Spinning of Item Frames

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by dominicw, Oct 28, 2024.

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  1. Offline


    Is there any chance someone could make me a plugin that allows automatic spinning of item frames? As in, when you run a command/right click an item frame with a specific item, it makes whatever is in the item frame start spinning around automatically.
  2. Offline


    By "with a specific item" do you mean setting an item-type or specific item meta data such as the item's display name or lore to match? If so please say what item meta data you would want to match

    Another Question: Do you want the auto-rotating item-frames to be saved across server restarts and automatically continue afterwards or not
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  3. Offline


    Any item that is put inside the frame, and it would be nice to have them save, but we are fine with reactivating it.
  4. Offline


    I'm not sure I understand - How exactly should activating the spinning of an item-frame with an item work? Can you please describe it in more detail to make sure I make it the way you want it to work
  5. Offline


    I've gone ahead and made the plugin with everything except the part with activating it using an item which as I said I still am not sure what you want there. If you want to explain it in more detail so I can add it then you're welcome to do that.

    If you have a question, want to request a change or if there is a bug let me know

    Note: I made the plugin for 1.21.1 as you didn't specify a version

    Attached Files:

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    By activating it with an item, I meant it gives like a stick or something you can hit the frame with for it to start rotating, but 1.20.1 was the version I needed it for. I apologize for not saying so earlier. That is my mistake.
    raffel080108 likes this.
  7. Offline


    I have added the functionality for activating (and stopping) an item-frame being auto-rotated by holding a specific item and left- or right-clicking on it. I have made it possible to customize a few of the general parameters of this item in the config (display-name, lore, item-type and custom-model-data). You can give yourself of another player the item by using /itemframeautorotate giveautorotateitem or just /giveautorotateitem

    Since I hadn't mentioned it before the permissions for the commands are itemframeautorotate.(command-name) in case you needed to know that. There is also the permission itemframeautorotate.* for all commands from the plugin.
    The commands are listed in-game and auto-completable by using the TAB key (just type /itemframeautorotate and the rest will be there)

    The plugin is also now natively 1.20.1

    If there's anything else let me know

    Attached Files:

  8. Offline


    Thanks for your help! Plugin works great.
    raffel080108 likes this.
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