The Purge Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by RockKetcher, Apr 25, 2015.

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    Plugin category: PvP/Fun

    Suggested name: PlotMePurge

    What I want: I have a normal PlotMe world and upon doing a command like /war i'd like the plugin to prioritize the first 100 Plots to only players who join the PlotMe World or who are already in it. I'd like this to last for ten minutes and then return to the previous layout.

    If a player doesn't yet own a plot then give them one automatically onJoin or on the commencement of the command if they are already in the world.

    The general goal is to randomly start a 10 Minute period of PlotMe War for only players who are online, so you don't come back after a couple days and find your stuff gone because I decided to start a few wars while you were away. IF you join during the 10 minute period and then decide to leave, your plot will still be there for people to raid for the rest of the 10 minutes. I will handle messages, enabling pvp, enabling raiding ect... I just need an efficient bit of code to move around plots in this way.

    Ideas for commands: /war - starts the 10 minute PlotMe War

    Ideas for permissions: plotmewar.command - allows the use of /war

    When I'd like it by: It doesn't really matter, just whenever you can successfully create an efficient process for prioritizing PlotMe plots then hit me up.

    Here is the PlotMe API & Official Page:
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
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