Sellable Player Heads

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MoejoeAw44, May 27, 2015.

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    Name: HeadSell
    - Sell the head by clicking the "Zombie Head Seller". /bounty zombie shall place a zombie with a gold chestplate & diamond sword in the direction you're standing, and where you're standing that is unmovable, unkillable and when clicked, does the step below. If the zombie dies (via /killall), the zombie should respawn with the same atributes as above.
    To remove a zombie head seller, you look at thr zombie while typing /bounty zombie
    - Upon clicking the zombie with <players> head you recieve 5% of their balance, and if they have a bounty on their head, the bounty as well.
    - Clicking the Zombie with X players head takes 5% of their total balance.
    - You can set a bounty (Upon selling the skull you recieve the bounty $, and 5% of their total balance)
    - Head drops as enchanted if the player had a bounty on them

    No permissions (Except for the placment of the sign).


    /bounty list
    /bounty page <#>
    /bounty <name>
    /bounty set <name>
    (You): "&cUsage: /bounty <list | page [#]>"
    Bounty Claimed:
    (You): "&cSomeone has claimed your $1250 bounty."
    (Them): "&a<name> has claimed your $1250 bounty on MoeXIV."
    Head Sold:
    (You): "&aYou have sold <name>'s head for $1512."
    (YouBounty): "&aYou have just sold <name>'s head for $1250. <newline>&aYou have also cashed in <name>'s bounty for $100.
    (You): "&cYou do not have a head in your hand!"
    (You): "&cDo not spam the head seller!"
    /bounty <name>:
    (You): "&a<player> has a bounty of $152"
    (YouNoBounty): "&cThis player has no bounty!"
    /bounty set <name>:
    Bounty Placed:
    (You): "&aSuccessfully placed a bounty of $1250 on MoeXIV"
    (Them): "&cSomeone has placed a $1250 bounty on you."
    (YouUnknownPlayer): "&cCannot place bounty on <name>!"
    /bounty list:
    (You) [Note, everything after the first line is in &7 Gray]
    &cBounty List (Highest to Lowest)
    1. MoeXIV ($1200)
    2. MoeXIV1 ($1100)
    3. MoeXIV2 ($1000)
    4. MoeXIV3 ($900)
    5. MoeXIV4 ($800)
    6. MoeXIV5 ($700)
    7. MoeXIV6 ($600)
    8. MoeXIV7 ($400)
    9. MoeXIV8 ($300)
    10. MoeXIV9 ($264)
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
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