Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

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    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Anybody could tell me if this would work with Multiverse? I want fly on my main world but not in my pvp world, and nocheat seems like the obvious way to go but I was wondering if it can be configured to only work in one world and not the other...
    Thank you!
  3. Offline


    Per world permissions
  4. Offline


    Thanks a lot. I also realized after installing that you can make config files for each world. The problem is that I'm getting hundreds of server errors now, and of course I don't understand them, but I'll figure it out!

    Cheers :)
  5. Offline


    Where can I find the nocheat nodes, there are no links anywhere.
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Just wondering if there was an event fired every time an alert goes off that I can hook into with another plugin.
  9. Offline

    Nacho Minecraft

  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    No, there aren't.

    "Force OP" is an elaborate joke:

    1. Server owner hears from other server owners that "Force OP" exists and works.
    2. Server owner googles "Force OP", finds a program that seems to do what he wants.
    3. Server owner runs "Force OP" to find out if his server is vulnerable. It is not, the hack didn't work. *phew*
    4. A few days later "hackers" completely take over the server, giving themselves OP status and wreck havok.
    5. Server owner now believes "Force OP" exists and spreads the word to warn other admins.
    6. Continue at 1.

    The punchline: "Force OP" *never* works, it is impossible. These programs only steal passwords etc. from the server owners PC and send it to the "hackers" (they are just trojans). The "hackers" use the login data of the server owners computer to destroy the server and maybe other things. Not only did the server owner allow the "hackers" to attack his server by being gullible, he will also help them to find new victims by convincing others that "Force OP" exists.

    Pretty funny if you ask me.
    Sayshal likes this.
  12. Offline


    I'm going to post this on my server forums. Lol
    XD_3VIL_M0NKEY likes this.
  13. Offline


    It takes 30 seconds of thinking to work our that a force op hack is not possible. why do people keep asking about it ?!
  14. Offline


    On my server some player have a problem with nocheat. They want zu cut some Leaves with the shears and the blocks will be replaced. We became the message: xyz failed blockbreak.noswing: Didn't swing arm. VL 5 . What can i do? The problem cames only by some people, i think it is some problem with nocheate and Mcmmo or something like this. I mean McMmo with the skills Herbalism, where you can cut leaves faster or instant.
  15. Offline


    Euugh, I love this plugin and that, but them stupid notifications that pop up are really doing my head in, is there any way to turn them off, otherwise im going to have to get a new Anti-Cheat plugin.
  16. Offline


    Turn off the "noswing" check or get the Mcmmo author to fix the problem.

    Good luck finding another working(!) Anti-Cheat plugin. You can read Instructions.txt in the plugins/NoCheat directory. It contains all information that you need.
  17. Offline


    I gave the the - nocheat permission node to one of my players, and he cant use his flymod.
    Are there another permission node a player need if I should let them fly?
  18. Offline


    I turned of the check and wrote a ticket to mcmmo. They told me that is a problem with shears generaly and it isn't from mcmmo, but they check the code anyhow.
  19. Offline


    useing nyancraft 1.2 client godmode succesfully prevents drowning,
    as well nyancraft has an autofish mode wich always reels auto for you when ever bobber dips, it also auto recasts and appears it recasts without arm swing, maybe that cld be added as a check?

    i updated my bukkit 20 minutes ago before i tested this client
  20. Offline


    I tried to use tmi and idk if this is from ur plugin plz help asap. the error is at bottom of text

  21. Offline


    FTW! Thanks for making a beastly plugin... :p
  22. Offline


    Is There ANY permission nodes??? so some people can fly and other's cant????
  23. Offline


    Ya, read the first post and check the wiki :)
  24. Offline


    Heard an updated hacked client came out yesterday that claims to bypass nocheat which contains some pretty nasty anti-server items, please work on updating to block this new one. Not sure of the name of said client.
  25. Offline


    please help with this

    i just started hearing about a thing called nodus. if thats it is blocked mostly

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  26. Offline


    Hi ! maybe a great plugin !!
    But how configure it for check xrayers ?

    Thank's for the answer.
  27. Offline


    This does nothing for xrayers.. suggest you use xray_informer, plus regular use of hawkeye/logblock to check. Its a very manual process.
  28. Offline


    How do i make it not spam at all?
  29. Offline


    can anyone help me out here im suddenly getting instances were one player will often spam NC alerts of "failed.moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets then expected. Total violation level 2

    tons and tons of em, it seems it will only happen on certain specific players while other player never throug the alert, i am aware that this could be fly hack but the violation level is always 2 or 1 so i am uncertain if it could be, i have tried teleporting to the players throwing the alerts and they dont appear to be doing anything however they appear to be lagging in movement more then the players around them,

    12.04.06 10:32:29 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:33:42 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:33:50 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:33:52 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:34:02 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:34:05 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:34:15 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:34:18 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:34:33 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:34:35 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:34:40 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:34:42 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:34:49 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:34:53 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:35:00 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:35:02 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 2 more packets than expected. Total violation level 2
    12.04.06 10:35:21 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    12.04.06 10:35:31 [INFO] _MinerJoe_ failed moving.morepackets: Sent 1 more packets than expected. Total violation level 1
    ^many pages of that, 15 people online only he is throwing the alert, is this a hack or does he just have a particularly bad connection? help which is it, he is notthe only one but at that moment he was, when it happens to other players it also seems they are the only ones throwing the alerts
  30. Offline


    does this work for cb 1.2.5
  31. Offline


    Use NoCheat+ ; )

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