The Guard

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by VIROS, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I would like to request a plugin which allows server admins to place NPCs the same way that Craftizens allows them to do. However, these NPCs can be assigned an "enemylist" which causes them to attack any player on the list which comes within a certain range of them. An enemylist would be a simple blacklist with an id.

    It would work something like this.
    Step 1. I create a enemylist named CityEnemies by saying "/enemylist Cityenemies
    Step 2. I would add enemies to the list by saying /add Cityenemies Person1 Person2 Person 3
    Step 3. I would create a guard where I am standing (A generic NPC equipped with a sword) named Guard1 by saying /newguard Guard1
    Step 4. I would add the enemylist Cityenemies to Guard1 by saying /modifyguard Guard1 add Cityenemies.

    Results: The NPC named Guard1 will run towards any people on his list within a certain radius and swing his sword at them (or their current coordinates). If the enemy died or got far enough away, Guard1 would go back to his post. Obviously, guards would attack anyone who attacked them, and the guards themselves could die. I'm not precisely sure how the game would handle a guard dying, though.

    Reason: This would allow for a more RP-friendly way to protect areas, and the guards act as sort of decorations for an area. They could be city guards, prison guards, forgotten guardians of a lost temple, and much more.

    Addendum: Guards could also have a whitelist which is a list of people they will never attack. Guards could be set to always attack anyone not on a whitelist; this would allow people to make areas exclusive to a certain group.

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