Tactical radar- The tactical radar allows a player to do /radar get. The radar is a redstone lamp. It scans a 250x250x250 block radius around the radar. When it is placed, it asks for a list of names that will not trigger it. The placers name does not need to be included. If a non registered player walks within the radius, the placer gets the message <intruder> has triggered the radar! If a non registered player is inside the radar zone, the lamp is lit up. Not all redstone lamps do this, please make sure that normal redstone lamps will not act as tactical radars. If the radar is broken, it drops Nothing. Dont worry about crafting.
This is a dupe of http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/radar.278241/ but since this one is a little more detailed, I'm going to lock the other one. Next time, please just edit your original request instead of making a whole new one for essentially the same thing.
xXSilverswordXx I'll do this, but not straight away, week max And I'm not ENTIRELY sure about creating redstone signals, I shall look though
right, dont bother about the signals then, but thanks if you need to say anything to me say it in the conversation thing :3
Quick clarification question: does the radar scan for players only when it's placed, or does it scan constantly when the player is holding it?
xXSilverswordXx Ill do this. I'll need some more info which I'll clarify with you later bc typing this on my mobile. Will I get a rank in return possibly? I will need a tester too bc I'm on vacation and will be on a surface pro 2 hahah. - Jack
TheWolfBadger Good Luck with that rank xD Since the EULA is going to change soon. Special Ranks are not allowed to have any extra features over the default group. (Doesn't affect Mod, Admin, ect though)
fefe2008 i bet some derpy server will be like "no you pay $ to buy an op rank" (alt name for donator) which will completely bypass eula XD TheWolfBadger yeah sure, ill give you a special rank (high up probably) once i get them all sorted (server will be up near end of year, hopefully). Also, any suggestions for a player statue generator? (for example a xXSilverswordXx statue would instantly create my skin in a statue)
TheWolfBadger (by statue i mean built out of blocks) (if not possible, send me a copy of your skin and ill have to build them all by hand) (making a "hall of fame" for people who made plugins) fefe2008 forgot to add- ive made a list of some very useful donator perks that do not conflict with eula. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
xXSilverswordXx Making it right now, but I had an idea for it to improve it! When you right click the device it will bring open a furnace inventory. In the furnace inventory you can put different substances for fuel. If I put a diamond in then it will run for how ever much time is defined in the config. If I put a Emerald in then it will do the same thing, but most likely have a different value than the diamond. I was also of thinking of a device in which in doesn't allow players within a radius which would be dependent upon which mineral they put in and what is defined in the config. Tell me what you think! Thanks. - Jack
That wouldn't bypass the EULA because they would be paying to get a 'perk' on the server, in which this case would be OP.
Alster551 this isnt one of the donator perks. TheWolfBadger like the idea for the fuel, not the prevention though :/. I would be able to change the item id in config and enable/disable?
Can someone please confirm that I am not the only person to be seeing this I'd be dammed if this is the real one :O Also your youtube link is spelled wrong SethBling
I fixed that. I messed up when setting up the account. Yes I am in fact the real SethBling. Your plugin is also almost finished, Just gotta add about 30-40 more lines of code and I'll link it to you. I'm the real SethBling. I'm right here, how am I not on the forums? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
JordyPwner Well we cant assume that yet can a mod or admin give us a sign of confirmation I do remember not_actually_sethbling Edit: Then again it comes down to verifying minecraft account with your profile i think that should probably a verification for famous names to appear on bukkit.
I'm the real SethBling. In my next Bukkit Plugin video I'll be linking my bukkit forums and brining it up.
Assuming you're real, tag me in a tweet from the Twitter listed on the YouTube. @gnosticJade. Else, your name will be changed due to impersonation. Keep any further discussion of this thread on topic. (No, I don't care that this is a double post. I removed a few that were derailing it further than it is already.) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
xXSilverswordXx I am making it. Give me time to do it as I do not have my regular desktop to do it with. I am using my Surface Pro 2.
TheWolfBadger This might be unnecessary to say but I'll anyways say it since it might not be the case. Are you exempting the players specified by the radar playcer by names or uuids? If you do it by names you should use uuids so its futureproof - but thats only my opinion.