take money per ammount of hours

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Moti12321, May 10, 2015.

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    Hey guys, i need a plugin that every ammount of hours (configure able) will take ammount of percentage (configurable) from players money.
    Not play time, actual time.
    I want it to take their money only if they got the permmision to take the money.
    I want to be able to setup the percentages like that in the permmision:
    Which will take 5%
    Which will take 10%.
    Those are examples.. I still dont know what the prices are..
    This plugins needs vault, because there alredy is essentials , and im using this economy.
    1. Precents:
    2. VIP: 5
    3. Normal: 10
    4. TakenMessage: '&6You have lost your money.'
    5. Hours: 24

    If you have any question tell me!
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