Should I switch to Paper?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Tim_M, Aug 3, 2021.

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    After reading quite a few articles, it turns out paper is just bukkit, but better?? Why is bukkit still supported then?? Or does it not even matter? Which one to use?
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2021
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    @Tim_M Bukkit is an API for NMS, which is Minecraft's server code. Spigot is a fork of Bukkit that improves performance and adds more to the API. Paper is a fork of Spigot that improves performance even further and adds even more to the API. Bukkit is still supported because the others are a fork of it.

    So I would recommend using Paper.
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    Thanks for the response! But when checking the paper website they dont seem to support 1.8.9 (Which is the version I mainly code for), so maybe if you're coding for 1.17 or 1.16?
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