My server keeps crashing, it stays up for about an hour then it just crashes. Here is the error: My Plugins: WorldGuard WorldEdit WorldBorder WhatIsIt WelcomeBook Votifier Vault TreeFeller StopThatLag Spawn PVPTimer ProtocolLIB PlayerVaults PermissionsEX NoCheatPlus Multiverse-Portals Multiverse-Core mcMMO iDisguise HideStream GAListener floAuction Factions Essentials EasySneak Decapitation CoreProtect CombatLog ChatControl CapsBlock BuyCraft BetterShop BetterAlias AutoAnnouncer AntiAD AdminChat
No, the only two things that are custom are InstantBreak and MystCrates, which are plugins. Anyone? I need help badly. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.