(SOLVED) Anti Reconnect

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Accelerator74, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Could you write a plugin protection from reconnecting to the server? That is, if you went out from the server, then go back to it you can only after n seconds.
  2. Offline


    Try DelayedReconnect. It's a quick plugin I just wrote. It depends on FirstLastSeen to check when a user was online last time. DelayedReconnect makes a new config file at first start. It says SecondsToWait: 60. Change the value (60) to anything you'd like the users to be waiting. If this plugin works correctly and you want permissions (like admins not having to wait) or other functions then just contact me any time.
  3. Offline


    Don't work! I installed plugin FirstLastSeen and this

    P.S.: Is there a way to do without the plugin FirstLastSeen?
  4. Offline


    It would be helpful if you would tell me what exactly doesn't work and if it gives errors to copy those and post them here (or pastebin).

    If you want to do this without FirstLastSeen then it has to be written from scratch including some kind of last-seen part (background only). I could try to do this but it would take some time. Tell me if you want me to...
  5. Offline


    No errors were

    I can wait.
  6. Offline


    Ok, then I'll start building the plugin from scratch for you instead of using another plugin's api.

    It was way easier then I had expected. I just had to make the right calculations. It currently stores the player information in the config file (apart from the config to keep it clean). If it ever turns out to be creating a huge config file then contact me and I'll create some sort of clean-up part of the script. I don't think this will be needed for small/medium servers.
    The plugin doesn't depend on anything, it's a stand-alone plugin.
    You can give users which should be ignored by the plugin the permission node delayedreconnect.ignore
    You can download DelayedReconnect v0.2 here.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
    Accelerator74 likes this.
  7. Offline


    Excellent! Everything works fine! Thank you for your work!
  8. Offline


    Add [SOLVED] to the title.
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Can you update this DelayedReconnect for 1.2.4 becouse I need plugin that do that. :)
  11. Offline


    I will update it as soon as possible. The dl.bukkit.org website is currently down, so I can't download the latest builds.

    EDIT: There seem to be no API bugs / errors whilst compiling and there are no bugs / errors when I test it on a local server (CraftBukkit 1.2.4-R0.1 #02120). If I you did get errors it should be helpful to send those including which CraftBukkit build you are using.

  12. Offline


    No, it still works fine. :)
    Just keep up your work.

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