SMP Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by LonelyBlue, Oct 6, 2024.

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    Plugin category: PVP

    Minecraft version: 1.21+

    Suggested name:
    Resist Plugin

    What I want: I would appreciate it if someone made a plugin where if you kill a player you gain resistance 1 and if you die you lose a level of resistance if you die with 0 resistance you gain slowness 1 die again and you get slowness 2 die again and you get slowness 3 after dying again you will get banned. The Most resistance you can get from killing players is 3. THE RESISTANCE DURATION WILL BE INFINITE AND PLS MAKE IT SO PLAYERS DON'T LOSE THEIR EFFECTS ON DEATH

    Ideas for commands: /resist set will be used to set a players resistance level to what ever you desire this command is only for people with op.

    When I'd like it by: In a week or so if you can

    Please consider making this plugin I really need it, and I think it would be cool.
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    Hi! I think it's done, but please let me know if you have any questions or if you find any bugs.

    Attached Files:

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