Solved SpawnFallingBlock is so fast

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RedRiotTank, Jul 20, 2022.

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  1. Offline


    Hello guys

    I'm using the spawnFallingBlock() function, it actually works correctly, but it does so fast at u almost can't see the block falling.

    I have been thinking that it could be consecuence of using it inside a onProjectileHit event listener. Could this be the reason? and how can i modify that falling speed? I have been looking but can't find anything.

    Thanks u!
  2. Offline


    Not exactly sure what the problem is, do you want to make it fall slower? Can't you just set the velocity? (I would assume you need to disable gravity to do that)
  3. Offline


    Okay so trying to explain u the problem I noticed I forgot to delete code from a previus version, I was literally teleporting the blocks to the ground...

    Sry for loosing ur time, and thanks u!
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