Plugin category: Admin Tools, Chat Related Suggested name: CustomJoinMsg What I want: Basically what I want is something like the SkyDoesMinecraft Network, and the Hypixel Network. On the Sky server when a staff joins it tells the players. When a VIP joins it says VIP {DISPLAYNAME} has joined. An GM (Global Moderator) joined it says GM {DISPLAYNAME} has joined. An admin joins ADMIN {DISPLAYNAME} has joined. You can get where I am going with this. On the Hypixel Network this only shows when a MVP+ joins. It says [MVP+] {DISPLAYNAME} joined the lobby. I want something like that, but I can configre what it says I want to be able to like make my own messages. In the config I would like it to be: Owner Join Message: OWNER {DISPLAYNAME} joined the game. Admin Join Message: ADMIN {DISPLAYNAME} joined the game. I have ranks as well, so if I can make another group join message I can add it. So lets say I didnt have a MVP group, I decide to add it later. I want to come in the config and add: MVP Join Message, I want my donors to feel special. I want the messages to be color coded compatible. Ideas for commands: Commands to disable the plugin, and reload the config. /joinmessage (aliases /jm). /jm reload, and /jm disable Ideas for permissions: I want to make the perms go with the groups join message. Owner: OP Admins perms: joinmessage.admin Moderator: joinmessage.moderator Helper: joinmessage.helper YouTube: (I don't want this but you can make it if you would like to.) For the donors if I add another group to the config it will make a permission for that group. So like I said if I add MVP to the group messages the plugin will generate a permission for the group MVP joinmessage.mvp, etc etc. I would LOVE this plugin, and I will personally make you a developer on the server. Dont do it just for the rank, I just want a plugin made and this plugin is what I am looking for. Thanks!! When I'd like it by: Monday May 19th, 2014. By 12:00pm
what does that mean? xD Can anyone make this? Does it sound difficult? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
[quote uid=90950456 name="GunzPlayzMC" post=2497726]<font color="#ff0000">--snip--</font>[/quote] Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> The config pretty much explains it, the player name variable is %p. Perms: Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Code: permissions: cjm.owner: default: op cjm.admin: default: op cjm.mod: default: op cjm.helper: default: op cjm.mvp: default: op default: op default: op
[quote uid=90875889 name="Onlineids" post=2497924]Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> The config pretty much explains it, the player name variable is %p. Perms: Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Code: permissions: cjm.owner: default: op cjm.admin: default: op cjm.mod: default: op cjm.helper: default: op cjm.mvp: default: op default: op default: op [/quote] ok I am testing it now, if it works. I am gonna start a conversation with you, hold on.
I see that you have made 11 plugins, can you make me one. I would like to see what you can do. Thanks!
No that plugin is AWESOME! Its just that I dont want just one person doing the plugins, it makes me look greedy, and I dont want to tire him. Yeah it was 1 plugin, but the work that he put into it, was not easy, I can tell. So I might like 2-5 people atleast making a simple plugin if I want one. Maybe if they make GOOD ones I will start to Pay-Off. But that isnt where I am at the moment, so can you make me one? A simple one, like a NameTag plugin,. No I dont want the NameTagEdit plugin, I want one that is like /rank {name} {rank} and it gives them that ranks prefix in the tabs list, and above their head.