Ok heres the idea - I really feel this is missing... NPC's with scriptable talkboxes powerd through a spout GUI. This plugin would make it able to speak with NPC's like in a usual RPG. Players have multiple questions to choose from, which sounds simple but is BIG. I know sometime someone is going to make this anyway, but I would like to encourage you great plugin devs to be first who's doing it. This is a BIG (super-awesome) plugin. And I cant wait for it to come
bumpbumpburumbumpbump! This plugin gotta be made! Incase you don't get what I mean, it's the box with that you can communicate with NPC's and choose your question; heres a example from Gothic 3
I really like this idea, maybe you should ask the Developer of CitizenSpout to do this, he's very open minded and will probally add it
Rycochet said he is planing to add it to his mmo plugin. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/de...t-plugins-spout-1185.31054/page-5#post-651889