Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
  2. Offline


    That's bukkit version 1060, not 1185. The b1060jnks at the end says so.
  3. Offline


    I am having a strange permissions issue. As per the screenshots provided, PermissionsBukkit clearly shows that the user has the appropriate permissions, yet nocheat says the user does not. Just as a stab in the dark I tried 'superpermbridge.nocheat.*' but as expected that didn't work. :p

    Any idea what's going on here?


    and here


    I am using NoCheat 2.08 on CB #1185.
    There are no errors in my log and nothing in the log about NoCheat other than the build it's made for and that it is enabled.
  4. Offline


    Try giving the "nocheat" permissions without the .* at the end. It shouldn't be needed anymore, and maybe that causes problems with PermissionBukkit.
  5. Offline


    help me please a guys jonied with a custom made Griefing hack with special building hack Nuker flymod noclip and instant hit and so much more :(! why cant i block this with no cheat :(?
  6. Offline


    If you run your server in "creative" mode, NoCheat won't do a lot, as flying, instant break etc. is a feature of the "creative" mode of the game.

    Anyway, he shouldn't be able to fly in "survival" mode. I'd guess you've setup something wrong. Can you give more information about what version of NoCheat and CraftBukkit you use?
  7. Offline


    shure first of he is not in creative and he did all i survival mode (regular mode).
    : bukkit build : is 1185
    : NoChrat Versio is : R 2.08 for CB 1185

    need more info just ask :)
  8. Offline


    That's good already. Too bad he is probably no longer online. When somebody is online, you could now use the "/nocheat permlist playername" command to find out what permissions NoCheat thinks that that person got (which sometimes differ from what people expect).

    Anyway, can you tell me which Permissions plugin you use and what permissions starting with "nocheat" you give people like him?
  9. Offline


    i use Essentials GroupManager,., i dont got any Permission nodes if thats what u mean ? not with NoCheat
    and he plays every day on my server BUT he is Behind a Proxy wall -.-
  10. Offline


    how do we stop such cheatings?

    i thought spamming isnt possible, i diddnt changed the new 2.08 config file its a new generated but today a player comes online an he did a massive spam.​
    2011-09-27 16:58:17 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: [0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    2011-09-27 16:58:18 [INFO] [34m[[37mNeu[34m][37m kaaskoekie[37m: lol[0m
    and many many more...


    nevermind forgott the permissions

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  11. Offline


    Ok. NoCheat will per default allow players with OP status to do everything they want. So if you just drop NoCheat into the plugin folder and do nothing else, he shouldn't be able to fly. Maybe he was OP? Did NoCheat produce any messages in "nocheat.log" for this player?

    You don't. As that topic says, it just does what people would be able to do anyway if they are good at mouse clicking. There is too much dependency on lag and timing between client and server to really identify this or stop it without annoying legitimate players.
  12. Offline


    Can you Please Suport GroupManager :)!?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  13. Offline


    is it Possible to disable, taht Ops become an annouce hat an person tryed tofly (and th else) That sucks ;D
  14. Offline


    Sure, you can either disable it per person with permissions (take away the nocheat.admin.chatlog from the OPs), or disable the notifications completely by setting in "config.txt"

    logging.chatlevel = "off"
    If you use one of the newest GroupManager versions (I believe it comes with Essentials) that supports "SuperPerms", then it will work with NoCheat.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    what is the permission node for allowing flt mod :)? flymode)
  17. Offline


    People that have "nocheat.checks.moving.flying" can fly at the speed you set in the config file (default is about the speed of creative mode flying).
  18. Offline


    ah good i added that but ppl still cant fly even if they are in Creative they cant fly :(
  19. Offline


    If you use v 2.07 or newer of NoCheat, then they should definitely be able to fly in creative mode, no matter what is written in the config.txt or what permissions you have set up for them. If they still can't fly, the problem must lie elsewhere.
  20. Offline


    Sorry if Im asking a stupid question, I just dont see the answer. Is there a way to turn off all in game notices? Thanks!
  21. Offline


    Thanks for replying. I tried using "nocheat" without the ".*" and it made no change.
    PermissionsBukkit says the user has the permission, but /nocheat permlist [player] says it doesn't.

    Other ideas?
  22. Offline


    Can somebody explain to me how to set this up?

    All I want is for my staff to be able to fly, at any speed, and for my regular players to be able to sprint (at the speed now built in to minecraft), but not fly at all.
  23. Offline


    Can nocheat automatically jail people?
  24. Offline


    i've discovered another strange bug on my server. No one and when i say no one i mean myself included, can place blocks in water. There are no messages displayed for me in chat or in the console. I figure it may be this plugin as it was recently updated to 2.08 and the previous strange occurrences with water. Theres always the possibility its not however. Cant really post a pic as there are no messages displayed. The block just gets placed and then disappears a moment later.
  25. Offline


    huh okey thx anyway
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    I like the new nocheat, however I liked the old one as well. I miss the x/y/z listings much more detailed information, I don't find anywhere you have listed more [options] for data to output in strings. And well atm I didnt' feel like digging through your source for it.
  28. Offline


    Not sure why, but the chat block doesnt work, ive tried almost everything :p
    I can still succesfully spam with specific programs -> As well still happens from random users that join.
    # Want to know what these options do? Read the descriptions.txt file. = "true"
    logging.filename = "nocheat.log"
    logging.filelevel = "off"
    logging.consolelevel = "low"
    logging.chatlevel = "off"
    debug.showactivechecks = "false"
    moving.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.walkingspeedlimit = "22"
    moving.runfly.sprintingspeedlimit = "40"
    moving.runfly.jumpheight = "135"
    moving.runfly.checksneaking = "true"
    moving.runfly.sneakingspeedlimit = "14"
    moving.runfly.checkswimming = "true"
    moving.runfly.swimmingspeedlimit = "18"
    moving.runfly.actions.0 = "moveLogLowShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.100 = "moveLogMedShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.checknofall = "true"
    moving.runfly.nofallmultiplier = "200"
    moving.runfly.nofallactions.0 = "nofallLog nofallDamage"
    moving.runfly.allowlimitedflying = "false"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimitvertical = "100"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimithorizontal = "60"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.0 = "moveLogLowShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.100 = "moveLogMedShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.check = "true"
    moving.morepackets.actions.0 = "morepacketsLow moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.30 = "morepacketsMed moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.60 = "morepacketsHigh moveCancel"
    moving.noclip.check = "false"
    moving.noclip.actions.1 = "noclipLog"
    blockbreak.check = "true"
    blockbreak.reach.check = "true"
    blockbreak.reach.reachlimit = "485"
    blockbreak.reach.actions.0 = "reachLog blockbreakCancel"
    blockbreak.direction.check = "true"
    blockbreak.direction.actions.0 = "directionLog blockbreakCancel"
    blockplace.check = "true"
    blockplace.reach.check = "true"
    blockplace.reach.reachlimit = "485"
    blockplace.reach.actions.0 = "reachLog blockplaceCancel"
    blockplace.onliquid.check = "true"
    blockplace.onliquid.actions.0 = "onliquidLog blockplaceCancel"
    interact.check = "true"
    interact.durability.check = "true"
    interact.durability.actions.0 = "durabilityLog interactCancel"
    chat.check = "true"
    chat.spam.check = "true"
    chat.spam.timeframe = "5"
    chat.spam.limit = "5"
    chat.spam.actions.0 = "spamLog spamCancel"
  29. Offline


    Please Answer on this if you know how to fix this :):
    i dont know if this have with NoCheat to do but when ever i join my server in Creavite mode in Spawn and get auto tped to sapwn, i Get kicked with this message you moved to quick, hacknig :(
    pelase tell me howe to fix it,
    if you know and i got the permission to fly with the permission node.
  30. Offline


    Was wondering if nocheat will support permissions 2.7.3 again as it currently does not. I don't plan to change my permissions as a near 95% chunk of my server relies on it. If support will ever be added for it please let me know.
  31. Offline


    Almost every SuperPerms compatible plugin(e.g. PermissionsBukkit, Pex, bPermissions, etc) has a Permissions[2|3] bridge that will still allow old plugins to function. As such, I cannot fathom that any dev would seriously consider backporting their plugin to support an inactive permissions plugin. It would be a very wise idea to instead ask the devs who code 95% of your server to update their extremely outdated software.

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