/setspawn doesnt work??

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Razzen, May 14, 2011.

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    Im using Essentials and apparently you can use /setspawn to change the spawn point. I have tried it and it says its not a valid command? Is there any way of changing spawnpoint because i herd that was the way but it doesnt work for me??
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  3. Offline


    Thanks but if i read correctly that requires a MySQL database, as it says here;

  4. Offline


    No, it uses SQL.
  5. Offline


    Oh, so i don't have to set-up any database for this then? Just download that plugin? (Sorry for being noob) :p
  6. Offline


    Just download the plugin, put it in the folder "plugins", and download the "SQLiteJDBC library" Move to folder "lib", like everything. :)
    Razzen likes this.
  7. Offline


    Thanks! Works great :) :)
  8. Offline


    Just a small correction, so nobody get confused. The plugin uses the SQLite library.
    SQL aka Structured Query Language, as the name suggests is a language to make database queries.
  9. Offline


    I am having the same issue sorta. i could set my spawn before, but now i cant. i can /sethome, just not /setspawn. i dont want to get another plugin to fix this
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