[SEC/MECH] SimpleChestLock 1.2.2 - Simplified chest locking [1.5.1-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by DemmyDemon, May 16, 2011.

  1. Offline



    This plugin is no longer being developed.
    I know I've said that there will be no replacement for this before the Official Plugin API, but thanks to some very generous donations I've been inspired to make a Bukkit-based replacement.

    It's called KonseptLocks and will hopefully be hosted on dev.bukkit.org as soon as I can get it properly tested.

    While it will be similar to SCL in many ways, it will not feature the "combination lock" system, as feedback tells me it's hardly ever in use.

    It will not be compatible with SCL and will have a completely new locking file system, which will hopefully remedy any and all "oops, all your locks are gone" problems. If you have 3600 locks you fear you will have to re-lock, don't worry; I'll make an SCL importer for KonseptLocks.

    SimpleChestLock - Simplified chest locking:
    Version: v1.2.2

    Veeery simplified (for the users, anyway) chest locking, sort of like LockChest and others, but very simplified.
    Simply slap a chest with a stick, and it's locked. Only you can access it.
    Slap it with a stick again, and it'll be open for everyone.


    NOTE: May only lock the chest actually slapped with the stick, depending on settings.
    This means that two people can share a double chest, but it also means that if you forget to lock one half you might as well not have bothered.
    Make sure the settings are configured to do what you want!

    • Lock chests slapstick-style!
    • Lock jukeboxes, furnaces, dispensers or whatever you want! Configurable!
    • Doors, trap doors, levers, buttons and pressure plates supported, but see the note below!
    • Configure a different key if you don't like sticks.
    • Lock it with a combination, if you want. (see "Using combinations" below)
    • Lock it for someone else, if you need to.
    • Limit locking using WorldGuard region restriction. (Entirely optional!)
    • Trust system, so you can share the stuff you lock. (see "Trust system" below)
    • Limit system, so you can set how many items users can lock. (see "Using limits" below)
    • Decide who locks what (see "Who locks what?" below)
    • Uses the Bukkit built-in permissions system.
    • Share a chest or door with someone by locking half each on a double-chest or double-door (optional, using the lockPair option).
    • Locked chests can be made to suck in items.
    • Protects locked blocks against destruction.
    • Keep those pesky griefers out of your stuff!
    • Your suggestion here (Except iConomy, that's not going to happen)
    Quick Step Guide for Noobs (by Davecraft) (open)

    1. Install SimpleChestLock, see http://wiki.bukkit.org/Installing_Plugins for details.
    2. Add a permission plug-in http://plugins.bukkit.org (search "permissions") to handle the permission nodes.
    3. Watch the video (see the "Video demonstration by BrandonHopkins" part.)
    4. Add permission variables (see the "Permission Nodes" part) in the permissions plug-in directory. See documentation for your chosen plugin on how to do this.
    5. Edit your settings.yml file. See the "Configuration" part for explanation of the values.
    6. To get the permissions working, see the example under "Who can lock what?"
    7. Enjoy!
    Video demonstration by BrandonHopkins (Somewhat outdated) (open)
    Video demonstration by SeaborgiumMC (open)
    Video tutoral in German by Mamuschkas (open)

    A note on doors, levers, pressure plates and buttons

    When it comes to doors, levers, pressure plates and buttons (DLPB), this plugin only affects who can use them and destroy them.
    That means it does not concern itself with iron doors at all, since nobody can use them, and it does not impact how a door reacts to, for example, redstone current.
    Also, if you place an iron door, and then a button beside it, then lock that button, it's still unsafe: Anyone can come along and place a button or lever on the other side of the door.
    That's why the DLPB functionality is only intended to compliment other plugins, such as WorldGuard.
    This is how I use it: The WorldGuard region allow usage of all buttons and levers, but disallows building. Now I can use SCL to lock the levers and buttons I want protected, and nobody can get around it because WorldGuard will keep them from placing buttons and levers, or digging around them.

    Download SimpleChestLock

    Downloaded over 74.000 times!
    Source Code

    Commands (open)
    /scl reload
    Reloads the chests file and settings -- WILL DISCARD ANY CHEST LOCKS SINCE LAST LOAD, so /scl save first if you don't want that!
    Takes an optional argument; the file to save to. If no file name is given, Chests.txt is used.

    /scl trust
    Takes a lot of arguments, but the basics are add, remove, list and clear.
    Read more about trust under the "Trust system" spoiler!

    /scl save
    Save the chests file right now, rather than wait for the plugin to be disabled to do so. Note that the plugin will also autosave every 5 minutes or so, just in case the server crashes.
    Takes an optional argument; the file to save to. If no file name is given, Chests.txt is used.

    /scl limit
    Shows how many items you can lock, if you're limited.

    /scl status
    Tells you how many items each player has locked, and the total amount of locked items.

    /scl as <user>
    If a user is given, all chests locked from now on will be locked in that user's name.
    If no user is given, all chests locked from now on will be in your own name.
    Very handy for admins that don't like it when users risk their life's savings by leaving them open to public access.
    Careful with this! If you have simplechestlock.command.as permission, but not simplechestlock.ignoreowner, you can lock yourself out of chests as you can't unlock it again!
    Permissions nodes (open)
    This plugin uses the following permissions:
    • simplechestlock.command.reload - Access to /scl reload
    • simplechestlock.command.trust - Access to the /scl trust commands
    • simplechestlock.command.save - Access to /scl save
    • simplechestlock.command.status - Access to /scl status
    • simplechestlock.command.as - Access to /scl as <user>
    • simplechestlock.ignoreowner - Unlock any item, use any item.
    • simplechestlock.ignoreRegion - Don't ask for WorldGuard's permission, even when it's enabled.
    • simplechestlock.nolocklimit - Lock as much as you want, even when limiting is on
    • simplechestlock.lock - Access to locking blocks
    • simplechestlock.usecombo - Access to locking with a combination lock
    If you have defined usePermissionsWhitelist in Configuration (details below), you can specify what blocks are lockable using the locktype permission set.
    Note that you still need the simplechestlock.lock permission to lock stuff, even when whitelisting is activated.
    • simplechestlock.locktype.Lockable_Name_Here - Gives permission to lock Lockable_Name_Here blocks (see " Lockable blocks" below)
    • simplechestlock.locktype.chest - ..for example, gives access to lock chests.
    • simplechestlock.locktype.* - Lock any lockable item.
    This plugin also defines the following nodes for convenience:
    • simplechestlock.* - Full access - Sets simplechestlock.command.*, simplechestlock.ignoreowner, simplechestlock.lock, simplechestlock.locktype.*
    • simplechestlock.command.* - Access to the commands - Sets simplechestlock.command.reload, simplechestlock.command.save, simplechestlock.command.status, simplechestlock.as, simplechestlock.trust
    Lockable blocks (open)

    If you want to enable the permissions-based white-list, use these names:
    • chest
    • furnace
    • burning_furnace
    • dispenser
    • jukebox
    • wooden_door
    • lever
    • stone_button
    • trap_door
    • stone_plate
    • wood_plate
    • brewing_stand
    • enchantment_table
    • fence_gate
    This is fully configurable (see "Configuring lockables" section below), but remember that the permissions are all lower case!
    Who can lock what? (open)

    To define who can lock what, you need two components.
    First, you have to enable it in the config.yml:
    usePermissionsWhitelist: true
    Next, you have to define permissions.
    In this example a user called someDude will have permission to lock chests and trap doors.

    Note that this is just an example and might look different for your permissions plugin.
    See "Permission nodes" for more details and "Lockable blocks" for the list of blocks you can lock.

                - simplechestlock.lock
                - simplechestlock.locktype.chest
                - simplechestlock.locktype.trap_door
    Please note that even with a locktype allowed you still have to give simplechestlock.lock!
    Configuring lockables (open)
    The term "a lockable" is used here to describe a block that this plugin will facilitate the locking of.
    This is entirely configurable, but unless you know what you are doing you should back everything up before making changes. This can have disastrous consequences for your lock file and possibly your whole server, depending on how things are set up. Handle with care.

    The different lockables sections do this:

    This is a simple list of all the blocks that are to be considered lockable. A standard block only needs to appear here.
    Keep in mind that a block must always appear here, even if it's also in a different section.

    This is the list of blocks that will have protective auras on them. Useful for stopping people from using hoppers to suck your stuff out of chests.
    Remember that you must also enable the useProtectiveAuras option, which is off by default!

    This is the list of blocks that will be locked in pairs if the lockpair setting is active.
    The default is chests and wooden doors, because of double chests and double doors.

    This bit is obsolete, as it stems from the time when you could still left-click doors to open them etc.

    This is a list of blocks that have a natural "top" and "bottom" part. Currently, this is only doors, but who knows what might be relevant in the future. When a block listed here is locked SCL will search above and below it for it's other half and lock it as well, ignoring the lockpair setting.

    This section details what blocks will attempt to suck up items. In theory, any block with a container can suck up items (like a furnace), but only chests and dispensers have been tested, so use caution.
    If the lockedChestsSuck option is disabled, this section is entirely irrelevant.

    Default values:
            - CHEST
            - DISPENSER
            - JUKEBOX
            - BREWING_STAND
            - WORKBENCH
            - FURNACE
            - BURNING_FURNACE
            - LEVER
            - STONE_BUTTON
            - TRAP_DOOR
            - FENCE_GATE
            - STONE_PLATE
            - WOOD_PLATE
            - WOODEN_DOOR
            - BEACON
            - CHEST
            - DISPENSER
            - CHEST
            - WOODEN_DOOR
            - WOODEN_DOOR
            - CHEST
            - DISPENSER
    So, what blocks can I make lockable?
    Short answer: Pretty much all of them.
    Long answer:
    It has to be a block bukkit knows of, and has a Material associated with.
    For a list of materials, have a look at the Material.java file in the Bukkit project on GitHub.

    Note that materials must be specified in UPPER CASE and otherwise exactly as Bukkit expects them!

    As of 1.0.2 you can also use numerical IDs, allowing custom blocks and stuff.
    Thanks go out to @albatrossen for that little fix.

    Trust system (open)

    In order to manage trust, you need the simplechestlock.command.trust permission!

    To add Bob to your trusted friends: /scl trust add bob
    To list your trusted friends: /scl trust list
    To remove Bob: /scl trust remove bob
    To clear the whole list: /scl trust clear
    To give access to everyone: /scl trust add *

    That last one, giving permission to *, is intended for just locking something so it's protected and can't be locked by anyone else. For example for an admin to lock the donation box to prevent it's destruction, but still have it open for people to put in donations.

    You can trust a whole group!
    Just /scl trust add g:dudes where "dudes" is the name of a group. Note that this isn't magic, it checks for the permission group.dudes, like how WorldGuard checks groups and as is emerging as a group check standard.

    Trust is in the locked item and persists there!
    This means that when you lock something, your current trust list is copied to the item, and stays there. If you want to modify an items trust you'll have to unlock it and lock it again with a new list. Changing your trust list will not alter already locked stuff.
    Perhaps you trust Bob to open that door, but not to access that chest? Perhaps you want * to activate that button, but not that switch?

    The trust lists get saved so you don't need to re-type it all the time. The downside, of course, is that you can get entangled in it and loose track. Just /scl trust clear to get out of that, or /scl trust list if you want to review who you'll trust for the next lock.

    Keep in mind that when you lock a chest for someone, using /scl as Bob for example, you are applying Bob's trust on the item. Keeping an up-to-date list of who he trusts is Bob's problem!

    You can combine combo-locking and trust just fine, and anyone not listed as trusted for that item will have to supply a valid combo.
    Configuration (open)

    Upon first run, the plugin will create plugins/SimpleChestLock/settings.yml
    Default values:
    usePermissionsWhitelist: false
    checkUpdates: true
    whitelistMessage: true
    lockpair: true
    lockedChestsSuck: false
    suckRange: 3
    suckInterval: 100
    suckEffect: true
    verbose: false
    preventExplosions: true
    useProtectiveAuras: false
    key: 280
    keyDurability: 0
    comboKey: 352
    comboKeyDurability: 0
    useKeyDurability: false
    consumeKey: false
    openMessage: true
    useLimits: false
        example: 10
        anotherexample: 20
            - CHEST
            - DISPENSER
            - JUKEBOX
            - BREWING_STAND
            - WORKBENCH
            - FURNACE
            - BURNING_FURNACE
            - LEVER
            - STONE_BUTTON
            - TRAP_DOOR
            - FENCE_GATE
            - STONE_PLATE
            - WOOD_PLATE
            - WOODEN_DOOR
            - BEACON
            - CHEST
            - DISPENSER
            - CHEST
            - WOODEN_DOOR
            - WOODEN_DOOR
            - CHEST
            - DISPENSER
    usePermissionsWhitelist (boolean, default: false)
    true: Use permissions whitelist and players will only be able to lock blocks specially allowed by their beloved admin. See permission format and list of lockables to use above.
    false: All players can lock any of the lockable blocks.

    whitelistMessage (boolean, default: true)
    true: If a player attempts to lock a block he/she is not whitelisted for, a rather snappy red message is sent informing them of the error of their ways.
    false: If a player attempts to lock a block he/she is not whitelisted for nothing happens, not even a message, and certainly not any locking.

    lockpair (boolean, default: true)
    true: When locking one half of a double chest or double door, the other half is locked too.
    false: Each half is locked indevidually.

    lockedChestsSuck (boolean, default: true)
    true: Locked chests will attempt to "suck" objects in, causing them to disappear and go into the chest for storage. Intended for unattended farms, for example.
    false: Locked chests will leave everything alone, just as if it wasn't locked.
    Note that the sucking can be a little CPU-intensive on very large servers, so tune your suckRange and suckInterval (below) to suck shorter and less often if this gives you lag spikes.

    suckRange (meters, default: 3)
    Defines roughly the number of meters (blocks) away from a chest it will attempt to suck. This counts all directions in 3D, but with simplified math for performance, so it's not entirely accurate, but more than close enough.

    suckInterval (ticks, default: 100)
    Defines the number of ticks to wait between each suck attempt. Note that items must have existed at least one suckInterval before they can be sucked, so if your timing is exactly right you can have an item take exactly twice this time to get sucked in.
    On a well-tuned server there are 20 ticks per second, making the default a 5 second interval.

    suckEffect (boolean, default: true)
    true: When an item is moved from the ground to a chest, make a loud CLICK noise at the chest.

    useWorldGuard (boolean, default: false)
    true: You need WorldGuard's build permission for the current region to lock stuff.
    false: WorldGuard is not consulted with regard to locking of blocks.

    verbose (boolean, default: false)
    true: The plugin will excessively inform you about all it's inner workings via the console.
    false: The plugin will keep it's console output to a minimum.
    Useful for tracking down problems, for example.

    checkUpdates (boolean, default: true)
    true: The plugin asks http://minecraft.webkonsept.com/plugins/ for the latest version of this plugin and tells you if the one you have isn't the newest release version.
    false: ET does not phone home.
    Note: The check happens when the plugin enables, meaning it only happens when you restart the server. If this is a popular feature I'll add a command to chek it as well.

    useProtectiveAuras (boolean, default: false)
    true: New blocks can not be placed next to locked ones.
    false: Only double-lockables are restricted in placement (old behavior).

    preventExplosions (boolean, default: true)
    true: The plugin will prevent explosions that would take out locked chests.
    false: Ignores explosions and just let them happen.
    Useful for when you have a different plugin protecting chests, or simply want people to be able to "blow the safe".

    useProtectiveAuras (boolean, default: false)
    true: The plugin will prevent the placement of any block right next to a locked block, unless you own that block.
    false: SCL does not meddle in the placement of blocks, meaning stuff like hoppers can be placed to extract items from locked chests.

    key and comboKey (item ID, defaults: 280 and 352)
    This is the item ID of your key. The defaults are Stick and Bone respectively.
    Use a listing like Minecraft Data Values to look up the ID of the item you want to use.

    useKeyDurability (boolean, default: false)
    true: Turn on durability checking (see below option)
    false: Turn the durability checking off.

    keyDurability and comboKeyDurability (damage value, default: 0)
    If your key is an item with multiple durability states, such as a custom Spout item or a sapling, you can use these settings to tune exactly what damage value you want to lock/unlock with.
    Does nothing unless useKeyDurability (above) is enabled.

    consumeKey (boolean, default: false)
    true: When you lock a block, the key disappears in payment of locking.
    false: Locking just locks, and does not eat the key.

    openMessage (boolean, default: true)
    true: A message is displayed when you open a chest, letting you know it's locked, who owns it (if it's not you) and who is trusted to access it besides you (if it's yours).
    false: Opening a chest you have access to gives no chat message.
    Note that regardless of this setting, a message is given if access was denied.

    useLimits (boolean, default: false)
    true: lockLimits as described in "Using limits" below are applied.
    false: all lockLimits are ignored and all users can lock whatever they please.

    lockLimits (configuration section, default is just an example)
    For details on this, please see then "Using limits" spoiler below.
    Using combinations (open)
    Combos are made of wool. To use them, set the first three items in your hotbar as wool. The combination is the colors of the wool.
    Use a bone (by default) to lock with that combination.

    If the setting openMessage is enabled, opening something you locked with a combination will show you the combo.
    To open something someone else locked with a combination you have to have three pieces of wool in the beginning of your hotbar. If you do, you're granted access as if you owned it, with no restrictions.
    If the combination is wrong, you'll be notified.
    Using limits (open)
    To use limits you have to use both permissions and options.
    First, let's have a look at the options.
        example: 10
        anotherexample: 20
    Here, example and anotherexample are lock limit names.
    Keep an eye on these names when we move into the permissions.

    Remember that these permissions settings might not work with your permissions plugin, and is just an example.
    Now someUser can lock 10 items, someOtherUser can lock 20 and oneMoreUser can lock 10 for example and 20 for anotherexample, for a total of 30.
    anAdmin can lock however much he/she wants, because of the nolocklimit permission.

    For details on the lockables section, see the "Configure lockables" above.

    Version 1.2.2
    • Updated "Check for update" libs and compiled against newer bukkit.
    • Tested and found working very well with both 1.4.7 and 1.5.x
    Version 1.2.1
    • Removed some debug info output accidentally left in (right click entities message)
    Version 1.2
    • Optionally projects an "aura" around locked items. This is for stuff like Tekkit, so pipes can't be placed on chests to pump out the goodies inside.
    • Phones home to ask if there's a new version yet, so it can tell you when it's update time.
    • Some work done on entity protection, but nothing working yet.
    Version 1.1.1
    • (1.1.0 was never released due to bugs)
    • More consistent lockables checks
    • Performance improvements for lock checks
    • Explosion protection is now optional
    Version 1.0.2
    • albatrossen fixed invalid block IDs and added support for numerical IDs (both in "lockables" configuration)
    Version 1.0.1
    • Fixed where interacting with a combo-locked chest could generate a NullPointerException. Thanks to Wondrej for a detailed bug report making it easy to reproduce.
    Version 1.0.0
    • Option to check for WorldGuard build permission before allowing locking
    • Fix for item dupe bug if users are exceptional at item pickup timing and sucking is on
    • Fix for item consumption not happening if you have more than one in your hand.
    • Configurable locking, finally! You can now set what blocks are lockable!
    Version 0.20.1
    • Fixed bug where people could break blocks they didn't own.
    Version 0.20
    • Implemented group trust
    • Implemented key consumption
    • A good deal of cleanup internally, and some minor fixes.
    Version 0.19
    • Implemented suckInterval and suckEffect settings
    • Implemented whitelistMessage setting
    Version 0.18
    • Implemented limiting system so you can control how many items each user can lock
    • Made it possible to specify the durability ("Damage value") of keys, enabling the use of (for example) Spout custom items.
    (Older versions were stripped due to post size limitations)
  2. Offline


    Just what I need! Downloading now...
  3. Offline


    Great, a really simple chest protection plugin. Just what I've been waiting for.
    bandgeek303 likes this.
  4. Offline


    Very simple, LOVE IT
  5. Offline


    Lol I laughed when you said "Your suggestion here (Except iConomy, that's not going to happen)" and also a suggestion can you make a specific item to make a chest invisible but only you can see it? Cause that will be kind of cool even though theyre undestructible chest, why not just make them invisible? I hope it works though.
  6. Offline


    Just tested, doesnt work on double chests, u have to select each one individually. No big deal but perhaps you could impliment it.
  7. Offline


    Can you break locked chests or blow them up with tnt?
  8. Offline


    So simple! Awesome! Thanks a lot.
  9. Offline


    Could you add a limit per group for permissions on how many chests a group can create?
    [qwerty] likes this.
  10. Offline


    this is a good chest locker if u dont have MySQL and stuff
  11. Offline


    Thanks for the feedback, guys! Glad you like it.

    @jamescosten, please read the text in red. I was about to "fix" this, when it occurred to me how practical it is for two people to be able to share a double chest. I might make it an option, however.

    @Th3Controller, I have no idea how I might make it invisible, but I'll look into it. Also, why?

    @KickAce, Nope! TNT explosions are simply reversed/cancelled when the chest is in the blast radius, and if you try to break someone else's chest you just get told off for it.

    @kside, urrr, why? I could look into it, but it seems a little outside the scope of the plugin. Per user is simple to do, and won't require much in terms of processing power or RAM, but tying it into the group of the user and limiting per group might be a slight pain in the donkey. Is per user limiting still useful? What would a good limit look like?

    Also, everyone, I just realized there is already a plugin called ChestLock, by Codisimus.
    I'll be renaming this plugin to SimpleChestLock for the next release.

    0.2 is out, and the plugin is now called SimpleChestLock.
    Highlights from this release are: New name, and automagic double chest locking (if you want it to).
  12. Offline


    Great plugin, very useful! Not sure if this is relevant, but possibly in the future add locking for other objects (doors, dispensers, etc)? Then it could be SimpleLock....
  13. Offline


    Thanks for the feedback!

    The thought of door locking isn't at all alien to me, but locking a door isn't nearly as simple: You can just dig around it!

    Dispensers and furnaces, however, are absolutely something I want to do, and it should not be very hard to do either.
    I simply need to allow for more than one type of block to be locked.
  14. Offline


    I would like to use this plugin for our pvp faction members. The main reason for the limit suggestion is because I don't want members to scatter 20 chests everywhere as decoys. If it is too much of a hassle, I would be more than happy with a global limit per user.

    This plugin seems very promising! <:
  15. Offline


    I don't really mind if players dig around my door (i know all of them in real life), I just want a door to be locked to make it clear I don't want them there :p
  16. Offline



    Limiting them to X locked chests won't stop them from scattering a hundred unlocked ones...
    Anyway, yeah, I can pretty easily make a per-user limit.
    I also have this thought that I would like your input on: What if there was a setting to set chests to be owned by the GROUP rather than the user? Would that be useful for your PvP server? No matter who locks the chest, the whole faction can open it?

    I just have to dig into Permissions a little to see what happens if someone is a member of more than one group, for example.

    OH! BTW! What's a good limit? Five per user? Fifteen? Twenty per group?
    I'll make it configurable, of course, I'm just looking for a sane default value.

    All right, I'll look into it, possibly make it happen for the next version. I'll try and see if I can stop it from being opened by Redstone Current as well, but no promises... That stuff is hard to track!
  17. Offline


    The group one seems like an interesting concept. But does the group have to be defined within permissions? If that's the case, it wouldn't be ideal for us (and maybe other servers as well?) because we use use our permissions for server ranks.

    I would say a good default limit is 3.

    Edit: lol, Locked scattered chests are more of a nuisance when abused.
  18. Offline


    Permissions is all I have to guild on, so never mind on that.
    3? Really? That's a double chest and a furnace...
    I was thinking more like 10?

    Oh, whatever, it's going to be configurable anyway.
  19. Offline


    lol yea, that was just my personal opinion.
  20. Offline


    Yeah, that's exactly what I asked for, but I was a little surprised by the answer.
    I've thought about it, and I think I'll set the default to 0 (unlimited).
  21. Offline


    Best plugin ever!
    Just add the Check lock ignore thing to mods and everything is perfect! ;D ;D
    DemmyDemon likes this.
  22. Offline


    The users on my server enjoy it a lot as well. We all trust each other, so it's not for theft prevention, just to say "this chest holds the stuff I don't want to share"

    Currently working on (when RL allows) a per-player limit on the number of locks a player can place.
  23. Offline


    Simple and nice,
    Only feature lacking is chest sharing, appart from that this mod is perfect
  24. Offline


    Chest sharing?
    Make a double chest, lock half each.
  25. Offline


    That doesnt work anymore?
    What about to 3 or more people?
    Just a simple command to be like /chestshare <name> then right click the chest
  26. Offline


    That works great if you set lockpair: false in the configuration.
    I'm considering adding a command to set a lock "password", so that anyone with that password can open it.
    Maybe a groupwise locking, now that Permissions is multi-group?
  27. Offline


    SimpleChestLock does not work with the new Bukkit? Or is it the new permissions??

    I would really like if you updated it , I love this pluggin!
  28. Offline


    I was just waiting for a new RB.
    I'll be updating it today, both for Permissions 3 and for 818.

    Sorry for the delay, guys!
  29. Offline


    Tyvm for fast answer! Great to know you are still supporting the pluggin!
    Me and everyone from my server are looking forward to it :)
  30. Offline


    Oh, I still need it for my own server, so of course I'll share.
    What exact problems are you having with it?

    Not seeing any issues with Permissions version 2.7.4, but I'm upgrading to 3.x shortly... We'll see!
    [Another edit]
    Now on Permissions 3.0.6, and after having dealt with my users/groups being converted to the new format, it works fine.
    Zero issues with SimpleChestLock in 818 and Permissions 3.0.6
    Nicnic98 likes this.

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