Soulbound Rpgitems Kit

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by arceusplayer11, Feb 16, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Kits

    Suggested name: RpgRaceKit

    What I want: I want a plugin that combines Rpgitems, Kits, Races, and Soulbound. Basically, I want players to choose their race at the start of the server (Whether by using a command or clicking a certain sign). Once they choose their race, they cannot change it without an admin's permission. Also, when they choose thir race, their spawn is set to another spawn, meaning that they will no longer spawn where they choose their race.

    Upon choosing a race, they are set to a rank and given certain items that are soulbound to them. They cannot get rid of these items, and they all have unlimited durability. If it is an item like steak, it will be restored upon death. However, the main thing is, I want to be able to have some of the items be RPGItems (You know, from the Rpgitem plugin).

    If you meet a certain requirement (Money, Time spent on server, Permission, and Leadership (Get to leadership later), etc), you can rankup with a command. Some rankups require permission from a higherup in order to rankup, so there is a command to grant permission. However, you can only grant permission if you have said permission for it. Possible rankups are declared by the groupmanager rank trees.

    Finally, this part is optional, but would be greatly appreciated: A faction-like system where you join a faction, they set a home, they can claim land, etc. However, only highest rank of a rank tree of a class can be leader. The admin can set the leader of a faction when creating a new faction with a command. Finally, you can set an heir for your faction so that when you step down as leader, they become leader.


    Ideas for commands: /soulkit : Main command.
    /soulkit choose {race} : Choose your race.
    /soulkit rankup : Rankup if you have everything required.
    /soulkit grant {playername} : Grant permission to rankup, if it is required.
    /soulkit heir {playername} : Set an heir for your faction, so when you retire, they become leader.
    /soulkit retire : Hand over your leadership to the heir. Will not work if you don't have an heir.
    /soulkit join {factionname} : Join a faction.
    /soulkit create {factionname} : Create a faction.
    /soulkit setleader {factionname} {playername} : Set a player as leader of a faction. Automatically ranks them up to the highest rank in their rank tree.
    /soulkit kick {playername}:Kick a player from the faction.
    /soulkit leave : Leave the faction.
    /soulkit claim : Claim land for your faction. Works like the old factions claiming.
    /soulkit invite : Invite a player to your faction.
    /soulkit help : Lists all commands.
    /soulkit setitems {rank} : Set the items a rank gets. Opens up a 9x4 chest that you put items into for the rank. Bottom row of chest is the hotbar.
    /soulkit sethome : Set faction home.
    /soulkit home : Go to faction home.
    /soulkit setrace {racename} {rank} : Associates a race with a rank and it's entire tree.

    Ideas for permissions:

    soulkit.{insertfirstarguementhere} : Permission for the player to use the above commands. Replace {insertfirstarguementhere} with the first arguement of the above commands (etc soulkit.choose)

    When I'd like it by: Wednesday would be preferable, as that is when I renew my server. Otherwise, as soon as possible.
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