Think I'm infected from a deleted plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by freezd, Jan 31, 2013.

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    Ok so this is what happened. there was this plugin called donation director and I was going to suggest something to add to the plugin when I noticed that the author was banned.

    heres a link to the author and why hes banned.

    it says this on his profile: "This user has been banned: User added backdoor allowing arbitrary command execution to his plugin."

    So I'm running this plugin on a test server, I want to know If I'm infected, if this plugin just steals login info and what I should do.
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    Basically if you run that plugin, he will be able to log on to your server and do /op Esaych and cause chaos to your server.
    Delete it from your Bukkit folder and move on to another plugin.
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    Thank you very much for that information!
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