Inactive [SEC] EpicZones v0.37 - Polygon Based Area Protection - Now with Economy Support! [1.3.1-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by jblaske, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    • Polygonal and Circular area creation. (Not just cuboids!)
    • In-game zone creation.
    • Provide a Circular border to your map.
    • Hierarchical Permissions with Child and Parent Zones.
    • Display Entering and Exiting messages in chat.
    • Enhanced /who
    • Advanced control of zone based regeneration
    • Many zone specific controls for things like Fire, Explosions and Mob spawning control
  2. Offline



    This has been requested a few times before. I'm just not sure of the "right" way to go about it, and I haven't spent much time investigating it. I would like to implement the feature at some point however.

    Ok, this is something I've been considering for a while now. And EZ has reached a point that I think it is necessary.

    I'm no longer going to be self testing and releasing versions so rapidly.

    What does this mean? Well to the average user of EZ nothing much, updates just won't be as rapid (which I'm sure you can appreciate).

    I'm looking for a few experienced server hosts that have been using EZ for a long time that are willing to become beta test beds for the future versions of EZ. These hosts will get updates that I'm done feature coding and bug fixing, then they can run those versions through the ropes to see what lingering bugs remain.

    Things I expect from a beta partner:
    -Member level access to the server (Not that intend to play there, but I would like to help experiment and test bugs along side you)
    -Trying to re-produce some of the errors that have been reported on the Issue tracker
    -Heavy testing of existing and newly implemented features in EZ
    -Other things I can't think of at the moment

    This means much more stable and quality versions going forward. Which is good for everybody.

    If you are interested in having your server become a beta test bed, please send me a PM with the following information:
    Contact Email:
    Time Zone:
    Server Name:
    Server URL:
    Server Website:
    Players Registered:
    Peak Players Online:
    Average Players Online:
    And any other additional information that you think would help to increase your chances.

    I will be accepting applications thru the weekend, any applications sent to me that do not include all of the above information, or are sent after 05/08/2011 11:59 CST will not be accepted.

    Thanks for your time.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  3. Offline


    Hello everybody,

    I have some problems with EpicZones. I really want to run EZ on my server! Because of that i post now^^

    First problem: the config.yml is different to the config.yml you postet in your wiki.

    My one:
    zoneTool: 280
    enableHeroChat: false
    enableRadius: true
    language: EN_US
    globalZoneDefaultAllow: true

    Wiki Version:
    defaultEnter: true
    defaultDestroy: true
    defaultBuild: true
    mapRadius: 1000
    enableRadius: true

    Second Problem: The example zone file is differrent out of wiki to mine world.yml file.

    Maybe the wiki is old, i dont know.

    What i want to do: I want do draw a zone, we have on our server a supermarked, where only operators should can build, normal players should only visit the place and can buy thinks.

    Problem there, when I draw the zone with a stick and then i save it, no new zone is created, when I look at my plugin/Epiczones Folder with putty, only the world.yml File is there, no createdzonename.yml.

    Another thing is, that the tutorial videos i found only are for the old version.

    What I made:
    I installed the EpicZones plugin in the plugin Folder of MC, i startet the server. Then the server created the folder EpicZones.
    I restartet the server, and i connected to it, ingame i gave me a stick and i wrote:
    /zone create ekz (on German ekz means Einkaufszentrum, its a supermarket^^)
    then i drawed with the stick 4 Points around the supermarked
    /zone save

    After that, no new file was created in the /plugins/EpicZones.. folder
    And nobody can build anything-Bukkit 740 installed

    Please help me.
  4. Offline


    *EDIT* Nevermind I'm an idiot!

    Oh, and attempting "ezreload" throws this error and crashes the plugin

    2011-05-06 13:04:42 [WARNING] Unexpected exception while parsing console command
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'ezreload' in plugin EpicZones v0.23
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.command.ColouredConsoleSender cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Player
        at com.epicsagaonline.bukkit.EpicZones.commands.EZReload.onCommand(
        at com.epicsagaonline.bukkit.EpicZones.EpicZones.onCommand(
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        ... 6 more
  5. Offline


    You ignored my help request.
  6. Offline


    I try to help as many people as I can on the forums, but if there isn't an issue ticket, its very easy to miss somebody's request.

    On top of the fact, that you reported the exact same error that several other people have reported, and answers have been posted. I figured you would be able to see that, as those issues were in the last couple pages of this post.

    The "enter" and "exit" subcommands are now gone, and have been replace by the "message" subcommand.

    I'm gonna need to see your configs for that one, seems odd. Please submit a ticket.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  7. Offline


    Ive found out that this error comes from incorrect zone configuring.

    I've just found another bug. "/zone message exit Bye" will say you have set an enter message but it still sets the exit message.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  8. Offline


    Ahh, thanks. Two more things and I'll stop bugging you :) I noticed that when I do /ezwho all it shows 11 people on, but when I use Essential's /list or SleepAnnounce /sleep it shows a correct 4 users on. Not sure what's up with that..? Other question was if I want to clear a zone's message, what do I do? I tried /zone message exit "" and when people walk out they see "" lol.
  9. Offline


    Thanks, please update wiki when you can.
  10. Offline


    When changing the mob flag to none, does that only forbid the spawning of all mobs, or forbid the spawning and entry of all mobs?

    I set an enter and exit message and it worked for about two minutes. After the two minutes, it no longer displayed the enter and exit messages and the console repeats this message 100's of times per minute. This is the message:

    at com.epicsagaonline.bukkit.EpicZones.General.IsPlayerWithinZone(
    at com.epicsagaonline.bukkit.EpicZones.General.IsPlayerWithinZone(
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  11. Offline


    Post you're zone that you are configuring please.
  12. Offline


    ceiling: 128
    - FarmersTown
    entertext: Welcome to Farmers Town!
    exittext: Come back to Farmers Town soon!
    explode: false
    fire: false
    fireburnsmobs: true
    floor: 0
    - NONE
    name: FarmersTown
    owners: []
    permissions: {}
    points: '-91:167 -85:177 -74:180 -60:179 -44:179 -33:180 -22:175 -19:168 -20:158 -24:152
      -28:139 -35:127 -48:127 -53:132 -64:140 -81:147 -91:154 '
    pvp: false
    radius: 0
      amount: 0
      bedbonus: 0
      delay: 0
      interval: 500
      maxregen: 20
      mindegen: 0
      restdelay: 0
    sanctuary: false
    type: POLY
    world: ProjectEndless
  13. Offline


    From what I see, this zone FarmersTown is a child of FarmersTown. Try removing the child in the configuration. Or if there is another zone named FarmersTown and this zone is in it I would suggest renaming it.
  14. Offline


    Ah, thanks for pointing that out. I don't know how I managed to do that.
  15. Offline


    After i update from 0.20.1 to 0.23 the Zone-Permissions not work.

    I have same Zones and in every Zone only one Player can build/destroy:
    In the Parent-Zone, everbody (group:default) is deny
    In the Child-Zone, one Player is allow

    After the update everybody can build/destroy!

    ceiling: 128
    - zone1_1
    entertext: ''
    exittext: ''
    explode: true
    fire: true
    fireburnsmobs: false
    floor: 0
    - ALL
    name: Name
    owners: []
        destroy: deny
        build: deny
    points: '17:267 176:267 176:21 17:21 '
    pvp: false
    radius: 0
      amount: 0
      bedbonus: 0
      delay: 0
      interval: 500
      maxregen: 20
      mindegen: 0
      restdelay: 0
    sanctuary: false
    type: POLY
    world: world
    ceiling: 128
    childzones: []
    entertext: ''
    exittext: ''
    explode: true
    fire: true
    fireburnsmobs: false
    floor: 0
    - ALL
    name: Name
    owners: []
        destroy: allow
        build: allow
    points: '17:267 176:267 176:21 17:21 '
    pvp: false
    radius: 0
      amount: 0
      bedbonus: 0
      delay: 0
      interval: 500
      maxregen: 20
      mindegen: 0
      restdelay: 0
    sanctuary: false
    type: POLY
    world: world
    Can someone help me?
  16. Offline

    Pontus Lantz

    Okey i tested 0.23 now and Zones seems to work and mobs does spawn again. And HeroChat does work with Zones. Just one big problem. When you leave a Zone you don't leave the HeroChat channel:(.
  17. Okay, I love this plugin. It is an essential anti-griefing measure on my server and I'm glad mobs spawn again.
    However, I am having a problem with it.

    Running RB 740,
    Epiczones o.23

    2011-05-07 11:13:43 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to EpicZones
        at com.epicsagaonline.bukkit.EpicZones.General.PlayerMovementLogic(
        at com.epicsagaonline.bukkit.EpicZones.listeners.PlayerEvents.onPlayerMove(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    This only happens if I go in a zone and move around. What am I doing wrong?

    EDIT: BTW this error doesn't only happen once, it just constantly spams my console until I stop the server.
  18. Offline



    Try to download the latest EpicZones, then make a backup of your folder and delete the folder of the plugin and let it create a new one... For some reason the new version uses a different hierarchy, so it was screwing my console same way as you.
  19. Offline


    Is it possible to boost this feature and implement it earlier for me if I donate? :)
  20. Offline


    I feel like the right way to do it is with EGM's temporary permissions system; if possible I'd define a group with the permissions for that zone (shares the same name as the zone maybe?) and then just add that group to the player's subgroups when they enter the zone, remove it when they leave. Also, be sure to utilise the "temporary" permissions functions that EGM has, that way the permissions are never written back to disk and if the server goes down, the player won't have the group still assigned. Just my two cents on that - and it does beg the question "what about Permissions users?"

    Also, @jblaske, console commands are working as of 0.23 just fine, but just typing "zone" gets no response instead of help text. A minor bug at best.
  21. I've tried this, but I'll try again and report back.
  22. Offline


    This Plugin is great!
    However ive noticed that there isnt a function to control animal spawns within the zone?
    neither in the configs or the Commands please add support for this!
    Protecting the area in SMP is nice but not having any animal spawns is kinda a downside.
  23. Offline


    I installed this great mod and tried it. I created an area named "test". I gave it a welcome message and a goodbye message. Everything worked fine. Then I wanted to delete this area.
    So i tipped following:

    /zone edit test
    /zone delete
    TEXT came up: To continue deleting the zone [test] type /zone confirm.

    /zone confirm
    TEXT came up: Zone [test] has been deleted.

    But if I type: /zone list it's still in the list and I still get the messages buy entering and leaving the area. Why doesn't it work properly?
  24. Offline


    I have the same problem, the zones can't be deleted from within the game or console, I have to stop the server, delete the zone config, restart the server, and only then it is deleted
  25. So I found out my problem was because I tried to make a zone in water.

    BUG ALERT :3
  26. Offline


    I have a zone in water and it works perfectly.
  27. Offline


    Check out the wiki, you can control all mob spawning by individual mob type. Right now there is a bug where using "none" or "all" for mobs doesn't work, so leave the list blank or just set the types you want. (Not sure if this is still a bug or if it's been fixed)
    FrigityZero likes this.
  28. Offline


    One of my cities extends from sealevel to just above bedrock. Near depth 10 I have a garden that before your mod slimes would sometimes spawn in as conditions are ripe for them. After your mod and with /zone flag animals (I need this as my wife loves to kill her piggies in another area of my city) I now have Invisible Slimes spawning in one corner of the room. I have the /zone floor set to zero. I have tried just about everything to destroy these invisible slimes. I know right where they are as I can not set blocks in the locations. I have placed lava, I have tried to flood the area, nothing gets rid of them. Any ideas?
  29. Offline


    I'll be checking out zone deletion errors as well as the mob spawning errors this week. I won't have time to review applications for beta servers, nor work on the plugin today So I'm extending the application window till tomorrow night.​
    I'll be riposting the info following this post.​

    I'm no longer going to be self testing and releasing versions so rapidly.

    What does this mean? Well to the average user of EZ nothing much, updates just won't be as rapid (which I'm sure you can appreciate).

    I'm looking for a few experienced server hosts that have been using EZ for a long time that are willing to become beta test beds for the future versions of EZ. These hosts will get updates that I'm done feature coding and bug fixing, then they can run those versions through the ropes to see what lingering bugs remain.

    Things I expect from a beta partner:
    -Member level access to the server (Not that intend to play there, but I would like to help experiment and test bugs along side you)
    -Trying to re-produce some of the errors that have been reported on the Issue tracker
    -Heavy testing of existing and newly implemented features in EZ
    -Other things I can't think of at the moment

    This means much more stable and quality versions going forward. Which is good for everybody.

    If you are interested in having your server become a beta test bed, please send me a PM with the following information:
    Contact Email:
    Time Zone:
    Server Name:
    Server URL:
    Server Website:
    Players Registered:
    Peak Players Online:
    Average Players Online:
    And any other additional information that you think would help to increase your chances.

    I will be accepting applications thru the weekend, any applications sent to me that do not include all of the above information, or are sent after 05/10/2011 10:00 PM CST will not be accepted.

    Thanks for your time.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  30. Offline


    it just put a bunch of bedrock down and when i finished the bedrock stays there
  31. Offline


    Hmmm I can't recall if I posted this already or not, but out of the blue some users cannot exit my spawn area. The doors, when you try to open, gives a permission failure. This is the zone:

    ceiling: 124
    - prisonisle
    entertext: null
    exittext: null
    explode: false
    fire: false
    fireburnsmobs: true
    floor: -124
    - NONE
    name: spawn
    owners: []
        destroy: deny
        build: deny
    points: '-836:-142 -854:-142 -861:-144 -869:-147 -878:-157 -880:-164 -880:-178 -880:-189
      -881:-200 -877:-210 -868:-219 -861:-221 -854:-223 -820:-222 -813:-219 -806:-210
      -800:-196 -800:-178 -800:-162 -805:-151 -811:-147 -820:-144 -831:-141 -844:-142 '
    pvp: false
    radius: 0
      amount: 0
      bedbonus: 0
      delay: 0
      interval: 500
      maxregen: 20
      mindegen: 0
      restdelay: 0
    sanctuary: false
    type: POLY
    world: server
    How do I allow people to use doors in the zone?

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