The Bukkit Consulting Firm - Solving all your Bukkit-related challenges!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by M1sT3rM4n, Aug 25, 2011.

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    Who are we and what do we do?

    A: Established right after the onset of the Great Depression of 1929, the Bukkit Consulting Firm specialize in solving modern challenges facing Bukkit, MC servers and their communities.

    Why choose us instead of making yet another thread in Bukkit Help?

    A: BCF prides itself on providing lightning-fast responses for its clients. Unlike other threads in Bukkit Help, BCF guarantees that you will receive an answer for any issues you are facing.

    Here's the list of staff and specialities:
    • @M1sT3rM4n - Community building (all sizes) and server structuring.
    • @tyzoid - Coding and Java/plugin-related things and site design!
    • ShootToMaim - Coding, general Bukkit questions!
    • Fyre - Plugin developer/coding and server administration!
    BCF-approved server solutions:

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    people can connect to my server as long as they are on my same network connection, but people on the outside cant. What am i doing wrong?
  3. Offline


    Have you port forwarded?
  4. Offline


    I would assume that you hosted your server internally (AKA Lan?)

    The problem you're facing sounds like it's caused by an un-opened port. Here are your solutions:

    1. Forward port using:
    2. Buy a server
    3. Use Hamachi: (discouraged because people are not likely to download a software just so they can join your server)
    Cirno, LinkterSHD and Fuzzwolf like this.
  5. Offline


    My server can hold up to 20 people but we only ever have like 5 online at a time, how do you recommend we get more players?
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    One thing I noticed with people is that they want to join your server MORE if you become more selective with the type of people you accept into the server.

    Try building your server up around a theme (Themed freebuilding or themed survival) and advertise on the official forum (I don't recommend this because 90% of people from there will probably be trash) or have your servers listed in one of the several server status indicator websites (Minequery or

    Try getting your friends to play too. Having consistent people in the server who make valuable things help build up popularity overtime as new people visit.
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  7. Offline


    Okay! Thanks for the help :)
  8. Offline


    Do you have a website?
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
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    I got a question.
    I got OP and admin group using permissions 3.1.6, admin group has wildcard permissions.
    however not even the console is permitted to use /whitelist add <name>
    says, I'm sorry, Dave, I cannot let you do that.
    bukkit is 1060
  10. Offline


    Post both your permission config file and OP.txt using the code quote feature.
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  11. Offline



    permissions are saved in our sql database, but admin group got '*' as permission
    heres the config

            type: SQL
            dbms: 'MYSQL'
            uri: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft'
            username: '*******'
            password: '*******'
  12. Offline


    That is very odd. Are you able to pull your MySQL tables? Also, is your name in red in the server?

    If all else fails, regenerate Bukkit.jar server files. Also, what type of Permission plugin are you using?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  13. Offline


    ah thank you, i just realised (due to a crash) we did not have the whitelister plugin installed.
    sorry for taking up your time
  14. Offline


    There IS a default /whitelist add command for Bukkit. I want to make sure that your server's generating all property files correctly.
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  15. Offline


    I started my server before I went to bed last night running 1gb ram, I woke up to find 2.768Million lines of error.

    Here's the first part that started it
    Anyone know what could've caused that and what I can do to fix?
  16. Offline


    Based on what I can see you have a chunk error @
    2011-08-26 02:48:47 [INFO] Chunk file at -1,-24 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected -1, -24, got -2, -1)
    2011-08-26 02:48:47 [INFO] Chunk (-2, -1) stored at (-1, -24)
    You can try to fix the world using Chunkster:
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  17. Offline


    Thanks I'll try and repair :)

    I just bought a new VPS, 64bit centos 5.4 4gig ram. I can't run the server with more then 1gig ram without getting errors or being told I don't have enough memory. Apparently I might have 32bit java but I'm centos illiterate and really can't get 64bit java or 4gig ram working, are you able to help me on teamviewer or with my vps details to get my server running off 4gig ram or even 3gig I might be able to pay you.

    Would really appreciate it, thanks.

    edit; more information here:

    There's no linux O/S with my VPS provider, only centos / ubuntu & I only just purchased for this vps 2 days ago so I really can't change VPS Provider so I have to use centos 5.4

    Are you able to help me at all with Centos? Thanks a lot for your help so far.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
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    Ubuntu = Linux :)
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  19. Offline


    @M1sT3rM4n you should have a spoiler with plugins that most servers use and maybe sections for different servers like PvP, Build, RPG. This would help people find good plugins for their server
  20. Offline


    If I am not lazy I might just do a spoiler section in the first post xD
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  21. Offline


    i know what that is like, i was just offering a suggestion as you haven't been hit by the "WAT PLUGIN SHLD I USE DUR!"
  22. Offline


    Oh no, I've got quite a few PMs because people somehow think that just because I post a lot in the Bukkit section that I must be a plugin developer!
    Cirno, Deleted user and Fuzzwolf like this.
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    Do you have a msn or anything I can add to talk to you faster through?
  24. Offline


    nice, and i've gotten PM's like i know everything about running a server, though i am learning as i am taking over for a friend of mine
  25. Offline


    I was actually thinking about making a thread like this, or alternatively, one to list plugins to help servers get started.
    Unless you were planning on making one, I would love to compile of list of plugins to help servers get off the ground.
  26. Offline


    Successfully solved first client's problem!
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
  27. Offline


    This guy is absolutely amazing, I really cannot thank him enough. He spent well over an hour solving a big issue of mine and did it with no complaints, if there's anything I can do in return please don't hesitate to ask, thank you so much!
  28. Offline


    hello i was just wondering what the permissions.yml in the root of server was and what do u do with it? as i have permissins set up on Bpermissions but dont know what to do with the one in the root folder (permissions.yml) for example i wasnt guests to not be able to use iconomy there is no permission node on Bpermissions but they can still use it wtf?
  29. Offline


    The permission.yml file that comes with Bukkit when you first start the server is only a shell (AKA a concept Bukkit team's working on.) You still need an independent plugin to handle permissions.
    Cirno and Fuzzwolf like this.
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    I dont think bPermissions uses the permissions.yml file, so just ignore it.
    Please post your <worldname>.yml so we can help you with permissions.
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