Filled Skeppy Admin Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Warbi, Apr 4, 2020.

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    Hi, I was on YouTube the other day and I came across a Minecraft YouTuber called Skeppy. I looked at some of his videos and wanted to use his admin plugin in my server. If someone knows which plugin he uses please let me know. Thanks.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Warbi Nobody here is gonna watch video's to find out what you want.
    Explain what is does, list commands and what they do.
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    @timtower he has a setspawnpoint command, a teleport all command. It's just a regular admin commands plugin, nothing special about it.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Warbi Sounds like Essentials
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    @timtower Ye, forgot to say, I found it. Thanks for the help anyway.
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