Several plugins

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Afridge1O1, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin name - MCB Clans

    Features -
    The prefix should be the clan and in these colours...
    Clans should have 3 ranks(Clan Member, Clan Admin, Clan Owner)
    Clan allys should be able to open doors.
    Commands -/c - if a player is in a clan, show their clans information if not show the clans help page.
    /c help - show the clans help page.
    /c create [clan] - creates a clan and
    /c join <clan> - request to join the clan
    /c leave - leave the clan you are in
    /c c - clan chat
    /c ac - ally chat
    /c claim - claims the chunk(if clan owner or clan admin)
    /c unclaim - unclaims the chunk standing in(if clan owner or clan admin)
    /c ally <clan> - requests to ally the specified clan(if clan owner or clan admin)
    /c neutral <clan> - neutral with a clan(if clan owner or clan admin)
    /c enemy <clan> - enemy a clan(if clan owner or clan admin)
    /c kick <player> - kick a player from your clan(if clan owner or clan admin)
    /c invite <player> - invite players to you clan(if clan owner or clan admin)
    /c promote <player> - invite a player to admin in your clan(only if the player is in your clan)(if clan owner)
    /c disband - disbands clan(if clan owner)

    When I'd like it by: No particular time

    Plugin name - MCB Utilities

    Features -
    -Should have Admin commands and normal Player Commands.
    -Admins should have red names and Players should have yellow
    -If possible Admins should have red tags above their head and players should have the same but yellow.
    -Should have a combat logging thing where if the player combat logs they drop their inventory after 10 seconds after leaving
    -The one permission node should be - mcb.admin (so the admins can be identified)
    -If possible hostile mobs shouldn't be able to spawn
    - If possible all items should have a yellow name
    -Join and Leave messages -
    Join - <Player> has Joined MCB.
    Leave - <Player> has Left MCB.
    -Death Messages -
    Killed by a player - <killer> killed <victim> using <weapon>
    Killed by a mob - <victim> was killed by a <mob>
    -Drops -
    When anything dies it should drop from 3 -5 bones
    Cows should drop - 1-3 raw beef, 1-3 leather and 3-5 bones
    Sheep should drop - 1-3 raw beef, 1 Wool and 3-5 bones

    Commands -Player Commands -
    /help - shows help menu
    /suicide - when the command is used after 5 seconds the player should be killed
    /log - Should count down from 10 and kick the player for (You quit safely) but if the player is hit or moves the count down is cancelled and they have to retype the command
    /msg <player> <message> - Normal message command (The message being received should be this..... From: <Sender> - <message>)
    /list - Lists all players currently online (Online - <players>)
    /staff - Lists all staff currently online(Online Staff - <staff>)

    Admin Commands (permission node - mcb.admin)-
    /ahelp - shows admin help menu
    /kick <player> <reason> - kicks the player for the reason(message should be like this...
    <kicker> kicked <player being kicked> for <reason> ... If no reason is specified the message should be <kicker> kicked <player being kicked> for no specified reason)(the kicked players message for being kicked should be <kicker> kicked you for <reason> ... or <kicker> kicked you for no specified reason)
    /ban <player> <reason> - Same as kick but just a ban instead of a kick.(same messages except change kick to banned and kicker to banner)
    /ac <message> - (Admin Chat) a chat for admins to discuss things(message should be... [AdminChat]<command user>: <message>)
    /kill <player> - To kill players for a good reason.
    /broadcast <message> - Broadcast a message(message should be.... <command user>: <message>)

    When I'd like it by: No particular time

    Hope this is enough detail and I hope someone helps me, because I really suck at java coding and have no idea what else to do. So if anyone could help that would be great. Thanks for your consideration.
  2. Offline


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  4. Offline


    graphiic1 I have simpleclans I hate it
    Essentials is alright but got to many commands and permissions take ages
    Also I want to have those for plugins for a custom server

    But thanks for the reply
  5. Offline


    Well I'm sorry it didn't help.
    Afridge1O1 likes this.
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Sure thing. I hope someone helps you and makes the plugin for ya.
    Later bud.
    Afridge1O1 likes this.
  8. Offline


    I can make this for you. Just PM me if you're interested.

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