Plugin category: Economy, Fun, Mechanics, Role Playing Suggested name: ResearchCraft/TechCraft (Other names welcome) What I want: I am in need of a plugin that allows an Admin/Server Owner to create a Technology or Unlock Progression Tree in the Minecraft Server, similar to the Civilization games. To be more specific, I am looking for a plugin that allows me to create a technology tree where the user starts out with base items, but can then progress through the game and unlock more items to be available to them. The technology tree should be fully configurable, and if possible a GUI could be used. For example, a user would start out with Tier I Tech A, but to get to Tier II Tech F, the user would need to research all the techs in between. With where I stand now I'm not sure how the research would work. Whether they can buy the next tech with in-game money, or if there is some sort of research system. I do know that I would like it to be a challenge, so the entire tree is not unlocked within a day. Ideas for permissions: - tech.bypass.[tech] Allow a user to bypass a certain tech - tech.bypass.all Allows a user to bypass the entire tech tree. When I'd like it by: Whenever possible. If anyone could do this for me, I would be unbelievably appreciative. If not, I fully understand. No worries. Thanks!