I would like a plugin that, when you click with a certain item at a player, if you left click it will kick them, and right clicking will ban them.
i could also do it if u want to One little question. Do you allow pvp? cuz i am the plugin requires pvp=true. I could just simply cancle the event before the the player gets hurt. I could make it the same as if it is false. Ok! I'm testing the plugin now. Not sure if it works 100% yet. The first version is not with right-click, only left clik works. Could make kick-hammer and ban-hammer separate. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
The bukkit community sure is fast I don't mind if there's not a kick option either, ban will be fine. Thank you guys for taking the time to work on developing it though.
The plugin is finished and released http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-banhammer-v1-0-ban-and-kick-by-hitting-a-player-1060.32360/ hope you like it