[RPG/FUN] PvPReward v1.1 - Killers steal money from their victims [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Codisimus, Mar 31, 2011.

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    This page will no longer be updated. Please follow this project at the Bukkit Dev Page

    PvPReward - Killers steal money from their victims:
    Version: 1.1 (7/16/2011)
    Supports iConomy, BOSEconomy, Essentials, Permissions
    Download Page

    This plugin adds to PvP, in addition to any items that may be dropped, players also steal money from the players they kill. The amount stolen is configurable but is defaulted as follows. (Other variations explained below)

    This plugin does more than just add to PvP, it has many other features for when a player dies of natural causes.

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    Bob and Jacob have done nothing, all stats are base:

    Bob attacks and kills Jacbob, this will do the following things:

    - Bob will gain 2 karma points
    - Jacob will lose 1 karma point ( if he is at 0, it will stay at 0 )
    - Bob's chance for drop of gold will be increased by a 2% modifier if his karma is less than 50
    - If the chance for drop of coins from Jacob ( the killed ) is a success, a random value ( default range of 0%-5% ) will be taken from Jacob's bank account

    Bob has been bad, and has killed lots of people, he kills Jacob again, the following things occur.

    - Bob will gain 2 karma points putting him over the 50 karma making him an outlaw
    - Jacob will lose 1 karma point ( cannot go below 0 )
    - Bob's chance for drop of gold will be increased to 100% since he is considered an ( outlaw ) and still gains +2 karma
    - If the chance for drop of coins from Jacob ( the killed ) is a success, a random value (default range of 0%-5% ) will be taken from Jacob's bank account

    Jacob kills bob after bob has 52 karma, the following occurs:

    - Bob will lose 1 point of karma taking him down to 51
    - Bob is still an outlaw so he has 100% chance of drop of gold/coins
    - Jacob WILL NOT earn karma points because he killed an outlaw

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    For example: If the modifier is set to 20, whenever an outlaw kills a non-outlaw, he gets 20% more coin on top of the rewards he already would have gotten (if he successfully gets the drops in the first place). Likewise, if the modifier was set to 150, he'd get 150% more coin.

    Now, more in-depth and complex mode: The modifier increases after certain karma thresholds. For example: You have set your options in the config file as follow: karmaThreshold: 10, outlawModifier: 2, modifierMax: 50

    With this, every 10 karma after 50 (60, 70, 80, etc.) will grant the outlaw a 2% bonus to all drops stolen. After it reaches 50% extra drops stolen, it stops increasing (as based on the modifierMax variable). It seems complex, and it's probably not for everyone, but it'd be cool in my opinion.

    (All of that is amount of coin stolen, not the rate at which they drop them, to make it clear!)

    Config Settings:
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    RewardType may be any of the following:
    • Karma
    • FlatRate
    • Range
    • Percent
    • PercentRange
    • PercentKDR
    All other settings depend on what the reward type is set to.
    This type has the most features, It is explained above^, the settings are as follows:
    • Percent - The base percentage for calculating whether there will be a drop
    • Amount - The amount of Karma needed to be considered an Outlaw
    • High - The maximum percentage that could be taken from a killed players account
    • Low - The minimum percentage that could be taken from a killed players account
    • OutlawModifier - Outlaws steal an additional x%
    • KarmaThreshold - Increase OutlawModifier every x kills
    • ModifierMax - OutlawModifier will not go beyond x
    • Last three are further explained above
    The Killer will always steal a specific amount from the killed, the settings are as follows:
    • Amount - The amount of money that will be stolen upon each murder
    • All other settings don't matter
    The Killer will steal an amount of money within a given range, the settings are as follows:
    • High - The maximum amount that could be taken from a killed players account
    • Low - The minimum amount that could be taken from a killed players account
    • All other settings don't matter
    The Killer will steal a certain percent of the killed players total balance, the settings are as follows:
    • Percent - The percent of money that will be taken from a killed player account
    • All other settings don't matter
    The Killer will steal a percent of money within a given range, the settings are as follows:
    • High - The maximum percent that could be taken from a killed players account
    • Low - The minimum percent that could be taken from a killed players account
    • All other settings don't matter
    The Killer will steal an percent of money based on the two players KDRs. You receive a higher percent from players with a higher KDR (formula is killedKDR/killerKDR). This percent is taken from the killed players total balance. No settings are used.

    • Configure how much money people get
    • Several reward methods/algorithms
    • Option to lose money upon death, whether PvP or not
    • Option of having tombstones instead of players dropping items
    • KDR Leaderboard
    • Configurable combat time
    • Optional penalties for logging or teleporting while in combat
    • Fully customizable messages
    • MultiWorld support
    • Uses iConomy, BOSEconomy or Essentials for money
    • Restrict use with Permissions
    • Included in CraftBukkitUpToDate for easy updating (make sure you come check the changelog if somthing is not working right)
    • /pvp kdr - Display total kills and deaths
    • /pvp karma - Display current Karma level and Karma level to be an Outlaw
    • /pvp outlaws - List current Outlaws
    • /pvp kdr - Display total kills and deaths
    • /pvp rank - List current rank
    • /pvp top - List top 5 KDRs
    • pvpreward.getreward - no reward if killer does not have this node
    • pvpreward.givereward - no reward if killed does not have this node
    • pvpreward.ignoredeathtoll - will not be charged money when dying
    • Add Leaderboard
    • Add option of changing an Outlaws permission group *Still trying to figure out the Permissions API
    • Add cooldown for Karma
    • Add drop options
    Old Versions + ChangeLog can be found at Download Page
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    Version 1.1 (7/16/2011)
    • Added Permission node for Ignoring DeathToll
    • Fixed kdr values getting reset
    • Fixed errors when Logging in combat
    • Added color support for all customizable messages
    Version 1.0 (6/26/2011)
    • Added config options
    • Penalties are now optional
    • Added a Penalty Message (DenyTeleMessage)
    Version 0.9 (6/26/2011)
    • Improved OP options
    • Updated Economy support
    • Got rid of Karma commands for non Karma users
    • Added grave feature
    • Added Leaderboard
    • Added cooldown for Karma
    Version 0.8.1 (6/13/2011)
    • Fixed PvP registering
    • Fixed money amount messages
    Version 0.8 (6/12/2011)
    • Cleaned up code/fixed errors
    Version 0.7.2 (6/4/2011)
    • Cleaned up errors and added error messages
    Version 0.7.1 (6/3/2011)
    • Various fixes and code cleanup
    Version 0.7 (6/3/2011)
    • Added Essentials support
    • Added customization options
    • Added option of losing money open death
    • Changed ModifierMax to support negative values
    • Added configurable combat time
    • Added penalty for logging or teleporting
    Version 0.6 (5/4/2011)
    • Updated to iConomy 5
    • Updated to build 740
    • Few various fixes
    Version 0.5 (4/15/2011)
    • Improved Karma system
    • Fixed percent of steal
    • Added /pvp commands
    • Added [Outlaw] tag
    Version 0.4 (4/4/2011)
    • New karma based reward system (set as default)
    • Added Permissions support
    Version 0.3 (3/31/2011)
    • Initial Release
    Joh, kahlilnc and Mitsugaru like this.
  2. Offline


    Great to hear, I'll be monitoring this thread for the upcoming updates. Thanks for all the work you've put in :)
  3. Offline


    Ok so when can we expect working plugin? I need it asap mine server is running :D
  4. Offline


    Please fix the % system to round to the nearest number, i don't know how I'd use .3 of 1 coin. :p
  5. Offline


    in the config file set WholeNumbers to true
  6. Offline


    Thanks! I did not see that function mentioned/explained in a read me file, your original post or the config file. I would suggest adding comment lines to your config to explain to people what each function does specifically, you listed some in your original post however wholenumbers is not mentioned. (just an fyi)
  7. Offline


    Ok, i found this plugin version 6 at download page but it have only old setup and anyways it's not working at mine server (version 733). What is going on?

    Any news?
  8. Offline


    sorry for the inactivity but I'm in finals week. I wanted to add a lot of features b4 updating this but I'll just upload a 740 version soon and add the new features after the end of the semester. Thank you for your patience
  9. Offline


    RL > MC, understandable. :)
  10. Offline


    true, not as fun at times though
  11. Offline


    Updated! check change log
  12. Offline


    /pvp karma and /pvp kdr dont work for me.
  13. Offline


    me too, and no gain when players get killed :(
    kahlilnc likes this.
  14. Offline


    Same, I'm not sure what 'pvpreward.admin'' does also,

    Elaboration please?
    kahlilnc likes this.
  15. Tried the "flatrate", didnt work, tried the "range" from 9-10 and it still didnt work.

    Looks like this is incompat with DTP+
  16. Offline


    what is DTP+?
  17. Offline


    Can't get this to function with Flatrate or with range on 740 with iConomy 4.4 It always says 'So and So was not worth the money' and the killed player gets 'So and So took pity on you'

    Have pvpreward.getreward, pvpreward.reward, and pvpreward.givereward on the users.
  18. Offline


    thanks for the info, I is suppose to do say that when the player doesn't have enough money to pay. I'll double check it
  19. Offline


    DeathTPplus I am pretty sure.
    eastonch likes this.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Only iconomy 5
  22. Offline


    I'm getting ready to update to iConomy 5 soon, just waiting on one more plugin. Will return to this and give it a try at that point. Thanks for double checking, Codisimus :)
  23. For some reason no money is being deducted/added. I've removed the config and save files completely and restart with default settings. No joy :( Nothing in server.log) What are the steps to troubleshoot? (i5, 740)
  24. Offline


    Is there a way to change the names of outlaw and karma?

  25. Offline


    Is there any possible way to change the /pvp cmd to /karma? ;)
  26. Offline


    These both soon will be customizable
    this being said,
    This proly won't be an option since half the people won't have it called karma.
  27. Offline


    Fair enough @Codisimus - I have yet to try it - but I noticed in the changelogs that you have the [Outlaw] tag up.... does this conflict with any Herochat? does it change the Permissions for that user? or is it a simple renaming? I'd love to see more ;)
  28. Offline


    There will be an option to change the permission group of outlaws soon
  29. Offline


    I'm more asking- will it create conflicts if Herochat/iChat uses prefixes in the permissions?
  30. Offline


    yes it proly will... i can't test it though
  31. Codisimus can you advice me on this, please?

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