I am hosting a minecraft server with VolumeDrive. For some reason they reboot the host node of the VPS some what frequently. I would guess that it is at least once a week. I would like to know if anyone has a way to start the minecraft server on startup. I am running RToolkit as a wrapper, but I can't get it to start on boot. Any ideas?
You can set up a service start using your init.d if they use it, I wouldn't recommend it but it can be done. If you want to try it get with your service provider on how to set it up for your system.
I am using a ubuntu server, and I am doing the server management. Can you point me in the right direction?
go to the ubuntu support site and search for init.d services. Thats about the best i can do for you. Maybe some one else will know more and give you some moreinfo.
for windowss I put a shortcut to my .bat file in my startup folder, sorry this wont help too much though
Use Cron https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto Use the @reboot. So Sudo crontab -e [enter password] @reboot /place/where/you/keep/the/file/to/startupserver.sh
For some reason this is not working. I have placed @Reboot screen -S Minecraft /opt/craftbukkit/rtoolkit.sh in the cron, but it doesn't load. I am adding @Reboot sleep 60s -screen -S Minecraft /opt/craftbukkit/rtoolkit.sh to see if that works.
I got it working by placing /opt/craftbukkit/rtoolkit.sh in /etc/rc.local. The issue now is that I can't run screen before it. If I do that, it doesn't load minecraft. Any ideas?
yep, you have to use some flags in screen to make it work: screen -fa -d -m -S mcs sh start_server.sh "mcs" is the name of the screen, "sh start_server.sh" is the command to be run in the screen