Tag/Status Above Nametag

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by NickGames8029, Nov 6, 2022.

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  1. Offline


    Hello. I would like a simple plugin where i can put custom tags above someone's head.
    It has a smooth motion when it follows the player. I do understand no one HAS to make this plugin or something like that. but if ur willing to spent some time on this i would really love that. I've been searching for hours and haven't found a plugin close to this sadly. It would be very cool if one get's made.

    What i think is cool: VERSION 1.8.8!
    1. a GUI where u can select the tags.


    2. a Config where people can add more custom tags/statusses and customize the slots/items/lores ect.

       tag: "&bCool"                                                                          #The Tag that displays above the players head
       displayname: "&bCool Tag"                                                #Displayname of the item in the GUI
       lore: "&7Custom Lores\nWith next lines :)"                   #The lore of the Item
       no-permission-lore: "&cNo Permission!"                        #The lore when the person has no permissions
       slot: '1'         #The Slot where the item comes in
       item-id: "PAPER"                                                                #The item ID
       permission "some.permission"                                        #Permission to use a certain TAG
       allowed-worlds: "Lobby1, Lobby2"                                 #Worlds where the commands and tags work in
    Probably asked questions:

    I would love it if i could use Placeholders in it aswell, from PlaceholderAPI.
    All the tags should show, but just not selectable without the certain permission.

    I hope someone will be able to make this. Obviously i don't expect anything. I just wanted to share my idea.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2022
  2. Offline


    Sure, almost done. I dont think we need a slot id bc its automatic. Do u really need a option for tag and item name or can i just put the tag as the item name in the menu?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
  3. Offline


    Omg!! So exciting. Yes the item can just be a tag haha. I don't need it to be anything different tbh it was just an example. :D
  4. Offline


    Hey! Any updates? :D
  5. Offline


    Oh damn, I'm sorry. I totally forgot it. I'm not at home right now. I'll send you the plugin monday evening :)
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Hello, I see you didn't receive the plugin.
    Would you like me to do it?
  9. Offline


    Yes please. That would mean a lot i really need it xd
  10. Offline


    Hi, it's done!
    If there are any changes you want to make or bugs you found, let me know!

    - /tags - Opens the GUI (no permission required)
    - /tags reload - Reloads the plugin (permission: tags.reload)​

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2022
  11. Offline


    [EDIT] It fully works now my bad. I have some stuff i would like to change but u don't have to this is already AWESOME.

    1. I would like the item name to be different from the actual tag.
    2. I would like if the player changes back to the allowed worlds that their selected tag goes back.
    3. Idk if that’s possible but I would like if the plugin or the server reloads that it automatically puts the previous selected tag on. And if it doesn’t exist just resets it. (also if the player selected a tag if they relog that it also goes back to their tag)
    4. I would like to be able to toggle per tag if people with no permission can see the tag in the menu
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
  12. Offline


    Hello! Sorry for bothering haha, I was just curious if u have considered it.
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