Thanks Bukkit Community! Reminder to Register for an account?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by DrkNinja, Jun 27, 2013.

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    So I wanna start off by saying thank you Bukkit Community. Every problem I have thrown up, every question I have asked, all of it was answered promptly. You guys are the best, and thank you for your continued support.

    Now I want to have my minecraft server to give a welcome message to all non registered (on my site) players to go register. Any ideas?
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    Kolugo offers a plugin that links your server to the website. this is useful for many things, but I don't think it can send out a message to everybody on the server that isn't registered with the website. some servers advertise their website best by letting players know they can be promoted from a Guest rank to a Member rank when registering from their website.

    why not have announcements be broadcasted to the server every x amount of minutes advertising the site?
    link them to the website for various essential things like voting, donations, events/minigames, etc.
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    That's actually the plan you are a guest until registered and then you are a member. But I was just asking cuz I know I have gotten into servers that wouldn't allow you to do anything til you've registered.
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    Ah, I thought you wanted it to merely advertise to each player that had not registered. If you're looking into Greylisting your server, these plugins might interested you (note that the second plugin works on many of the latest CB builds):
    AntiGuest, AcceptRules

    or, rather, you could simply have the default rank something like "Guest" with very minimal permissions and tell them they must register for "Member" in order to build, pvp, etc.
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    No your right I don't want a greylist. But isn't there a way to single out that group and have messages sent to them?
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