Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

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    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Have you tried doing it and did it work for you? These things usually don't work and the person putting videos on youtube just tries to make money with his download link, infect people with a keylogger or last login stealer (about every other such hack-client has one of those login stealers, so if you feel like using one, have at least somebody who knows java first take a look at it, because virus scans won't detect these things at all) or just troll people. I frequent some of the "hack-forums" and I am in contact with some of the developers of said clients and the general opinion about item duping seems to be that it's not possible in 1.7.3 to duplicate items, at least not in that way.
  3. Offline


    I'm sorry if this has already been addressed (I searched this thread for any reference to API, no results), but do you have any plans on integrating an API service? I have a couple custom plugins that, under special circumstances, are designed to allow illegal movements and trust block placement. It would be great if I could add a programmatic hook into your "API" to temporarily ignore/disable specific checks for a user. Also, if such an API were available, I'd look into creating a bridge plugin to tie NoCheat in with WorldGuard.

    If no such feature is on the roadmap, I'd be willing to take on that task if you like. I think it'd be a feature that countless plugin authors would love to play around with and would provide for a more level playing field (when configured to do so).
  4. Offline


    pikaclient is working even with NoCheat v1.11b Installed.
  5. Offline


    Does this conflict with AntiHack?
  6. Offline


    pika works (at least some parts of it, as you can't use pika to e.g. bypass fly protection of NoCheat), but the item duplication shown in that video is a myth/not possible without server support (e.g. malfunctioning plugins).

    Technically you can run them both, but I don't see a reason why you'd want to do that, as it just increases the load on the processor and makes it hard to predict what happens in case somebody is e.g. flying. So if you want to use both I'd suggest to deactivate features of them such that they don't overlap in their functionality.
    [qwerty] likes this.
  7. Offline


    Can you add a function to prevent spamming?
  8. Offline


    Your latest version Creates Massive lag spikes on my server. and i know its this becuase when i remove the plugin its fine..

    also 11.a

    and i noticed it massively lags when people join and this plugin is enabled
  9. Offline

    Donald Scott

    I noticed nothing of this sort. Perhaps you should telling us what plugins your running and give us your server log file.
  10. Offline


    Does this block cheat engines?
    That's what some say they use.
  11. Offline


    log file wont help because it doesnt log anything to console. it just simply lags..

    Plugin List: "nSpleef" "BleedingMobs" "Sprint" "iConomyPunga" "BigBrother" "FlamboyantFlock" "CookieMonster" "iConomy" "WeatherRestrictions" "Lottery" "Jail" "mcbans" "PvPToggle" "flyRidgeFly" "MyHome" "CreativeStick" "OpenInv" "ColoredSigns" "PlugMan" "AutoPlant" "GroupManager" "Essentials" "MultiInv" "MyWarp" "VanishNoPickup" "CraftBookMechanisms" "AppleTree" "Minequery" "FenceStack" "CraftBookCommon" "EssentialsSpawn" "AutoAnnouncer" "WorldGuard" "MagicCarpet" "WorldEdit" "LoginMessage" "BlastPick" "ChestShop" "ClearInventory" "HeroicDeath" "Multiverse-Core" "EssentialsProtect" "EssentialsChat" "Permissions" "LWC" "AntiBuild" "BaseBukkitPlugin"
  12. Offline


    i get this error for some reason
    [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling NoCheat v1.11b (Is it up to date?): com/nijikokun/bukkit/Permissions/Permissions
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijikokun/bukkit/Permissions/Permissions
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions
        at$ Source)
        at$ Source)
        at Method)
        at Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 12 more
    all i can make out of it is something to do with permissions but im not 100% sure about that

    EDIT: i am using Craft bukkit 1000
  13. Offline


    Can you add multiworld support plz :) ?
  14. Offline


    I ran into an odd issue lately. i have people on my server who seem to have a mod that prevents monsters from targeting them. but i cant find what causes it.
    they also have other mods, such as flying, but I'm installing this to see if it fixes that.
  15. Offline


    It's not planned, but at least temporary disabling checks for specific players could be easily done with the SuperPerms permission system, when I've finished 2.0. If you can give me some examples on what else you'd like to hook into, I'll see what I can do to make that happen.

    I'll eventually add such a thing, but right now I am occupied with other things. But you can already find plugins that handle the spam problem, if you search for "spam" in the plugin list.

    Unless you get some error messages on your server console (and by that I mean stack traces, not just logs), I don't have any idea what could cause lags.

    Depends on what they use them for. NoCheat isn't written to specifically identify and block certain clients/mods, but rather generally enforce game mechanics that are present in the normal minecraft client. So NoCheat will always be able to block e.g. flying, no matter what software people use.

    You can try to set the option
    newpermsystem: "true"
    in the "plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.yml" config file. That should fix the problem.

    Will be in NoCheat 2.0, which will be released soon (I'm waiting for the next Bukkit RB, because it includes at least one big new feature that I want to use for it).

    I don't know about the monsters ignoring players, but flying should be fixed by NoCheat.


    As written above, I'll delay NoCheat 2.0 until the next CraftBukkit RB comes out (which is hopefully soon). There are two reasons for that:

    1. It includes a new event that I proposed and want/need to utilize in NoCheat.
    2. It (hopefully) includes a fix for a nasty bug that allows people to bypass NoCheat and other plugins which monitor or prevent movement in certain situations (e.g. borderguard).
  16. Offline


    Would it be possible to make this compatible with Runecraft so that powerpicking players don't trigger Nuking?
  17. Offline


    • If you use NoCheat, how many players are on your server? What options do you use?
    My server has about 30+ daily, like 10 of those have flymod, and I've decided to lay the hammer down ;)
    • Did you experience a negative performance impact by my plugin? Does it use too much memory or CPU power in your opinion?
    No, I run the server with 4gigs of memory, and it runs fine.
    • Have you found a way to bypass it? Know a client mod that can do so? Where can I find it or can you send it to me?
    Some people in my server have a cracked/modded pickaclient mod, they have been able to bypass teleporting.. I don't have a link to it though.
    • Know other plugins that do the same as mine or are ideal to use simultaneously (to defeat cheaters/hackers)?
    Nope, I think this is the best one of the 1!
    • Any other holes in Minecraft that should be stuffed but nobody did so yet?
    Not that I know of, but one time I saw someone float up a water current really fast, but I think that was speedhack.. o.o
  18. Offline


    lol. Thanks for filling out the form. The teleportation thing with pika and other clients will probably get fixed soon. I expect it to be in the next CraftBukkit RB *crossfingers*. Too bad I can't do anything about that currently.

    The floating water upstream is interesting. I don't make a distinction between water flows currently, so for NoCheat such a waterfall will be treated like static water. Maybe I can add something to respect the water flow and therefore prevent such movement in future versions.
  19. Offline


    No Problem ;)

    I have seen it a couple times, but I think theres water on the exception list of craftbukkit/bukkit, so it won't call a "NAME moved wrongly!" error. So that might not detect it?

    Also in this pickaclient mod there is a climb everywhere function, so if you walk up to a wall, its like an invisible ladder, so all walls are like ladders. I can PM you the link to the mod to show you... I don't want to get into trouble by posting links to hacks in your thread.

    (sorry for the double post, forgot I could edit my previous post)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  20. Offline


    i got a proplem migrating Nocheat into permissions, a permissions,plugin is installated all other plugins hook into it only nocheat dont do that, he return to OP managment, i use permissionEx as permission program and nocheat 1.11b,
    i dont know what should i do... i hope some1 can help me here:

    16:41:44 [WARNING] [NoCheat] version [1.11b] couldn't find Permissions plugin. Fallback to 'isOp()' equals 'nocheat.*' 2011-08-05 16:41:44 [INFO] [NoCheat] version [1.11b] couldn't find CrafTIRC plugin. Disabling logging to IRC.
  21. Offline


    My Staff has nocheat.* and they still cant fly, Why is this?
  22. Offline


    Can you please make a way so that I can give a user permission to speed hack but not to fly? Because if I give them nocheat.speedhack they can't speed hack. If I give them nocheat.moving they can speedhack and fly. I want a rank to have the ability to speed hack without being able to fly if you know what I mean. I want speedhack to be allowed for the VIP group and Flying and speed hacking for the Moderator group. Thanks a lot hope you can implement this for me and my server!
  23. Offline


    I desire multi-world support! Whens 2.0 coming?
  24. Offline


    PermissionsEx also includes a file "Permissions.jar". You'll have to put that into your plugin folder too to make it work:

    If you use "towny", that plugin has an antifly option integrated, that you'll have to deactivate.
    If you haven't already, set "allow-flight=true" in the server config file.
    If you use the new permissions system "superperms", you'll have to use "nocheat.all" and "nocheat.notify" as permission nodes (I just noticed that I forgot to define a "nocheat.*" permission in the new system) and set the config option newpermsystem: "true" in the nocheat.yml config file.

    I'll look into it. Should be possible imho.

    I'm waiting for the next CraftBukkit RB with that, due to some new features that it contains.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
    FuFu1337 likes this.
  25. Offline

    Live or Die

    Really great plugin!
    works great so far
  26. Offline


    Heres a known problem you should add.

    Dose Not work with multi world it is a problem for most of us as most people have nether.
  27. Offline


    I allow the fly on my server because of a jumpcraft map
    but for the others maps , they can fly too :( and they don't be kicked
    I juste receive a notification , player violation etccc but what should i do to autokick the player who fly ?
  28. Offline

    Live or Die

    Wow this works perfect!!

    good job!!
    only the speedhack works:( can you fix that?
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    How you heard of the client mod "Alias"?
    People have been using this on my NoCheat server. They are still allowed to teleport vertically and mine ores twice as fast by using this client mod. I think it is fairly new, so I'm wondering if you've heard of it and have plans to stop this somehow. Thanks for all your work.
  31. Offline


    Yes, I know that and many other such mods (I even have copies of most of them). There is currently a bug in CraftBukkit which allows people to trick NoCheat and similar plugins in certain situations and I can't really do anything against this from within my plugin. But the Bukkit team is aware of that bug and knows about a method to fix it. If you use CB #1000 I could also give you a small and hacky patch for that specific version (installable by replacing a file in your craftbukkit.jar) which will fix this bug, just write me a PM if you are interested. I won't release that file here though, as Bukkit made it very clear that publishing modified versions of CraftBukkit on these forums is forbidden. Alternatively just wait until the bug gets officially fixed, probably with the next RB.

    The bug described above also has negative influence on speedhacks. When it gets fixed, the "speedhack" check will become more reliable.

    It does work with multiple worlds. It is just not possible to use different settings for the worlds. That's a feature request.

    I never tried color codes myself, but I'll see if I can find out how to make them work.

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