Smiting plugin fire at blocks over 100 blocks away

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Teddinator, May 4, 2014.

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    So basically my plugin is supposed to smite objects that aren't over blocks away, and aren't null. But for some reason, it is smiting at blocks over 100 blocks away, when they aren't null. Any help?

    Here is my code:
    1. @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
    2. @Override
    3. public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
    4. Player player = (Player) sender;
    5. if (sender instanceof Player) {
    6. if (player.hasPermission("target.smite") && label.equalsIgnoreCase("smiteblock")) {
    7. Block targetBlock = player.getTargetBlock(null, 100);
    8. Location playerLocation = player.getLocation();
    9. if (targetBlock.getLocation().distance(playerLocation) < 100 && targetBlock.getLocation().getBlock() != null) {
    10. targetBlock.getWorld().strikeLightning(targetBlock.getLocation());
    11. player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Excellent smite " + ChatColor.ITALIC + player.getName());
    12. return true;
    13. }
    14. if (targetBlock.getLocation().distance(playerLocation) > 100 && targetBlock.getLocation().getBlock() != null
    15. || targetBlock.getLocation().distance(playerLocation) > 100 && targetBlock.getLocation().getBlock() == null
    16. || targetBlock.getLocation().distance(playerLocation) < 100 && targetBlock.getLocation().getBlock() == null) {
    17. player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Are striking within a 100 block radius? Try again...");
    18. return true;
    19. }
    20. }
    21. }
    22. return false;
    23. }
  2. Offline


    Didn't test it, but this might work:
    1. if (targetBlock != null && targetBlock.getLocation().distance(playerLocation) < 100) {
    2. targetBlock.getWorld().strikeLightning(targetBlock.getLocation());
    3. player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Excellent smite " + ChatColor.ITALIC + player.getName());
    4. return true;
    5. }
    6. else
    7. {
    8. player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Are striking within a 100 block radius? Try again...");
    9. return true;
    10. }
  3. Offline


    Thanks, but I just figured it out. It was actually quite similar method to yours. Thread closed. :)
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