[SEVERE] Connection reset and [SEVERE] Read timed out spam

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by EpicPigz, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hi, lately my server log has been spammed with messages that say

    [SEVERE] Connection reset

    It happens on average about once every minute, however theres times when it happens twice within 2 seconds, and times when it goes 3 minutes without saying it. Occasionally, the log says

    [SEVERE] Read timed out

    This one is much less often though. My server log, which was last reset 3 days ago says "[SEVERE] Connection reset" 2575 times, but it only says "[SEVERE] Read timed out" 128 times. I am not sure whats causing this, if you guys could help that would be awesome. This is a CentOS dedicated server hosted by Limestone Networks.
    Heres my plugin list
  2. Offline


    The connection reset thing also shows up when for example server lists you signed up to pinged your server. Read timed out could be more serious, but related.
  3. Offline


    is it supposed to be a severe error?
  4. Offline


    Yes. Even if a player completely normally quits the server by pressing escape and the QUIT button, you'll get a SEVERE 11!!!11 Connection reset ZOMG log entry in your logs.
  5. Offline


    Read time out usually comes from the fact you ran out of RAM. can you do a /lag in game to see what your usage is? Also, what is your start up script or bat file?
  6. Offline


    Read timed out has nothing to do with RAM. It's a connection issue; sending packets, not getting a response in time. Where did you get the idea that it's "usually" due to running out of RAM? And what does OP's bat file have to do with that?
  7. Offline


    I am speaking from experience, I have had this happen multiple times on my server when RAM ran out.
    Well, I wanted to see how much RAM he allocated to his server. That is in the start up script or bat file, depending on the OS.

    Now, are we talking about client side "read time out" or server side? Client side is the issue you are talking about. Server side is a RAM issue. Since the OP clearly states it is in the server log and not on the client disconnect, then it is a RAM issue.
  8. Offline


    Correlation does not imply causation.
    I think people on this forum are aware of this ; )
  9. Offline


    My startup script is run.sh, and says this

    java -server -Xms8G -Xmx16G -jar craftbukkit.jar

    whenever i do /lag in game, its always at least 5,000mb free.
  10. Offline


    Can you post the server.log with the errors. we won't need the entire thing, just a few lines above and below the [SEVERE] errors. That might give us a better idea on what is going on.
  11. Offline


    It's not about the RAM, see posts above. Did you sign up to several server lists?
  12. Offline


    Yeah, I see that now, I just wanted to know what happened BEFORE the [SEVERE] Read time out error occurred. Just looking for some insight.

    I was asking about the "read time out" error. Can we see the log for that. connection reset seems to happen on my server too.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2016
  13. Offline


    Here is what it looks like around a read timed out error

    2013-03-20 17:21:36 [INFO] [NoCheatPlus] joeyjoe826 failed FastBreak: tried to break blocks (43) faster than possible. VL 55.
    2013-03-20 17:21:38 [INFO] [37;22m[[35;22mLegend[37;22m][30;22m[[35;22mObsidian[30;22m][37;22m [35;1mLifesisdeath[37;22m: [33;22mnope[m
    2013-03-20 17:21:39 [INFO] Emerson_k issued server command: /dt ptravel mryammers
    2013-03-20 17:21:39 [INFO] 1carsfan issued server command: /tpaccept
    2013-03-20 17:21:41 [SEVERE] Connection reset
    2013-03-20 17:21:41 [INFO] 1carsfan lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2013-03-20 17:21:41 [INFO] [34;1m[[35;1mPigzcraft[34;1m] [0;39m[33;22m[21mTo apply for a [32;22m[21mbuilder rank [33;22m[21mpost a screenshot and coordinates of your build in this thread [34;1m[21mhttp://goo.gl/X9w8V[m
    2013-03-20 17:21:41 [INFO] SuPeR_sMuRf_42 issued server command: /dis sheep
    and yes I am signed up on multiple server websites, but I use them for voting. Theres a few though that I dont use for voting anymore. I will try removing my listing on those.

    Oh right, sorry about that xD

    2013-03-20 17:06:32 [INFO] jimcam818 issued server command: /ma j
    2013-03-20 17:06:32 [INFO] spiderlegs77 issued server command: /tpa simon3435
    2013-03-20 17:06:37 [INFO] simon3435 issued server command: /tpaccept
    2013-03-20 17:06:38 [INFO] [36;1m[[35;1mPigz[34;1mAuction[36;1m] [34;1mAuction has [31;1m30 sec[34;1m remaining.[m
    2013-03-20 17:06:38 [INFO] dondon10[/] logged in with entity id 75853268 at ([world] -2239.0236347876557, 76.0, -1834.3956211150723)
    2013-03-20 17:06:40 [SEVERE] Read timed out
    2013-03-20 17:06:40 [INFO] mryammers lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    2013-03-20 17:06:40 [INFO] [37;22m[[33;22mSupreme[37;22m][32;22m[[36;1mGod[32;22m][37;22m [31;22mS[35;22mi[34;1mm[35;1mo[32;22mn[37;22m: [33;1mHere[m
    2013-03-20 17:06:41 [INFO] [34;1m[[35;1mPigzcraft[34;1m] [0;39m[33;22m[21mTo apply for a [32;22m[21mbuilder rank [33;22m[21mpost a screenshot and coordinates of your build in this thread [34;1m[21mhttp://goo.gl/X9w8V[m
    2013-03-20 17:06:43 [INFO] [37;22m[[36;22mAdventurer[37;22m][30;22m[[37;1mIron[30;22m][37;1m spiderlegs77[37;22m: woah![m
    2013-03-20 17:06:44 [INFO] evilpotato99 issued server command: /ma l
    hmm after doing a control -f for "[severe] read timed out", it seems every instance of it is followed by either a player being disconnected for end of stream, or something like this

    2013-03-20 13:30:25 [INFO] [34;1m[[35;1mPigzcraft[34;1m] [0;39m[36;22m[21mVote at [31;1m[21mwww.pigzcraft.com [36;22m[21m to receive diamonds every day![m
    2013-03-20 13:30:31 [SEVERE] Read timed out
    2013-03-20 13:30:31 [INFO] Disconnecting Hejw1 [/]: Took too long to log in
    2013-03-20 13:30:36 [INFO] LegitMC001 issued server command: /home
    2013-03-20 13:30:41 [INFO] Jav0330 issued server command: /back
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2016
  14. Offline


    thats normal
  15. Offline


    Well it has never been a severe error before, thats the problem
  16. Offline


    its becuas the player
    2013-03-20 13:30:25 [INFO] [Pigzcraft] Vote at www.pigzcraft.com  to receive diamonds every day!
    2013-03-20 13:30:31 [SEVERE] Read timed out
  17. Offline


    No that is just an automessage...
  18. Offline


    Yeah, i saw the auto message. is EVERY message of "read time out" followed by a disconnect?
  19. Offline


    Yes either of those 2 cases i showed
  20. Offline


    I saw the two cases, was there any more? or are you just limited to those?
  21. Offline


    as of MC 1.5, looks like every instance of "connection reset" and "read timed out" has been set to SEVERE, which is stupid considering the server now outputs these messages on quit randomly as of 1.5.
  22. Offline


    Oh, ok. Well it is extremely annoying because I am always doing ctrl f searches for severe to find whats happening in my log..
  23. Offline


    You are running on CentOS, use grep in your SSH session on the server itself, much faster, much more options than downloading and ctrl-f.
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