[RPG] Heroes - 7/21 [1K]

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by Kainzo, Feb 26, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    It's possible we'll have hooks for citizens - however to keep things lightweight - it wont be required or dependent

    Heroes Skill API system!
    (plugin devs only)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
    thecoolwolf likes this.
  2. Offline


    I actually really like that idea and was planning to do something similar ^^
  3. Offline


    Choosing a "class" is possible with Citizens (or any other plugin that grants Permission-Nodes) we'll refine it later - its a priority but not at the top.
  4. Offline


    Really excited for this plugin. Ive also got citizens on the server and I would love to see the two plugins working together. When I get a chance I'll hop on the test server to check how things are coming along.
  5. Will this be available for the public when finished?
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Expect some support for it in the future. Yes, this will be released to the public - otherwise what's the point of posting it here? ;)
  8. Offline


    how is this going? i want this so bad :)
    this really looks awesome!
  9. Offline


    It's going great. :) Inventory Hooks are the last major thing to work on - the rest will be bug fixes.
  10. Offline


    great! i am really excited!!
    i can't wait!
    thank you so much for making this!
  11. Offline


    It's our entire team :) I'm just the director.
  12. Offline


    I'm looking forward to it :p Nice job!
  13. Offline


    Heroes has released on Herocraft - we had 105/100 online :) woo!
  14. Offline


    can you add new classes yourself or is it just the standard ones that you can change a ton on? :)
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Are you a plugin developer?
  17. Offline


    You -must- be a plugin developer at the moment to code skills for us. However, when we launch Live - we will have a repo for public skills and may integrate some of the very nice public skills into the official list.
  18. Offline


    any release plans by now ?

    what about individual enhancements ? class-renames ? change tool-permissions ? etc. Possible?
  19. Offline


    do you have an ETA? i am really looking forward to complete my server
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    It was meant to be sometime soonish however we have encountered an issue with the Permissions plugin which is causing the server to hard lock under certain load and conditions. We're waiting for this issue to be fixed as well as revamping our party system and fixing up a few more things that have come to light since the server has been released internally.

    Feel free to take a peak at our Redmine as to how the progress is coming along -- http://redmine.dthielke.com/projects/heroes/roadmap
    Explain individual enhancements :p.

    Classes are completely customiseable, you name them... you give them skills... you give them exp modifiers... you give them armor/weapon restrictions.... you give them custom damage and armor values.... ermmm and more?
    Pim1234 and thecoolwolf like this.
  22. Offline


    Okay, that's great. Just what I have looked for. Nice :)
  23. Offline


    i went on your server to test out the caster class.

    all i can say is well done. i cannot wait for this to be released, it will certainly be replacing the stuff i use now.
  24. Offline


    We've resolved most of the freezing issues we've seen in the console - it wasnt a Heroes issue - but a Permissions 3.0 issue. We're now looking into Permission-skills losing nodes over time and a /pr -reload all must be done to resolve.

    Parties is coming in

    Damage multipliers as well.
    thecoolwolf likes this.
  25. Offline


    Maybe you could get along with the CriticalHits plugin functions-style for damage and multipliers.

    Another question: are you using anything like LockCraft for furnace/workbench class restrictions?
  26. Offline


    We use LWC on Herocraft for that.
    We'd prefer to stay away from relying on other plugins. We like to be as independent as possible.
  27. Offline


    Sure, I just mentioned to build something functional like this on your own..
    (I like Critical Hits for BaseDmg, Crit-Chance, Permissions to set DMG per Group, etc)
  28. Offline


    We're implementing our own damage and armor section so since it hasn't been started/finished yet (my fault) there's definitely time to work in a chance of it being a critical hit etc.
    thecoolwolf likes this.
  29. Offline


    We wont get into "locking" at this time - another plugin can grant that. Damage and health adjustments are coming in.
  30. Offline


    kk, nice Plugin. Cant wait anymore for it! :D
    Getting Lockcraft or something for workbench/furnace resctrictions.
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