Plugin Help Skript Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by The_C0MB0, Dec 29, 2016.

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    Hello Bukkit community, I recently made this Skript, but for some reason it doesn't work. Whenever I try to load the Skript, it says "Indention error," although I'm pretty sure I have everything indented correctly. Any help would be amazing, as I'm new to Skript :p Also, I need this as fast as possible, as I'm hosting a somewhat big UHC filled with tons of YouTubers xd.

    command /uhc [<text>]
        permission: skript.op
            if arg 1 is "start" or "go":
                command "/pvp global off"
                command "/freeze all"
                command "/mutechat"
                command "/broadcast &4MythUHC &8» &fUHC starting.."
                wait 3 second
                command "/broadcast &4MythUHC &8» &fLoading enabled scenarios."
                wait 3 second
                command "/broadcast &4MythUHC &8» &fKillboard enabled."
                wait 3 seconds
                command "/broadcast &4MythUHC &8» &fScattering teams."
                command "/sca world 1000 teams"
                wait 15 seconds
                command "/broadcast &cUse /help for mining rules!"
                wait 1 tick
                command "/broadcast &cUse /scenarios for enabled scenarios!"
                wait 3 seconds
                command "/broadcast &4MythUHC &8» &fThe game has started!"
                command "/freeze all"
                command "/mutechat"
                command "/worldborder set 100 3600"
                wait 10 minutes
                command "/feed all"
                command "/heal all"
                command "/broadcast &4MythUHC &8» &fFinal heal has been given."
                wait 10 minutes
                command "/pvp global on"
                command "/broadcast &4MythUHC &8» &fPVP has been enabled!"
    Also, since Bukkit formats code weirdly, here is a Hastebin to the Skript:

    bump :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2016
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