No, don't know what i'm doing i just made a /help command that sends the player commands they can preform thats it! I still am new to coding so can you make this plugin for me? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
My good sir did you just request that I make you a plugin that (attempts) rivals essentials? I really don't like essentials much myself, but geez
I haven't given up yet EDIT: Also, you say that if players are within 10 blocks of an enemy they cannot warp. How do I know if the player is an enemy or not? Am I hooking into another plugin, or will you be telling the plugin what enemies there are. I could perhaps hook into factions...
so if there is a player within 10 blocks of the player trying to warp, the plugin will randomly decide if that player is an enemy or not? I like that idea
So if theres people near like 15 -10 blocks then you have to wait 10 secs but when theres no one near it will take 3 - 5 secs to teleport
Its more like a homes plugin. Only instead of /home he wants /go. Yeah there are ways to rename the commands but I don't think we have too much thought flowing around here for that. There are also some specific criteria, such as the player cannot warp if there is another player within 10 blocks of him. I can see this becomming an issue in higher populated areas, but I'll leave it up to the end user to decide how it will work. Configuration ftw!
MrZoraman - Alright. Also, a note: if you're using factions, they already have a feature to not allow teleportation near an enemy
Exactly. What I think the OP needs to do is talk to a plugin developer of a home plugin (they do exist, right?) and add this feature in.
Well talking to a developer of a homeplugin is quite useless now, as the plugin is almost done. I'm doing this mostly for educational purposes though. It will have the option to be powered by mySql. Overkill? Maybe
Definitely. :3 Just a folder for each player with files in it... Or just a file for each player. But, enjoy learning MySQL.
I've been meaning to learn MySQL for a while. So far I'm liking it a lot more than using a flatfile storage system. After I'm done practicing mysql on this plugin, I might perhaps go onto some more powerful plugins. the4saunders CraziaPVP I've come across a roadblock: There doesn't seem to be an easy way to use a config style of putting in the node 'kgo.set.<amount>' so there are 4 options we can do: I do have the config exactly how you requested it, but it might make the plugin a little bit more resource intensive, I make the plugin PermissionsEx dependent, and then you get the 'kgo.set.<amount>' I make the plugin PermissionsEx dependent and Vault dependent, so then in permissionsEx you put a field under the options for each group (like maxWarps: 10) I make the plugin handle the groups so there would be a place where you set the groups in the config file and how many warps they can have, and then in the permissions you give the permission '' for the specified moderator group in the config. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Just use any of the warp plugins that are already out there +
@the4saunders @CraziaPVP Activity in this thread will subside now because I have finally finished the plugin! is where you can find the plugin.