Teleport By Clicking Sign?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Alurous, Nov 29, 2013.

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    Hello! I am new to plugins and all of this... I started a server and I am heavily obsessed with high mountains. Now the problem with this is that bridges can be built to move from a mountain to another and it's difficult to adventure around because you would need to climb and go down a lot.

    I think I read somewhere one could change the destination of the Ender portals to whatever one wants, or at least to be able to click a sign and be teleported into a certain area.

    I wish to make a room where if you want to go to the swamp, you click it and you are teleported there, and so on from the swamp back to the mountains. And many other things, is this possible with any plugins?

    And outside of this, what is the name of the plugin that locks your chests and doors?
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    Use Essentials. You first need to make a warp by doing /setwarp (name). Then you place a sign and you type:
    First line: [warp]
    Second line: [name]
    And that's it. Yeah, I almost forgot, you need to enable the signs in your Essentials config file.
    It should look like this:

    #- color
    #- balance
    #- buy
    #- sell
    #- trade
    #- free
    #- disposal
    #- warp
    #- kit
    #- mail
    #- enchant
    #- gamemode
    #- heal
    #- info
    #- spawnmob
    #- repair
    #- time
    #- weather
    You need to remove the # in order for sign to work.
    If you have any more questions, post them down there.
    That plugin is called LWC.
  3. Offline


    Another way to do this is to have a pressure plate above a command block; the command block does a /TP x y z command. (Just make sure the destination isn't another pressure plate / command block combination, of course.)
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    If you know how to code you can do it like this:

    Getting right click event and checking if right clicked block is sign, also, you have to check what's on sign, to define which location to port, then just teleport player to wanted x,y,z...
  5. Offline


    I suspect there are portals plugins which could be cool.
  6. Offline


    Sounds like Sortal, my plugin :)
  7. Offline


    Thank you!

    Just saw it, it is quite perfect. Can I have multiple signs leading to the same place? or do I need to make diffierent warps?
  8. Offline


    Alurous You can have as many signs as you want for a single warp :)
  9. Offline


    Thanks :3
  10. Offline


    You can try ReActions plugin too. It allows to perform action by: clicking button, walking a plate, enter or leave Worldguard Regions, etc.
    Here is example of linked teleports that could be accessed with special item (map):

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  12. Offline


    Real interesting, thanks :D
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