[RPG] SimpleGods v1.3 - Simple Gods from configs for Pantheons [1559]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TheElite4, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SimpleGods - Simple Gods from configs for Pantheons:
    Version: v1.3

    This plugin enables Server Admins to easily define simple Gods for Pantheons in config files. These files are then loaded and parsed into the API as basic Gods as if they were plugins using the API. This was for a request, I will try to get around to making the perk system for it too. It most likely will grant/remove permission nodes. This really wasn't on my agenda so anyone looking to take this up and beef it up and re-release it, be my guest!

    • Permissions (or a Bridge) [NO LONGER MANDATORY, DEFAULTS TO OP]
    • Permissions (NO BRIDGE) if using Perks
    • Pantheons v1.4
    • Easily define new Gods in Config files for Pantheons
    • Permissions based perks
    • Run the Plugin once
    • In plugins/SimpleGods/gods there is demo.yml
    • Rename demo.yml to anything you want
    • Open demo.yml
    • Change everything you want to, its pretty well documented
    • Copy and paste and change that yml file as much as you want, SimpleGods loads them just like Bukkit loads plugins.
    Sample Config
    Name: Demo #The Name of the God
    useInitializationSacrifice: true #Sacrifice to worship?
    InitialSacrifice: SHEEP #Sacrifice what to worship?
    InitialSacrificeAmount: 5 #How many?
    useInitializationItems: true #Give items to worship?
    InitializationItems: 264,265,266,267,268 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES
    InitializationItemAmounts: 5,10,15,3,8 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES, MUST MATCH ABOVE
    useInitializationPVP: true #PVP to worship?
    InitialPVPAmount: 5 #kill how many to worship?
    InitialPVPOppossingOnly: false #PVP only counts on oppossing Gods followers?
    useInitializationSuicide: true #Suicide to worship?
    InitialSuicideAmount: 5 #kill yourself how many times to worship?
    useFaithSacrifices: true #Gain faith by killing mobs?
    useFaithPVP: true #PVP to gain faith?
    FaithPVPOppossingOnly: false #PVP only counts on oppossing Gods followers?
    useFaithItems: true #Give items to gain faith?
    FaithItems: 264,265,266,267,268 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES
    useFaithLossKills: true #Loose faith by killing mobs?
    FaithLossKills: PIG,CHICKEN,ZOMBIE,WOLF #Name of Mobs or DONT USE SPACES
    useFaithLossPVP: true #PVP to lose faith?
    FaithLossPVPSameGodOnly: false #PVP only counts on Same Gods followers?
    usePunish: true #Punish for forsaking?
    PunishType: lightning #fire or lightning or death?
    Titles: Acolyte,Adept,Priest #Name of titles DONT USE SPACES, MUST BE AT LEAST 1
    TitleLevels: 5,10 #Levels of titles starting AFTER the first one, this is because the first one is level 0 mandatoraly
    useOppossing: true #Use oppossing Gods?
    OppossingGods: Loki,Thor #God's names DONT USE SPACES
    Description: 'Demo god is a Demo God' #God's Description?
    RequirementDescription: 'Kill some stuff, hand some stuff in and pray REAL hard' #God's Requirement Description?
    InitiationMessage: 'Demo god likes teh worship' #God's Initiation Message?
    LeaveMessage: 'Demo god gives pouty face!' #God's Forsake Message?
    PerkDescription: 'Nothing really since simple Gods dont have perks. . . yet?' #God's Perk Description?
    FaithGainDescription: 'Be happy, Dont worry' #God's Faith Gain Description?
    FaithLossDescription: 'Fornication before marrage' #God's Faith Loss Description?
    usePerks: false #Use Permissions perks?
    Perks: essentials.warp,heroes.classes.Warrior #Put Permissions perks here DONT USE SPACES
    PerkLevels: 1,10 #Put Permissions perk levels here DONT USE SPACES
    PerkEnabledWorlds: world,world_nether #Put the worlds where perks are used for this god here DONT USE SPACES
    Download SimpleGods
    Source is in the Jar - Released under CreativeCommons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

    Version 1.3
    • Permissions based perks! Does not work with the GroupManager bridge, sorry, still trying.
    Version 1.2
    • Updated the method of calling multiple settings
    • You can now have as many of the items,faith items and so forth as you like.
    • Sped things up.
    • Stabilized
    • Now more flexible
    • Looked into a form of perks, couldn't come up with something that would satisfy everyone with out a "hey add this too" a couple thousand times, up for suggestions.
    Version 1.1
    • Updated to Pantheons v1.2
    • Bukkit.org forums still really suck when you use Code Tags! Nukes my posts on edit!
    Version 1.0
    • Released
    Bug Reporting Guidelines

    • Include Error
    • Include God's config
    Phant0mX likes this.
  2. Offline


    Bah dont worry bout it, my fault for missing the bugs lol, try redownloading now. It should fix it. if not can I see your config?
  3. Offline


    It works now. Thanks. :)
  4. Aaah that explains, thanks!

    Oh and I wasn't sure, but the perk rewarding, is it properly compatible with PEX?

    Seeing it says "Permissions (NO BRIDGE) if using Perks". And PEX sorta bridges to PR2.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  5. Offline


    Aparrently PEX's bridge just may support it, try it out!
  6. Offline


    Hello there!!

    May I first say I love the idea behind your plugin and I'm dying to use it on my server (I have some wicked ideas ^^) I'm even willing to go out and install permissions (which hasn't worked so far because my plugins were complaining, bah), which is saying something.

    However, while I can get both Pantheons 1.4 and SimpleGods to load just fine. AND while I can see the available gods and descriptions, etc etc ... an internal error crops up the moment I type /follow [god] (any god, even the great and all-powerful 'demo')

    [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'follow' in plugin Pantheons vV1.4
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:37)
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:129)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:320)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:713)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:677)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:670)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:85)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:457)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:367)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijiko/permissions/PermissionHandler
    at com.Elite4.Pantheons.CompatabilityVars.perms(CompatabilityVars.java:164)
    at com.Elite4.Pantheons.Actions.follow(Actions.java:322)
    at com.Elite4.Pantheons.Commands.Follow.onCommand(Follow.java:39)
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:35)
    ... 12 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijiko.permissions.PermissionHandler
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:36)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:24)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    ... 16 more

    I'll keep working on the problem myself (so far I've even eliminated all my other plugins to identify the problem ... it's still there) but I'd REALLY like your input. Because if it's a java thing or something I would be lost xD ... I don't know the first (or second) thing about Java
  7. Offline


    Hi there, what permissions system are you using when you get this? Are there any errors? Can you post the ENTIRE startup log for me?

    This is why I am asking, "Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijiko/permissions/PermissionHandler" Signifies there is an issue with said permissions.
  8. Offline


    I'm not using ANY permissions system atm =/ ... but the thought had crossed my mind that I might need it so am in the process of trying to install it. (and it's melting my brain ... aaah!!)

    Anyway here's the full log: Sorry I didn't post it all at once, was hoping to save you the pain of having to sift through useless data. But I suppose I got overzealous =)

    2011-08-24 17:43:31 [FINE] ModLoader Server Beta 1.7.3v4 Initializing...
    2011-08-24 17:43:31 [INFO] ModLoader Server Beta 1.7.3v4 Initializing...
    2011-08-24 17:43:31 [FINER] Adding mods from C:\Users\Gianni\AppData\Roaming\.craftbukkit\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    2011-08-24 17:43:31 [FINER] Zip found.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/MetalWingProp.png,38). 131 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [INFO] ModLoaderMP Beta 1.7.3v4 Initialized
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINE] ModLoaderMP Beta 1.7.3v4 Initialized
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/Biplane.png,46). 130 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/Fokker.png,61). 129 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/Camel.png,62). 128 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/Spitfire.png,85). 127 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/TwoSeaterBiplane.png,91). 126 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/BF109.png,93). 125 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/planes/Mustang.png,101). 124 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINE] Mod Loaded: "mod_Planes 1.7.3v15" from mod_Planes.class
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_Planes 1.7.3v15
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/ingotAdvIron.png,102). 123 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/akkuoff.png,105). 122 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/ingotTin.png,106). 121 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/ingotCopper.png,107). 120 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/dustTin.png,108). 119 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/dustCopper.png,109). 118 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/dustIron.png,117). 117 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/dustGold.png,118). 116 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/dustCoal.png,119). 115 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/circuit.png,120). 114 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/cable.png,121). 113 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/rubberball.png,122). 112 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/treetap.png,123). 111 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/plantball.png,124). 110 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/ufuel.png,125). 109 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/fuel.png,133). 108 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/uplantfuel.png,134). 107 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/plantfuel.png,137). 106 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/wetdustCoal.png,138). 105 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/compressedplantball.png,139). 104 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/compressedcoal.png,140). 103 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/charger.png,141). 102 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/superfuel.png,144). 101 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/dustBronze.png,145). 100 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/ingotBronze.png,146). 99 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeHelmet.png,147). 98 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeArmor.png,148). 97 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeLegs.png,149). 96 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeShoes.png,150). 95 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/tincan.png,152). 94 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/coalball.png,153). 93 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/coalblock.png,154). 92 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/coaldiamond.png,155). 91 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/fakediamond.png,156). 90 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/partCarbonForm.png,157). 89 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/partCarbon.png,160). 88 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/partMixPlate.png,161). 87 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/partAlloy.png,162). 86 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/armorAlloy.png,163). 85 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemOneBattery.png,164). 84 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/partScrap.png,165). 83 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemScrapBox.png,166). 82 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemUran.png,168). 81 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/ingotUran.png,169). 80 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemMiningLaser.png,170). 79 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemMiningLaserE.png,171). 78 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/crystal.png,172). 77 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/crystalcharged.png,173). 76 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/scanner.png,176). 75 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/scanner.png,177). 74 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/print.png,178). 73 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/printPlant.png,179). 72 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/printDry.png,180). 71 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/printHumid.png,181). 70 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/printSnow.png,182). 69 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/printCompress.png,183). 68 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/printHollow.png,184). 67 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/advcircuit.png,185). 66 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/partCarbonForm2.png,186). 65 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/dustIronsmall.png,187). 64 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/printFlat.png,188). 63 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/doorStone.png,189). 62 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemWrench.png,192). 61 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/armorBatPack.png,193). 60 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/armorBatPackE.png,194). 59 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemElectroCart.png,195). 58 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/adminWrench.png,196). 57 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/coin.png,197). 56 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/coinstack.png,198). 55 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/matter.png,199). 54 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemFieldTransmit.png,200). 53 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/akkuCrystal.png,201). 52 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/akkuCrystalCharged.png,202). 51 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteIronTop.png,30). 87 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteIronSide.png,54). 86 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteIronBottom.png,76). 85 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteBlueSide.png,77). 84 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteBlueBottom.png,78). 83 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteBlueHole.png,85). 82 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteBatOn.png,100). 81 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/spriteBatOff.png,101). 80 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Compressor_1.png,106). 79 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Compressor_2.png,107). 78 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Extractor_2.png,108). 77 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Miner_2.png,109). 76 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/mfe.png,110). 75 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/pipe.png,111). 74 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/pipe2.png,125). 73 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/ElecFurnace_2.png,126). 72 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/ElecFurnace_1.png,127). 71 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/AdvancedFurnace_2.png,136). 70 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/AdvancedFurnace_1.png,137). 69 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Macerator_1.png,138). 68 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Macerator_2.png,139). 67 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Macerator_3.png,141). 66 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Extractor_1.png,142). 65 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Extractor_3.png,143). 64 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Extractor_4.png,148). 63 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Generator_1.png,153). 62 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Generator_2.png,154). 61 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/WaterGenerator_1.png,155). 60 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/LavaGenerator_1.png,156). 59 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:32 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/LavaGenerator_2.png,157). 58 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/SolarGenerator_2.png,158). 57 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/SolarGenerator_3.png,159). 56 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/SolarGenerator_1.png,166). 55 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Canner_1.png,167). 54 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Canner_2.png,168). 53 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Canner_3.png,169). 52 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Recycler_1.png,170). 51 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Reactor_1.png,171). 50 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Reactor_2.png,172). 49 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Reactor_3.png,173). 48 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Miner_1.png,174). 47 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/CryGen_1.png,175). 46 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/CryGen_2.png,182). 45 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/terra_1.png,183). 44 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/WindGenerator_1.png,184). 43 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/transformer.png,185). 42 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/blockDoorStone_1.png,186). 41 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/blockDoorStone_2.png,187). 40 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/teslacoil.png,188). 39 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/blockStorage.png,189). 38 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Itemomat.png,190). 37 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Sellomat.png,191). 36 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/Energyomat.png,196). 35 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/blockShield.png,197). 34 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/akkuon.png,203). 50 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/oreTin.png,198). 33 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/oreCopper.png,199). 32 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/oreUran.png,200). 31 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/machine.png,201). 30 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/cableblock.png,202). 29 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/drill.png,204). 49 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/ddrill.png,205). 48 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:33 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/chainsaw.png,206). 47 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:34 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeShovel.png,207). 46 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:34 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzePickaxe.png,208). 45 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:34 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeAxe.png,209). 44 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:34 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeSword.png,210). 43 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:35 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/bronzeHoe.png,211). 42 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:35 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/tincanMeal.png,212). 41 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:35 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/tincanNew.png,213). 40 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:35 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoHelmet.png,214). 39 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:35 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoArmor.png,215). 38 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:35 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoLegs.png,216). 37 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:35 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoShoes.png,217). 36 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:36 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoHelmet1.png,218). 35 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:36 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoArmor1.png,219). 34 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:36 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoLegs1.png,220). 33 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:36 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoShoes1.png,221). 32 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:36 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoHelmetA.png,222). 31 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:36 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoArmorA.png,223). 30 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoLegsA.png,224). 29 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoShoesA.png,225). 28 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoHelmetA1.png,226). 27 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoArmorA1.png,227). 26 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoLegsA1.png,228). 25 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/nanoShoesA1.png,229). 24 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/blockAlloy.png,203). 28 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:37 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/glassAlloy.png,204). 27 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/itemBatteryBox.png,230). 23 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/armorJetpack.png,231). 22 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/itnt.png,211). 26 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/nuketnt.png,212). 25 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/advmachine.png,213). 24 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/gui/items.png,/IndustrialSprites/counter.png,232). 21 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/cableblockred.png,214). 23 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINER] addOverride(/terrain.png,/IndustrialSprites/blockLight.png,215). 22 left.
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [FINE] Mod Loaded: "mod_IndustrialCraft 8.55" from mod_IndustrialCraft.class
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_IndustrialCraft 8.55
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2011-08-24 17:43:38 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-945-g73697a4-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.3)
    2011-08-24 17:43:39 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2011-08-24 17:43:39 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -7410765019769730641)
    2011-08-24 17:43:39 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -281340948761204024)
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 69%
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [SEVERE] [Pantheons] Permission system not detected defaulting to OP!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] [Pantheons] Loaded Pantheons build V1.4 gotta load them all, PANTHEONS!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] [SimpleGods] Loaded SimpleGods build V1.3!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [SEVERE] [SimpleGods] Permissions not detected, disabling Perks support!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] [SimpleGods] Loaded God Demo!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] [SimpleGods] Loaded God Devourer!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] [SimpleGods] Loaded God Lyss!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] [SimpleGods] Loaded God Ravionus!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] [SimpleGods] Loaded God Rhyne!
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    2011-08-24 17:43:40 [INFO] Done (0,134s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-08-24 17:44:25 [INFO] Giandalf [/] logged in with entity id 437 at ([world] 374.40625, 72.0, -124.0)
    2011-08-24 17:44:26 [INFO] Giandalf joined with mod_Planes 1.7.3v15, mod_IndustrialCraft 8.55
    2011-08-24 17:44:26 [FINE] Giandalf joined with mod_Planes 1.7.3v15, mod_IndustrialCraft 8.55
    2011-08-24 17:44:26 [INFO] Giandalf joined with mod_Planes 1.7.3v15, mod_IndustrialCraft 8.55
    2011-08-24 17:44:43 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'follow' in plugin Pantheons vV1.4
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:37)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:129)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:320)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:713)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:677)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:670)
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:85)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:457)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:367)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijiko/permissions/PermissionHandler
        at com.Elite4.Pantheons.CompatabilityVars.perms(CompatabilityVars.java:164)
        at com.Elite4.Pantheons.Actions.follow(Actions.java:322)
        at com.Elite4.Pantheons.Commands.Follow.onCommand(Follow.java:39)
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:35)
        ... 12 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijiko.permissions.PermissionHandler
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:36)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:24)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 16 more
    2011-08-24 17:44:48 [INFO] Giandalf lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-08-24 17:44:48 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-08-24 17:52:41 [INFO] Stopping the server..
    2011-08-24 17:52:41 [INFO] Stopping server
    2011-08-24 17:52:41 [INFO] [Pantheons] Gotta unload them all, PANTHEONS!
    2011-08-24 17:52:41 [INFO] Saving chunks
  9. Offline


    Ok, Alas no one is perfect and as a dev I believe to stand up and admit mistakes, and this is my mistake lol. I had a bug when I included anti-permission support. Go ahead and redownload pantheons, your issue should be fixed now :D. Thanks for the patience and support!
  10. Offline


    Oh thank you so much :O ... And I didn't rlly have to be patient you were extremely swift in replying ^^
    I'll download and if permissions completely melts my brain I'll use the anti-permission option =P

    Thanks again!!
  11. Offline


    No problem and thanks, I do not slack off! If I release something it will be upheld for the community, after all what is a dev without the community! (Just wish some others would catch on to that fact!)
  12. Offline


    It's very refreshing to see a dev think like that :O, I don't rlly expect devs to jump at my every question (they can take their time) and I do understand they can get a bit frustrated by repetitive questions, but all too often they can be rude or just ignore you. (as a server admin I try to solve most problems myself and only contact them when I'm completely at a loss so ... yeah)

    Anyway ... I read somewhere on this forum that you might not know if PEX was compatible with Pantheons?? I might be able to help you: I just ran my first succesful test and so far PEX seems wholly compatible with your current version of Pantheons. I've not tried the perks system yet, however, but I'm very hopeful. I hope this tidbit of information helps you out ^^.
  13. Offline


    Actually it does, thank you, never got around to testing it myself. If it emulates permissions fully then it should be 100% compatible.
  14. Offline


    Sorry for bothering you again.
    It seems I've hit a dead end configuring permission perks. What I'm currently trying to do is to give people who have completed the 'worship'-questline thingie a permission node from 'praecantatio' allowing them to cast a simple light spell. I've tried dozens of variations and have even tried out several permission programs bu tI can't seem to make the damned thing work.

    Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong?? :O
    Name: Lyss #The Name of the God
    useInitializationSacrifice: true #Sacrifice to worship?
    InitialSacrifice: CREEPER #Sacrifice what to worship?
    InitialSacrificeAmount: 20 #How many?
    useInitializationItems: false #Give items to worship?
    InitializationItems: 264,265,266,267,268 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES
    InitializationItemAmounts: 5,10,15,3,8 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES, MUST MATCH ABOVE
    useInitializationPVP: false #PVP to worship?
    InitialPVPAmount: 5 #kill how many to worship?
    InitialPVPOppossingOnly: false #PVP only counts on oppossing Gods followers?
    useInitializationSuicide: false #Suicide to worship?
    InitialSuicideAmount: 5 #kill yourself how many times to worship?
    useFaithSacrifices: true #Gain faith by killing mobs?
    useFaithPVP: true #PVP to gain faith?
    FaithPVPOppossingOnly: true #PVP only counts on oppossing Gods followers?
    useFaithItems: false #Give items to gain faith?
    FaithItems: 264,265,266,267,268 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES
    useFaithLossKills: true #Loose faith by killing mobs?
    useFaithLossPVP: true #PVP to lose faith?
    FaithLossPVPSameGodOnly: false #PVP only counts on Same Gods followers?
    usePunish: false #Punish for forsaking?
    PunishType: lightning #fire or lightning or death?
    Titles: Acolyte,Adept,Natural,Mage,Archmage #Name of titles DONT USE SPACES, MUST BE AT LEAST 1
    TitleLevels: 11,33,88,111 #Levels of titles starting AFTER the first one, this is because the first one is level 0 mandatoraly
    useOppossing: true #Use oppossing Gods?
    OppossingGods: Rhyne,Devourer #God's names DONT USE SPACES
    Description: 'All things are connected with Magic, to follow the path of Lyss is to draw on magic for good, while adhering to an ethical and moral Code.' #God's Description?
    RequirementDescription: 'Prove that you will stand against and resist the Darkness, wipe 20 Creepers from the face of Altea!' #God's Requirement Description?
    InitiationMessage: 'You have resisted the Shadow and this has changed you. A spark ignites in your heart. You sense the gentle flow of Magic within you.' #God's Initiation Message?
    LeaveMessage: 'You have given in to the Shadow, the light in your heart falters and dims. Altea looks greyer to you, the world itself seems to cry at your loss.' #God's Forsake Message?
    PerkDescription: 'Following Lyss will allow you to tap into your innate connection with magic, allowing you to cast spells.' #God's Perk Description?
    FaithGainDescription: 'Smite down the vile things spawned in Shadow! The line must be drawn here!' #God's Faith Gain Description?
    FaithLossDescription: 'The Code does not allow you to harm innocents, whether they be people or animals.' #God's Faith Loss Description?
    usePerks: true #Use Permissions perks?
    Perks: praecantatio.spells.light #Put Permissions perks here DONT USE SPACES
    PerkLevels: 0 #Put Permissions perk levels here DONT USE SPACES
    PerkEnabledWorlds: world,world_nether #Put the worlds where perks are used for this god here DONT USE SPACES
  15. Offline


    Try making it level one and tell me if that helps, might not like level 0?
  16. Offline


    Tried it, but it doesn't seem to like level 1 as much either :/
  17. Offline


    Hi sorry to bother you but i can't get the gods to work i configure them and i rename the .yml but whenever i start server up and type /pantheons all i see is demo god any idea how to fix this i tried leaving the .yml file how it is and not rename it and it worked so whats going on?

    Attached Files:

  18. Offline


    I'm looking at the code right now, it will be fixed, I'll let you know.
    Look at your console during start up, if there is an error it will generally tell you what is messed up and why it didn't load the God.
  19. Offline


    I looked at the console and it said this "expected <block end>, but found Scalar
    while parsing a block mapping
    in <reader>", line 1, column 1:
    Name: Herobrine
    expected <block end>, but found Scalar
    in <reader>", line 44, column 20:
    LeaveMessage: Don't worry my revenge will be swift ...

    PS:That last arrow was supposed to be under the D in Don't
  20. Offline


    Thanks you!!
  21. Offline


    You have a YAML error. Your config is messed up. Check indentations and all that yaml stuff or run it through a yaml parser.

    So I did some fixes but before that the perks were working for me. However I did notice that right now it is finicky with level 0 perks, still diagnosing that issue as we speak. However I did do some minor fixes that may make it work better for you. By the way it grants the permissions to the user, not the group so try checking the users.yml for the first world in the applicable world list. Also not that it wont grant permissions to those who already have the permissions, so give it a dummy like this, "bukkit.testing". * would however interfere with that. Also tell me if there are any error reports with that, I believe this is a permissions error.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  22. Offline


    Ok I redownloaded pantheons and simplegods and I just did some testing both with the dummy permission and with one I know works and I do not have. Nothing. Very disconcerting!! :O I'm recieving no error messages of any kind. Not even a WARNING or a SEVERE. (server has never run this good tbh xD) ... could it be I'm using the wrong permissions?? I'm currently employing Permissions 3.1.6

    PS: Also checked the user.yml and it doesn't add the node to me.
  23. Offline


    odd I used my permissions 3 and it worked >.< try it with a user with no permissions? Does demos work? try /setgod testuser demo then /addfaith testuser 500 and tell mne the results of the user.yml?
  24. Offline


    /gasp, it works ... it added essentials.warp to the user in the user.yml ... then how come it fails to work for me :confused:, did I balls up my Gods-config files??
  25. Offline


    Hmmm, could be? Also if any player has a * or a permission in their system that gives them the node your giving them pantheons wont give it to them simply because they already have it! Besides that, i got nuthin.
  26. Offline


    most curious ... because I didn't use the * for that reason and I used a plugin where the nodes weren't installed. This is very strange ... could it be that. If a plugin has a 'default to OP' option it messes with the perk system?? thinking the user has the node when it doesn't?? I'll test this out by running the tests de-opped. If it's the God files I'm baffled though :confused:.

    Well, I just ran the test and unless it was a problem with my levels being set too high, it *might* be because of defaulting to OP. The pantheons plugin seemlessy adds permission nodes to me when I'm deopped ^^

    Does that make sense??

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  27. Offline


    Yes, op has *
  28. Offline


    2011-08-29 13:16:22 [INFO] [SimpleGods] Loaded SimpleGods build V1.3!
    2011-08-29 13:16:22 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling SimpleGods vV1.3 (Is it up to date?): null
            at com.Elite4.SimpleGods.LoadGods.convert(LoadGods.java:19)
            at com.Elite4.SimpleGods.LoadGods.loadMe(LoadGods.java:44)
            at com.Elite4.SimpleGods.LoadGods.load(LoadGods.java:149)
            at com.Elite4.SimpleGods.SimpleGods.onEnable(SimpleGods.java:80)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:885)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:278)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:178)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:161)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:286)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:273)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:149)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:337)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    SimpleGod not loading. Any ideas?

    Disregard last post. I still had the old demo.yml in the directory with the incorrect formatting. Problem resolved.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  29. Offline


    I have a Slight issue and am not sure if its something i am doing wrong or not. Also this I think applies more to the pantheons plugin but its while using the simple gods. So im not 100% sure where to post.

    Altering the Value of the Multiplier line on the pantheons config

    Multiplier: 1 //Use .01 - 100... to modify faith curve

    To any number does not Alter to Rate of faith gain or the required faith to level. I could be wrong in thinking thats what this does. But "Modify the faith curve" is very vague in this respect.

    Faith Gain method is by sacrifice of Zombies and I will only gain 1 faith per sacrifice, regardless of the number the multiplier is set at. And Requires 10 faith for 1st level and 40 faith for 2nd level also regardless of the Multiplier setting. Have not tested with offerings as of yet but The god i am testing with (Created with simple god plugin) has no offering for Faith gain.
  30. Offline


    Hi there!

    I'm trying to run a server, but when i try to use SimpleGods, I get this message:

    16:49:13 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling SimpleGods vV1.3 (Is it up to date?): special characters are not allowed
    unacceptable character #0 special characters are not allowed
    in "<reader>", position 0
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.checkPrintable(StreamReader.java:68)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.update(StreamReader.java:159)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.peek(StreamReader.java:117)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.peek(StreamReader.java:106)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanToNextToken(ScannerImpl.java:964)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.java:237)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(ScannerImpl.java:183)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseImplicitDocumentStart.produce(ParserImpl.java:200)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(ParserImpl.java:163)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(ParserImpl.java:148)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(Composer.java:104)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseConstructor.java:124)
        at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(Yaml.java:264)
        at org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration.load(Configuration.java:82)
        at com.Elite4.SimpleGods.LoadGods.loadMe(LoadGods.java:32)
        at com.Elite4.SimpleGods.LoadGods.load(LoadGods.java:149)
        at com.Elite4.SimpleGods.SimpleGods.onEnable(SimpleGods.java:80)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:941)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:280)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:174)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:157)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:297)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:284)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:152)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:348)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    My config looks like:

    Name: Herobrine #The Name of the God
    useInitializationSacrifice: true #Sacrifice to worship?
    InitialSacrifice: COW,SHEEP,PIG #Sacrifice what to worship?
    InitialSacrificeAmount: 5 #How many?
    useInitializationItems: false #Give items to worship?
    InitializationItems: 264,265,266,267,268 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES
    InitializationItemAmounts: 5,10,15,3,8 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES, MUST MATCH ABOVE
    useInitializationPVP: true #PVP to worship?
    InitialPVPAmount: 5 #kill how many to worship?
    InitialPVPOppossingOnly: false #PVP only counts on oppossing Gods followers?
    useInitializationSuicide: true #Suicide to worship?
    InitialSuicideAmount: 1 #kill yourself how many times to worship?
    useFaithSacrifices: true #Gain faith by killing mobs?
    FaithSacrifices: SHEEP,COW,PIG #Name of Mobs DONT USE SPACES
    useFaithPVP: true #PVP to gain faith?
    FaithPVPOppossingOnly: false #PVP only counts on oppossing Gods followers?
    useFaithItems: false #Give items to gain faith?
    FaithItems: 264,265,266,267,268 #Numerical id DONT USE SPACES
    useFaithLossKills: true #Loose faith by killing mobs?
    useFaithLossPVP: false #PVP to lose faith?
    FaithLossPVPSameGodOnly: false #PVP only counts on Same Gods followers?
    usePunish: true #Punish for forsaking?
    PunishType: fire #fire or lightning or death?
    Titles: Deviant,Fiend,Demon,Devil,Hellfriend #Name of titles DONT USE SPACES, MUST BE AT LEAST 1
    TitleLevels: 5,10,20,30 #Levels of titles starting AFTER the first one, this is because the first one is level 0 mandatoraly
    useOppossing: true #Use oppossing Gods?
    OppossingGods: Notch #God's names DONT USE SPACES
    Description: 'Herobrine is the King of Hell.' #God's Description?
    RequirementDescription: 'Thou will kneel before me and only me!' #God's Requirement Description?
    InitiationMessage: 'Another follower. Wonderful. Muahaha!' #God's Initiation Message?
    LeaveMessage: 'Die, Heretic!' #God's Forsake Message?
    PerkDescription: 'I will grant you many gifts for your service... at a price, of course.' #God's Perk Description?
    FaithGainDescription: 'Good, good. Soon you shall be a true member of the Dark Side!' #God's Faith Gain Description?
    FaithLossDescription: 'Be wary... I am NOT forgiving.' #God's Faith Loss Description?
    usePerks: true #Use Permissions perks?
    Perks: heroes.classes.Warlock #Put Permissions perks here DONT USE SPACES
    PerkLevels: 5 #Put Permissions perk levels here DONT USE SPACES
    PerkEnabledWorlds: world_nether #Put the worlds where perks are used for this god here DONT USE SPACES
    I am using UTF-8, know that much. Demo God works fine.

    Any ideas?
  31. Offline


    I forgot to mention that i've tried fully reinstalling twice.

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