Hey, Im using Essentials and apparently you can use /setspawn to change the spawn point. I have tried it and it says its not a valid command? Is there any way of changing spawnpoint because i herd that was the way but it doesnt work for me??
Oh, so i don't have to set-up any database for this then? Just download that plugin? (Sorry for being noob)
Just download the plugin, put it in the folder "plugins", and download the "SQLiteJDBC library" Move to folder "lib", like everything.
Just a small correction, so nobody get confused. The plugin uses the SQLite library. SQL aka Structured Query Language, as the name suggests is a language to make database queries.
I am having the same issue sorta. i could set my spawn before, but now i cant. i can /sethome, just not /setspawn. i dont want to get another plugin to fix this