Inactive [SEC] AreaGuard v2.2 - Players work for tokens, then they claim areas to themself. [1.2.5-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Fifi, Apr 3, 2012.


What do you think about this plugin?

  1. Perfect!

  2. Good.

  3. Quiet ok...

  4. Not so good.

  5. Awful! :<

  1. Offline


    AreaGuard 2.2 for MC 1.2.5 (CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R2.0).

    Why AreaGuard?
    • Server administrates himself - users work for tokens, then they claim areas to themself (there is configurable minimal limits to avoid trolling).
    • Very lightweight and small (for faster loading) code.
    • As simply as possible, yet still powerfull (it protects from everything, even non-owner passive mobs killing, and has all important functions).
    • Get rid of thousands of unneeded stuff and focus on comfortable gameplay and administration. :)
    What this plugin provides?
    • Area protections, defined by two points chosen by user.
    • Users claim areas in cost of (configurable; server admin choose one method):
      • special tokens bought for exp (to avoid losing areas exp-funds at death). [DEFAULT]
      • special tokens bought for Vault money.
      • Vault money (instead of buying it via tokens system).
    • Optional Vault permissions support.
    • Very detailed areas information, including information about specific area or listing of player's own areas.
    • Support for Overworld, Nether and The End. Multiworld support.
    • Protection from areas overlapping alongside with protection from too small areas (to avoid trolling with them) - all via configurable limits.
    • Well-formated messages, with short commands, to speed up and make usage of this plugin more comfortable.
    • Detailed help, both plugin built-in and bukkit help entries.
    • No limits for the size of areas, also admin areas are free of charge.
    • Lightweight, well-organised algorithm.
    • Provide protection without high requirements. Includes protection for mobs, minecarts, redstone mechanisms and farmlands.
    • Provide fire, flint and steel, explosions, paintings, fluids, pistons, fire charge, splash potions, natural ignition and growth protection.
    • Protects non-player's own fire from being extinguished. Prevents Endermans from griefing.
    • Ability to control mob spawning in areas and each area PVP settings.
    • Very precisely tested to avoid unhandled exceptions.
    • Really fast loading and response for commands.
    • Well-organised file structure, each player's areas are in their own file.
    • Only one config file, without thousands of unneeded options. Configuration file updates automatically on plugin update.
    • PluginMetrics support (can be turned off).
    • Selection and information tool are both configurable.

    BukkitDev page?



    • /ag info - displays information about the area, in which player is standing.
    • /ag info area_name - displays information about the area area_name.
    • /ag list - lists areas owned by player.
    • /ag guests area_name - displays guests of the area area_name.
    • /ag addguest area_name guest guest2 ... - adds guests guest, guest2, ... to the area area_name.
    • /ag delguest area_name guest guest2 ... - removes guests guest, guest2, ... from the area area_name.
    • /ag rename area_name new_area_name - renames area area_name to new_area_name.
    • /ag gift player area_name - gives area area_name to player player.
    • /ag usable area_name - toggles area area_name usable flag (enables/disables minecarts and mechanisms usage by other players).
    • /ag expand value - expands selection, in the direction player's looking at, by value blocks (use negative value to reduce selection). Proper directions are: north, south, west, east, up, down.
    • /ag expand value where - expands selection, in the where direction, by value blocks (use negative value to reduce selection).
    • /ag gather - buys (for exp) tokens in amount sufficient to pay for currently selected area (and automatically buys one token more, if rounding function tries to mess the transaction up).
    • /ag earn amount - buys amount of tokens for the cost of experience points.
    • /ag funds - displays information about tokens amount, which player possess.
    • /ag give player amount - gives amount of tokens to the player player.
    • /ag cost - displays cost of protecting area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel.
    • /ag buy area_name guest guest_1 guest_2 ... - buys protection, named area_name, for area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel. Optionally adds guests guest, guest_1, guest_2, ... to guest list of the new area.
    • /ag sell area_name - removes protection called area_name and pays back tokens spent for it.
    • /ag extend area_name - resizes protection, called area_name to the area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel. This command charges or pays back proper amount of tokens, depends on size of the new area in relation to the old one.
    • /ag help - displays in-game AreaGuard help.
    • /ag cmdshelp - displays in-game AreaGuard, commands-related, help.
    • /ag tokhelp - displays in-game AreaGuard, tokens-commands-related help.
    • /ag ophelp - displays in-game AreaGuard operator's help.
    • /ag tokophelp - displays in-game AreaGuard, tokens-related, operator's help.
    • /ag info area_name player - displays information about the area area_name owned by player.
    • /ag list player - lists areas owned by player player.
    • /ag guests player area_name - displays guests of the area area_name, owned by player.
    • /ag add area_name guest guest_1 guest_2 ... - adds protection, named area_name, for area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel. Optionally adds guests guest, guest_1, guest_2, ... to guest list of the new area.
    • /ag resize area_name - resizes protection, called area_name to the area, which is currently selected by right and left-clicking opposite corners with wooden shovel.
    • /ag del player area_name - removes protection owned by player and called area_name.
    • /ag donate player amount - donates player player with amount of tokens.
    • /ag pvp area_name player - toggles area area_name, owned by player, PVP flag (enables/disables PVP in that area).
    • /ag takeover player area_name - changes owner of protection called area_name and owned by player to command sender.
    • /ag funds player - displays information about tokens amount, which player player possess.
    • /ag levy player amount - decreases player player tokens amount by amount.
    Config.txt syntax
    1. Minimal area width.
    2. Minimal area length.
    3. Minimal area height.
    4. Minimal area cost.
    5. Amount of tokens granted for one experience point.
    6. Amount of exp needed to increase level by 1, or 0 for standard Minecraft level behaviour (default).
    7. If ignition other than caused by flint and steel or fire charge is denied? (1 = true, 0 = false, default 1)
    8. If explosions are globally denied? (1 = true, 0 = false, default 1)
    9. If PVP, monster spawning and monster damage are denied in areas? (1 = true, 0 = false, default 0)
    10. If PVP is denied outside of areas (if not, it just don't affect settings)? (1 = true, 0 = false, default 0) [use it when you want to allow PVP in, and deny outside of areas, allowing it only in chosen "PVP arenas"]
    11. Maximal area width (0 = unlimited).
    12. Maximal area length (0 = unlimited).
    13. Maximal area height (0 = unlimited).
    14. Maximal area cost (0 = unlimited).
    15. If enchanting should charge player (1 = yes, 0 = no, default 1).
    16. Amount of tokens earned for one economy coin (0 = indirect Vault economy disabled, more than 0 = indirect Vault economy enabled; default 0).
    17. Cost of protecting one block (0 = direct Vault economy integration disabled, more than 0 = tokens system disabled and replaced by buying protection for money, default 0)?
    18. If Vault permissions are enabled (1 = yes, 0 = no, default 0).
    19. If AreaGuard is denied from sending usage statistics via PluginMetrics (1 = yes, 0 = no, default 0).
    20. Selection tool item ID (default 269 = wooden shovel).
    21. Information tool item ID (default 287 = string).
    (sorry for changelog not present here, but the forum script yelled at me that the post is too long :confused:)

    Optional permission nodes:
    • - grants access to informational commands (/ag info, /ag list, /ag guests, /ag funds, /ag help,/ag cmdshelp, /ag tokhelp).
    • areaguard.player - grants access to all player commands.
    • areaguard.op - grants access to all operator-only commands.
    Note about spawn protection in lastest CraftBukkit, which omits protection plugins settings (a brief instruction about how to get rid of it)
    New CraftBukkit added protection for small area around the spawn. Unfortunatelly, it blocks any actions without checking what protection plugins think about it. The easiest way to get rid of this problem is to disable it and set up normal spawn protection via protection plugin (for example AreaGuard).

    So, the solution to disable that strange CraftBukkit behaviour is to open bukkit.yml file and set //spawn-radius// option in //settings// group to 0. It should look like this:
      spawn-radius: 0
    Remember: that double space before "spawn-radius" is necessary!

    PluginMetrics? [click on the image to see more statistics]
    PluginMetrics license note?

    Data storage syntax
    Each of listed below directories contains files named after player nicknames. Each file contains data about specific player.
    Type of data in file is determined by file's parent directory (for example: accounts directory contais files with tokens data, etc.).

    This directory contais files with tokens data. The syntax is:
    1. Amount of tokens owned by player (int).
    This directory contais files with areas data. The syntax is:
    1. Smaller X coordinate (int).
    2. Smaller Y coordinate (int).
    3. Smaller Z coordinate (int).
    4. Bigger X coordinate (int).
    5. Bigger Y coordinate (int).
    6. Bigger Z coordinate (int).
    7. Area name (String).
    8. Area owner name (String).
    9. Name of the world, area is defined in (String).
    10. First guest name (String).
    11. Second guest name (String).
    12. Last guest name (String).
    13. #
    The "#" sign on the end of guests list is necessary list terminator. Even when there is no guests in area, there have to be "#" sign after the area's world name.
    If there is more than one area owned by player, each lines, beginning with smaller X coordinate and terminated by "#" sign, describes one of such areas.

    This directory contais files with flags data. The syntax is:
    1. Area name (String).
    2. If non-owner's (neither guest or operator) mechanisms usage (this refers also to Minecarts usage) in area is allowed (0 or 1, 0 means "no", 1 means "yes").
    3. If PVP in area is allowed (0 or 1, 0 means "no", 1 means "yes").
    If there is more than one area owned by player, each three lines (beginning with area name) describes one of such areas.
    Which plugins are the best addition to this one?
    • LogBlock or CoreProtect (logging players actions).
    • LWC (protection against thefts).
    • TradeCraft-AE (chest shops based on REAL money (items, not artificial digital money))
    • motd (player-to-player teleportation requests, MOTD and time votes)
    • CraftBukkitUpToDate (plugin, which helps you to keep your server/plugins up to date)
    Plans for AreaGuard 2.3?
    • Minimalistic API (advanced enough for making extensions for AreaGuard, but made without additional code ballast).
    • Translations support.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2016
  2. Offline


    nice, you could put a video of its use?
  3. Offline


    Suggestion: A max amount of blocks they can claim at once? Or maybe by chunks?
  4. Offline


    It's not done yet, because too large claims is not a such big problem as too small ones. Operators can easily delete such. The bigger problem is making a lot of small claims to irritate other players. That's why I made minimal size limitation, and didn't make maximum limit yet.

    But don't worry, I will :) Probably today.

    To be honest I'm not sure if my english skill is high enough to speak about AreaGuard fluently, but maybe I'll try ;)
    If anybody wants to make his own video tutorial, I really appreciate the idea and can embed video on official AreaGuard BukkitDev page, and here.

    Added maximal areas limitations, as I promised.

    Announcement: AreaGuard 1.6 for CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 is out :)

    • Added rounding function to the tokens earning system. That fixes one and for all the free tokens bugs :) (previously it was unfixed in some specific cases).
    • Added command to takeover player's area ownership.
    • Added command to decrease amount of tokens, which player possess.
    • Added possibility for operators and server's console to check amount of tokens, which player possess.
    • Added configuration options to limit maximal area width, length, height and cost.
    • Added protection for Iron Golems and Snowmans inside the areas (it was missing in previous releases).
    • Compiled stable plugin release for CB 1.2.5-R1.0.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  5. Offline


    Announcement: AreaGuard 1.7 for CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 is out :)

    • Fixed bug, which blocked sheeps from eating grass and regrowing wool.
  6. Offline


    Approved, you only need the last 3 changes out of a spoiler btw
  7. Offline


    Will be better once you add vault money support :)
  8. Offline


    Announcement: I got access to my BukkitDev account back, thanks to md_5 help. I will now focus on adding features, announced in my plans, and fixing bugs :)

    I'm very sorry about that time when I was inactive, but I'm back :)
  9. Offline



    I have started work on Valut money.


    I just found out that Valut works as wrapper not only for economy plugins, but also for permissions ones, so maybe I'll add support for it :)!

    Announcement: AreaGuard 1.8 for CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 is out :)

    • Fixed typo in help.

    Announcement: I am currently working on adding two protections which was left to do (one is already finished) and fixing one bug (changing it into configurable option to alter Minecraft enchanting behaviour). This is the features list for the AreaGuard 1.9 release.

    It will probably be finished soon (day or two, max. three), and then I will focus on AreaGuard 2.0 release, which will include translations support, Valut money support and permissions support (via Valut as wrapper for various permissions plugins).

    I'm not sure about AreaGuard 2.0 release date, but I will do my best to finish it as soon as possible :) I will be really happy when I will finish all planned features and focus on keeping AreaGuard up to date (and including interesting features requests if there will be any).

    To be honest, I never thought that I will make all what I've planned as a complete protection plugin, and I really appreciate your support guys :) AreaGuard probably won't be there without you :) Thank you :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  10. Offline


    Hey, I could make you a video, it's with text, though.
    Not that annoying sign/notepad-text, just in the video itself showing what I'm doing.
    However, I do understand speech is better than text. :p
  11. Offline


    To be honest, speech is better for native speakers, but for foreigners, who use English as international language, text is easier, because speech needs good phonetic recognition :) So, I guess that in Minecraft subtitles is even better solution.

    If you will make video tutorial, I will really appreciate it, and probably put it (embedded or link) on BukkitDev and BukkitForum AreaGuard's webpages :)

    Thanks in advance :)
  12. Offline


    Thanks for working on it actively :).

    Can't wait for vault money support.
  13. Offline


    Announcement: AreaGuard 1.9 for CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 is out :)

    • Fixed typo in help.
    • Fixed enchantments bug while alternative level calculation turned on.
    • Added option (of course inactive by default) to disable charging players for enchanting (so from when they achieve 50'th level, they can enchant forever for free).
    • Added protection from using Fire Charge in foreign areas.
    • Added protection from ignition caused by Fire Charge fired from dispensers.
    • Added protection against using Splash Potions on passive mobs in foreign areas.
    • Added protection against using Splash Potions on players in non-pvp areas.
    • Cleaned up source code and made some functions safer in case of new Minecraft features arrival.

    Announcement: AreaGuard 1.9, which I posted a while ago, is the first release, which includes all features, which I treat as "critically important". It protects everything (even Splash Potions or Fire Charge) and can be used as 100% safe area protection plugin now.

    Now I will focus on adding translations support, Valut money support and permissions support (through Valut). It's very easy, so I will finish it as fast as I can :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  14. Offline


    This sounds brilliant! Obligatory feature request: faction support (share an area with people in your group).
  15. Offline


    This is already done. You can just print your faction members list, copy it using new Minecraft chat clipboard support, and use "/ag addguest area_name paste_members_list*_here" to add all of them as area guests :)

    * Members should be separated with space.

    I can't code dedicated, automatic factions support, because this will slow down (and increase size) of AreaGuard; also, there is a lot of factions/guilds plugins, so if I want to add support for them, I will have to add support for all present ones (because I don't want to discriminate any of them) - and that will reduce plugin performance even more.

    Announcement: AreaGuard 2.0 for CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 is out :)

    • Fixed bug, which allows area owners/guests and operators to attack other players in particular area.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  16. Offline


    Hi there!

    First of all, let me say, great plugin!
    I love it!
    Simple to use, simple to configure.

    The only things i have to complain about are:
    1) The help needs to be revisited. It does not tell the users the tool they need to use, the minimum size required, or the amount of tokens they get per exp.
    2)Buying tokens by entering the token amount is a bit confusing because i don't know how many tokens i get per exp. It would be simpler to enter the amount of experience i want to convert, and just get tokens for it.
    /ag convert 30 will just give me (30 x tokenfactor) tokens
    3)I want the ability to just expand an area in the direction i am facing like worldedit's expand command.
  17. Offline


    Thank you. :rolleyes: It sounds like my plugin have reach it's goal :)
    1. True. The only place where there is information about the tool is /ag help buy, /ag help extend, /ag help add and /ag help resize. I forgot about adding it to the main help page. I also forgot about limits, limits info is displayed only when trying to go beyond them, I, by myself, had problems with it while testing, and I decided to repair it, but I simply forgot to do so. So, I will do :) Sorry that I forgot about it before. Give me a few minutes. I have to write it in clearly and compact way (to avoid irritating user by scrolling chat), so it's not so easy :) I will also add to help information about amount of tokens worth 1 exp.
    2. I will add /ag gather command, to buy tokens in amount sufficient for selected area (which will automatically buy one token more, if rounding function will try to mess transaction up). :) I don't want to change /ag earn behaviour, because the result of this command should be buying given tokens amount, and as tokens/experience proportion doesn't equal 1, changing argument to experience amount will force player to guess it's value to get wanted tokens amount.
    3. Good idea, especially when making railways systems, I didn't think of that. I will do.
    Best regards, Fifi. :)
  18. Offline


    hi all I have a question not question a doubt about ..or a my fall ...well I didn't understand if the size of the areas to buy is decided by the admin(kile a catalog of possible areas in shelling) or is the player thah choose the area ..and if the ara includes the entire column of the ground below or only the surface layers
    maybi I miss the part that ask at my dubt

    a and sorry for my bad english it isn't my battle horse ç.ç
  19. Offline


    Players can choose areas size and position. Areas is cuboids, co it can contain whatever you want - surface, or underground or both, you can even have multiple areas but on different height.
    Admin can limit minimal and maximal areas size in configuration file. Limiting minimal and maximal area cost is also possible.

    If you want all users to have areas of the same size, you can always set minimal and maximal limits to similar values.

    Hope I helped. Feel free to ask if you don't understand something :)
    Venser likes this.
  20. Offline


    ok ty for the explanation

    P.S. really nice nice plugin :D
  21. Offline


    i actually really like the idea for this. one thing though, is there a way you can configure it to use something other than exp to buy tokens? like maybe gold ingots? =]
  22. Offline


    I'm currently done with adding protection stuff to my plugin, and now I'm working on adding that, what you are talking about, via Valut (Valut allows physical money, it's better to use it, because it's portable and dedicated for economy, rather that writing it again from scratch). :) The only thing, which I will do before this, is that three important requests stated by Cowmaster.

    Announcement: I need a little break, before finishing AreaGuard 2.1 and 2.2, and I made a new logo (this time - vector one) :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  23. Offline


    Nice plugin but when are you going to add permissions because I really want to use this on my server but until you put permissions I can't use it:(
  24. Offline


    :eek: Why? I think it almost don't need any permissions at all.
    Permissions will be added in 2.2 version. 2.1 is almost done, and I hope, I will release 2.2 today also (translation support is postponed, because it's not so important, and it's more difficult to make than permissions and economy; I just didn't wrote about it yet).

    You can always check progress of work on main plugin webpage (BukkitDev one).
  25. Offline


    Download link doesnt work
  26. Offline


    Sorry, I forgot to update it while updating plugin.
    Thanks for informing me :)

    Best regards, Fifi.
  27. Offline


    Hey, great plugin, but i just wondering if u can make so they can buy tokens for iconomy money, just an idea! I know it's hard to fix but just an idea for you!
  28. Offline


    It's already on the go :) I will include it in AreaGuard 2.2. AreaGuard 2.1 is almost finished (I'm working on last addition to it), and I will finish AreaGuard 2.2 soon :)
    Take a look at the "Plans..." section :) I am checking finished ones with sign.

    Announcement: AreaGuard 2.1 for CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 is out :)

    • Added /ag gather command, to buy tokens in amount sufficient for selected area (which automatically buys one token more, if rounding function tries to mess the transaction up).
    • Added /ag expand command, to expand (or reduce by negative value) selection in the direction player's looking at or in the given direction (to make protecting roads and railways easier).
    • Reorganised help - added, on the main help page, informations about limits and the tool used for making selection.
    • Removed debug message, which sends the owner his name, after he buys a protection.
    • Added support for CraftBukkitUpToDate.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  29. Offline


    Hey Fifi, I use this for my building/PVP server, and the problem I'm having is whenever someone claims land their Redstone work inside the claimed land won't work. Only inside the claimed zone will it not work. I need this fixed please.

  30. Offline


    Are you sure, that the redstone is a problem :O? Maybe it's about switches/levers/pressure plates - their usage is restricted by default to owners/guests/op's only. If sb wants them to be usable by the others, he have to ask area owner to write /ag usable, which switches mechanism usable flag (it also affects Minecarts usage). Another reason may be this: when somebody makes mechanism with a piston, and the piston can push block from/to the protected area, the action is cancelled.

    I'm rather sure that redstone itself can't be affected by AreaGuard, because I'm handling any redstone events (because it's easy to secure redstone by adding just one protected block border, and handling it would decrease performance a lot). Please, could you check if it's not caused by what i've talked about above, and if not, provide more detailed information (I mean the AreaGuard configuration file).

    Best regards and thanks in advance,
    Fifi. :)

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