Terithia Server!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by TheLonelyOnion, Jul 16, 2011.

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    IMPORTANT!!!: Read rules when you join before you do anything else. You can become 1 of 4 different classes. you can become a Warrior, Priest, Magician, and a Archer! There is a leveling up system for your classes in which makes it more like an RPG based gameplay experiance. The best part of my server is that Creepers dont explode! It will save you time on when you build your Medieval Castle or Village Home.

    Server IP:
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    1 ) The place to post your server is here:

    2) You won't find many new players on the bukkit forum. Who do you think browses this forum?

    3) You gotta be kidding:

    I'd rather chop my right arm off than install Hamachi.

    You also forgot to mention that you are running this off mom's laptop, and that it won't be 24/7, but more like, online for 2 hours and then never seen again.
  3. Offline


    its not of of a laptop and i didnt know you had ot have hamachi. i just wanted to se who would join thts all.
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