[RPG] Heroes - 7/21 [1K]

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by Kainzo, Feb 26, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Yeah, that were nice :) My ingame name is like here BlueEidechse
  2. Offline


    Why don't you go to the link in his signature. There you can read about what you need to do to get whitelisted.
  3. Offline


    After a number of stressful hours, the damage and health system is finally where we want it. We're throwing the latest build on our servers for a day with a release shortly after if this final test goes well.
  4. Offline


    Great to hear, seems like I'll be risking the wilds of Herocraft again :)
  5. Offline


    First thing I did when I woke up also.

    you probably should add "might get whitelisted" instead of "whitelisted." I tried in the main minecraftforum.net thread days ago when only about a dozen people tried in a day; but I along with many others did not get an invite. Also, for server admins it's usually more about how a plugin is for their community rather than just themselves.
  6. Offline


    Our server is full for a good majority of the day so unfortunately we've had to tone back the rate at which we whitelist people.
  7. Offline


    Not just a good majority, its full 90/85 from about 11AM est until 3:30AM est Then its about 50/80 throughout the entire night, I've pulled about 5 all nighters on HC, and i have never once seen the population drop below 45
  8. Offline


    If anyone else is out there making the config for the classes, feel free to message me. I'll probably be doing this for many many hours (5 classes with about 10 skill each, using notepad++ type text editor)...
  9. Offline


    Fact, I guess :p
  10. Offline


    I dont supose theres hope of you guys released a skill compendium readme (Quick little file that has all the skill names and a quick description) Using the wiki to find out what skills do to make classes is very time consuming... @.@
  11. Offline


    I don't expect to come anywhere near close to the balance of the heroes server cfg because I've never played the mod and have no idea how things work in actuality. I stayed away from skills I didn't have a clue about.

    The classes I made up are Mage, DruidRanger, MartialArtist, Priest and Shadowknight. What did all you other server operators come up with so far? I made this classes.yml in 3 hours. http://pastebin.com/M1KeVCyD

    I also only allowed each class to have a certain type of armor so that they are more easily identified in a glance.
  12. Offline


    @RightLegRed @Kainzo Have/Are you going to implement skill trainers, for example npcs, in Heroes? The reason I ask this is I had an idea for a guilds plugin (possibly based on Heroes/Mcmmo skills), and would like to include skill trainers (like WoW) in it.
  13. Offline


    I'd love this to be implemented.
    Possibly even hooking into Citizens to make life easier for them?
  14. Offline


    I'd rather just have the plugin with all the features it has right now come out, rather than wait a month to have something like NPCs implemented. Of course, implementing it later wouldn't hurt, but definitely after all its current features are fully fleshed out.
  15. Offline


    Well obviously this would be meant as a later addition (if an addition at all, for that matter). :p
  16. Offline


    I'm mostly saying that if they havent started, and give me permission to use heroes skills as a base, I'm going (EDIT: Might) to start on the coding of this guilds plugin.
    Just thought of an epic name too haha. :p
  17. Offline


    I hope they do because that would be awesome.
  18. Offline


    Right now were not doing anything with NPC's BUT we will soon have xp blocks to give xp at the end of a dungeons, its also capable of changing your class or giving you a new skill, it pretty much can remove/give you permission nodes. With this is mind, adding it with NPC's shouldn't be too hard. buts thats only if they decide to do it
  19. Offline


    Citizens will be hooking into Heroes. @aPunch and @fullwall have plans for this after Heroes release.

    This will be available soon.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
    jonDatz likes this.
  20. Offline


    Okay good, I figured it might.
  21. Offline


    I'm not sure if this is possible, but would there be anyway to link this to the permissions prefix/suffixes (and HeroChat if needed) to display a certain prefix depending on a user's class and level? So that, if they're a rank 2 trader, it would say [Trader R2] Username, etc. etc.?
  22. Offline


    I doubt we'd be adding this into Heroes itself.

    You can create a small little plugin to grab details from Heroes, such as the players class and level and do this.
  23. Offline


    I'm going to explode from anticipation if this doesn't come out soon.
  24. Offline


    Ok, maybe I'll just make a thread in the requests forum after this comes out then, since I have no idea how to code plugins :'( lol
  25. Offline


    We're still sorting out the release items.
    Zalastri likes this.
  26. Offline


    Hate to bother you. but any chance of a general eta? Hours? A day? a few days?
    Zalastri likes this.
  27. Offline


    Read this

    We just got this up on herocraft on July 19th in the afternoon. Since the above post says shortly after a day, expect late tomorrow or the day after that for an ETA
  28. Offline


    Don't give ETAs. Mainly because things go wrong or we notice something that isn't quite right.
  29. Offline


    Ain't that the truth. Deadlines are the reason why things go wrong.
    yetanotherusername likes this.
  30. Offline


    Do you think this works with permissions 2.7.4?
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