chunk is unloaded from memory so the client would need to pretend to be there but there are tons of server-side constrains Against sending to the client chunks in which it is not, to prevent cheating and such. The best solution you can use is to buy a 2nd account or borrow an account and then use this mod http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/game-menu-remover/ to run 2 accounts on the same computer and take screenshots from time to time or record a video using FRAPS.
I had this same idea awhile ago; I never perused it, but the following came to mind... "The Minecraft client has built in functionality to take screenshots (F5 I think), if we can somehow tap into this it would be extremely easy to make a time lapse camera"... My idea was to use a local variable to store a location ( the loc and yaw/pitch), then simply every X seconds on a scheduler event call the screenshot functionality in the client with the saved location and yaw/pitch as the incoming variable instead of the player object. However, I didn't even put a single minute of research into this, so I have no idea how "hardcoded" the screen capture part of the client is, it may not be possible to force feed it external locations (like how players names are hardcoded to the white color in the client instead of using a variable to decide the color for easy name color changing). I share this "thought process" in hopes to spark further conversation; I actually have interest in seeing something like this developed, but sadly I have too many high priority needs to justify prioritizing something like this. Good luck with your request!
im thinking the camera would need to be a sort of simulated player. You would have to make it as a plugin that also acted as a modified client useing whatever the screenshot function is. Hmmmm or it could take a snapshot of the world everytime a block is placed and then combine those files with a 3d viewer and bam you have it, however that would result in a LOT OF SPACE being taken. Best of luck.
For me, I recommended you to use CameraStudio mod. Because... 1. It's client side 2. No lag of moving around 3. Singleplayer/Multiplayer supported
It's not bad idea, at least from user's standpoint. I see at least 3 advantages over normal client side screenshooting: 1. He wants to have 1 screenshot every 600 seconds, that's 10 minutes. Considering that most timelapses contains several thousand screenshots, you can do the math, how long would your PC have to be turned on to record everything. And considering that minecraft is not really most stable game in the world, it would probably crash somewhere between recording. Having everything at server is much more convenient. 2. You could have a very large number of "cameras" serverside, but you can only have few cameras on a PC through client. 3. Since you are not bounded by size of window, you could create very high resolution screenshots. Imagine having 10000x10000 screenshot of your house. And because you only need to render like one frame per 600 seconds, performance does not really matter and you can apply any sorts of AA, AF, shaders etc. to make screenshot look best. But unfortunately only way to do this, is to either port or even rewrite minecraft rendering engine, so it can render 1 frame and then save screenshot of that frame without displaying anything on the screen. And this is probably very hard, tedious and time consuming to do, so I would not expect plugin like that be released.
well there is a really out of date one that i really hope some one would update if i knew how i would but i dont. it's this one http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/misc-timelapse-v0-2-record-in-3d-play-back-at-any-speed-953.25670/
Woopagaming showed a plugin on their youtube channel that does a similar thing but you have to do a command each frames.
ahh yea the cinema plugin would be the next best thing i just wanted something to auto record so i could get multiple angles on play back. this is because the build is really massive and will be doing my self but thank you
People often wonder why I paid a 2nd account. Well this is why. No trouble, don't need to wait for update of plugin. Works on every server.
i have 3 accounts i just often mess up kind of a noob recorder kind of wanted something to play back builds multiple time its ok ill keep doing it the way i do. just a extra tool if anything.