Solve the econmy!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by torrentails, Jan 3, 2011.

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    I would like to see the basics of economy built into the core, I know they are trying to keep bukkit light and flexible but just a simple tracking of currency, one or two commands and some plugin hooks.

    That way TNE and iConomy can work on the same currency, using the same hooks while still being seperate and without interfering with each other. It would also allow other plugin devs to work with the same currency system without having to have TNE or iComomy dependence and, again, wouldn't inerfere with others.

  2. Offline


    I posted almost exactly the same yesterday :p
  3. Offline


    Fair enough. Someone sugessted that it be made as a small plugin instead and that all other plugins requiring the use of economy should hook into it. sounded like a good idea to me so I'm going to give it a go.
  4. Offline


    I suggested that they should either build it in or create a "official" plugin that others could edit
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    Great minds think alike.
  6. Offline


    lol :)
    Yes the do :p
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