Inactive [RPG] Demigods v2.2- Join the timeless struggle between Gods and Titans. [1.3.1R2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by marinating, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Demigods has moved to BukkitDev, where you will find all the latest updates and information. Ownership of the plugin has been passed to HmmmQuestionMark, who owns the official Demigods server and maintains this plugin.
    Thanks to everyone who has helped and supported me in the creation of this plugin; though I'm off to college and out of time to work with Minecraft, I'd like for this project to continue to grow and flourish. The remainder of this thread is reserved for all posterity.

    Demigods - Mythology meets Minecraft. Back and better than ever!
    Version: 2.2 "Ajax"

    Demigods is a full RPG experience designed to bring an endgame to survival/PvP servers. Not to be confused with other RPG plugins that focus on skills and classes alone- this adds culture and conflict that will keep players coming back after they've maxed out their other levels and found all the diamond deposits in a 50 km radius. Demigods is unique in its system of rewarding players for both adventuring (tributes) and conquering (PvP) with a wide array of fun and useful skills. Re-enact mythological battles and rise from a Demigod to a fully fledged Olympian as you ally yourself with the Gods or Titans and battle to the bitter end!

    To install, simply place DemigodDownloader.jar in your plugins folder and run the server. That's it. Everything else is handled automatically.
    I am open to any input/feedback/ideas you may have regarding this plugin. Balance issues I expect will be huge because I have not had the chance to test this on a large scale.
    Join the public Demigods server at to try this plugin out. Please do not go on the server to ask questions about the plugin; I will answer those by private message or in this thread.

    Source: GitHub

    Permissions (open)

    Permissions nodes for players (defaults on true):
    • 'demigods.forsake' Lets players use /forsake to remove their own Gods/Titans.
    • 'demigods.bindings' Lets players use /bindings to see what items are bound to skills.
    • 'demigods.shrinewarp' Lets players use /shrinewarp to warp to shrines.
    • 'demigods.shrineowner' Lets players "share" their shrines so other players can warp to them.
    • 'demigods.removeshrine' Lets players remove shrines.
    • 'demigods.nameshrine' Lets players rename shrines.
    Permissions nodes for admin (defaults to OP):
    • 'demigods.givedeity'
    • 'demigods.removedeity'
    • 'demigods.checkplayer'
    • 'demigods.setfavor'
    • 'demigods.setmaxfavor'
    • 'demigods.sethp'
    • 'demigods.setmaxhp'
    • 'demigods.setalliance'
    • 'demigods.setdevotion'
    • 'demigods.setascensions'
    • 'demigods.setkills'
    • 'demigods.setdeaths'
    • 'demigods.removeplayer'
    • 'demigods.admin' Combines all of the above.
    Permissions nodes for gods and titans (if no Permissions, allows all):
    • titan.rhea
    • titan.cronus
    • titan.prometheus
    • titan.atlas
    • titan.oceanus
    • titan.hyperion
    • titan.all
    • god.zeus
    • god.poseidon
    • god.hades
    • god.ares
    • god.athena
    • god.hephaestus
    • god.all

    Commands (open)

    Commands for players:

    • /dg : General information and help directory. Use /dg deityname to see information about a deity, and if you have the deity, use it to see the power of your skills.
    • /check : Shows information about yourself.
    • /claim : Used to claim deities, when a "select item" is held in hand.
    • /alliance : Toggles alliance chat on and off.
    • /forsake : Used to give up deities. /forsake all will remove all your deities.
    • /shrine : Shows which shrines you may warp to.
    • /value : Shows the value of the item held in hand.
    • /bindings: Shows all the items you currently have bound to skills.
    • /adddevotion: Used to allocate unclaimed devotion to specific deities.
    • /shrinewarp: Used to warp between shrines. You can use it as "/shrinewarp <deityname>" to warp to your shrine dedicated to that deity, or "/shrinewarp
      <shrinename>" to go directly to a uniquely named shrine.
    • /shrineowner: Used to give other players the permission to use your shrine. To give another player access to your shrine, stand near it and type "/shrineowner add <playername>". To remove their access to the shrine, stand near it and type "/shrineowner remove <playername>". To make another player the owner of the shrine, use "/shrineowner set <playername>".
    • /removeshrine: Used to remove a shrine that you own and are standing near.
    • /fixshrine: Used in case the center block of a shrine is destroyed for any reason.
    • /nameshrine: Used to rename a shrine you own and are standing next to.
    • qd : Typed simply as "qd" in game, use it to quickly display your HP and Favor. If you are allianced with Athena, typing "qd <playername>" will show some information about that player including their HP, Favor, and deities.
    Commands for admins:
    • /listshrines: Admin command to see all the shrines saved with Demigods.
    • /removeshrine <name>: Admin command to remove a shrine by name.
    • /checkplayer : Admin command to check a player's information.
    • /givedeity : Admin command to give a player a deity.
    • /removedeity : Admin command to remove a player's deity.
    • /setfavor : Admin command to set a player's favor.
    • /setmaxfavor : Admin command to set a player's max favor.
    • /sethp: Admin command to set a player's HP.
    • /setmaxhp: Admin command to set a player's maximum HP.
    • /setalliance : Admin command to set a player's alliance.
    • /setdevotion : Admin command to set a player's devotion for a specific deity.
    • /setascensions : Admin command to set a player's number of ascensions.
    • /setkills : Admin command to set a player's number of kills.
    • /setdeaths : Admin command to set a player's number of deaths.
    • /removeplayer : Admin command to remove a player from the save (if the player's file is bugged)
    Bonus! Console commands:
    • getfavor <player name> : prints that player's current favor.
    • setfavor <player name> <amount> : sets the player's favor to the given amount.
    • addfavor <player name> <amount> : adds the amount to the player's current favor.
    • getmaxfavor <player name> : prints that player's maximum favor.
    • setmaxfavor <player name> <amount> : sets the player's max favor to the given amount.
    • addmaxfavor <player name> : adds the amount to the player's max favor.
    • getascensions <player name> : prints that player's current number of ascensions.
    • setascensions <player name> <amount> : sets the player's number of ascensions to the given amount.
    • addascensions <player name> <amount> : adds the amount to the player's current ascensions, and adjusts their devotions accordingly.
    • addhp <player name> <amount> : adds the amount to the player's current amount of hp. Cannot go over the player's max hp, even if the amount is higher.
    • getdevotion <player name> : prints the player's total devotion between all their deities.
    • setdevotion <player name> <deity> <amount> : set the player's devotion for the given deity to the given amount.
    • adddevotion <player name> <deity> <amount> : increases the player's devotion for the given deity by the given amount.
    • addunclaimeddevotion <player name <amount> : increases the amount of unclaimed devotion a player has. Players can spend unclaimed devotion to raise the devotion of any deity that the player owns.

    Config Guide (open)

    motd: true This will send a message to players at login if set to true. If you don't want it, make this false.
    active_worlds: Change the names in this list to reflect the worlds you want Demigods to be active on.
    - world
    - world_nether
    globalfavormultiplier: 1.0 Raise or lower this number to affect how quickly players gain Favor from shrine tributes. Must be a decimal (no whole numbers!)
    globalexpmultiplier: 1.0 Raise or lower this number to affect how quickly players can level up. Must be a decimal.
    globalfavorcap: 20000 This is the most Favor a player can have at a time. Must be a whole number.
    max_target_range: 100 This is the furthest a Demigods skill can reach. Must be a whole number.
    max_hp: 3000 This is the most HP a player can have. Must be a whole number.
    pvp_exp_bonus: 1.5 Raise or lower this number to affect how much EXP players gain for killing the enemy team.
    broadcast_new_deities: true This will send a message to players whenever a player gains a new deity. If you don't want the message, make this false.
    stat_display_frequency_in_seconds: 0 This will send a "status update" message to players every X seconds, where X is the number you enter. If you don't want the message to be sent at all, enter 0. Must be a whole number.
    start_delay_seconds: 0.1 This is used for automated processes within Demigods and should be left alone unless you really want to change it (cannot be zero, must be a decimal).
    favor_regen_seconds: 0.5 Players will regain Favor every X seconds. Must be a decimal.
    hp_regen_seconds: 10.0 Players will regain HP every X seconds. Must be a decimal.
    save_interval_seconds: 300 All Demigods data will be saved every X seconds. Must be a whole number. It is not recommended to have this number under 60.
    balance_teams: true If this is true, then the ratio of Gods to Titans will be fairly balanced and neither side will have many more players than the other. If you don't want the teams to be limited, make this false.
    ascension_cap: 100 The maximum number of Ascensions a player can have. It is recommended not to go too far above 100 because many skills are untested above that amount.
    allow_skills_everywhere: false Set this true to allow Demigods skills everywhere.
    friendly_fire: false Setting this to true will allow players of the same alliance to deal damage to and target each other.

    To do (open)

    Perks System
    Alliance Initiatives

    Download Installer
    The Demigods installer will automatically check for updates for you. If an update is found it will automatically download and install it as well.
    Direct Download
    If the installer doesn't work for you, this link will download the latest version.


    Debugging (open)

    As of 2.0c, a new debugging feature has been added. It can be accessed in game as /dg debug (admins only) or from the console as debugplayer.
    /dg debug <name> will display all the important traits of a player (HP, Favor, deities, etc). If you see any at "NULL", "Missing", or "-1", then you have a problem. Luckily, there is now a solution.
    /dg debug <name> write will save that player's data as a text file. Do NOT edit the text file unless you know what you are doing, or you will corrupt the player's data further. Only edit what you need to - changes made in the text file are committed straight to the database so you can do a lot of damage if you are not careful.
    /dg debug <name> load will load the player's data out of the text file generated using /dg debug <name> write. If you get an error and a stack trace, it is because you entered something incorrectly when you saved the text file. All data fields must follow an exact format or the save will not load properly. Be careful as loading a debug file and having it crash partway through will corrupt the player's save even further.

    Walkthrough for the debug file (a .txt that can be opened in Notepad)
    Note that there should not be any spaces after the entries- "250" is different from "250 ".
    Name: marinating This field should match the name of the player.
    Alliance: God This should be "Titan" or "God", case sensitive.
    Current_HP: 250 Make sure it's a whole number.
    Max_HP: 250 Must be a whole number.
    Current_Favor: 4200 Must be a whole number.
    Max_Favor: 4200 Must be a whole number.
    Deities: Zeus;22982 Poseidon;22534 Hephaestus;22271 Athena;24394 Ares;3366
    Deities follow this simple rule: Name;Devotion with a space in between each deity.
    Ascensions: 23 Must be a whole number.
    Kills: 11 Must be a whole number.
    Deaths: 9 Must be a whole number.
    test -75 16 1151 world Do not edit these except to delete them.
    Shrines: The # sign in front of the name represents a custom name. Do not edit these unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing. The format for shrines is:
    Name X Y Z World <guest> <guest> <guest>
    Hephaestus -212 51 412 world marinating
    Zeus -152 61 367 world
    #mybase -152 61 367 world
    All keys in save: A_EFFECTS, P_SHRINES, Ares_dvt, S_GUESTAT, Athena_dvt, BINDINGS, ALLEGIANCE, ASCENSIONS, Poseidon_dvt, dHP, Zeus_dvt, KILLS, Hades_dvt, ALLIANCECHAT, FAVORCAP, DEITIES, dmaxHP, FAVOR, LASTLOGINTIME, Hephaestus_dvt, DEATHS
    Do not edit these except to delete them.

    Changelog (open)
    Changelog (open)

    Version 0.2
    • Release
    Version 0.2.1
    • Help system in game (type /demigods or /dg to get started)
    Version 0.2.2
    • Permissions based admin
    • New commands /checkplayer /removedeity /givedeity
    • Changed Prometheus to be selected using clay blocks or lava
    • Changed Cronus's time command from /time to /ctime
    • Gods can now only use one active ability at a time
    Version 0.2.3
    • Fixed Cronus's ultimate not doing anything
    • New command /unprotect allows removal of shrines and protect zones.
    Version 0.2.4
    • Added optional permissions nodes for each individual god/titan
    • Fixed bug where clicking anything with a log would "eat it" even if you weren't Rhea
    • Fixed bug with /removedeity not updating save file
    Version 0.2.5
    • Fixed uncaught errors in /protect and /unprotect
    • Slightly improved help file functionality
    • Minor rewrite to god/titan ability system (you shouldn't notice a difference)
    Version 0.3.0
    • Tons of bugfixes
    • Oodles of performance updates
    • Streamlined plugin listeners (from more than 10 to just 3)
    • Optimized code (from 126 kb to 118)
    Version 0.3.1
    • Skill binding (/dg bind)
    • Added new passive for Poseidon: Heals 3.5 hearts/10 seconds while in water.
    • Prometheus no longer drops items on death.
    Version 0.4.0
    • Changed selection for Cronus to Soul Sand
    • Fixed typos in help files
    • Now displays a welcome message
    • Left clicking with Rhea won't eat a log if at full health
    • Added Athena and Ares (tier 2 Gods)
    • Added Typhon and Hyperion (tier 2 Titans)
    • Added tier 2 selection system for Gods and Titans
    • Added /forsake (removes your own deities, but halves stats)
    • Added /setfavor (for admins)
    • Dying as a Titan may cause you to lose a tier 2 Titan
    • Increased Rhea's plant skill to cost 100 Power, reduced explosion size
    • Lots more that I don't remember
    Version 0.4.1
    • Made location protection more robust (explosion-proof, no longer targetable by griefing abilities)
    • New way for admins to create areas unbreakable / ungriefable by the general public (read /dg admin for more info)
    Version 0.5.0
    • Added Hephaestus as a tier 2 God.
    • Added Oceanus as a tier 2 Titan.
    • Added phantom mode on death (Turns you invisible and makes you unable to interact with anything. Resurrect at a shrine of a deity in your alliance.)
    • Added a kill/death tracking system, accessible in /dg stats
    • Added /reviveplayer for admins to manually revive phantom players.
    • Added a multiplier on tribute so rewards are slightly different each time. It should be easier to get Favor and Power now.
    • Green and gold records are worth much more than 1 Favor/Power at shrines.
    • Cronus now has 1/2 damage reduction compared to 1/3 before.
    • All Gods and Titans can only die to physical (entity attack) damage. Otherwise they will be left at half a heart. This is to prevent lift/lightning spam and to make better use of the statistics system (which only tracks death by entity attack)
    • Prometheus no longer has item recovery, and recovers health automatically as a passive ability instead.
    • Rhea's terraform has been rewritten to regenerate chunks instead of layer on stone/dirt/trees. Does not work on protected areas- protect your bases NOW!
    • Rhea can now right click on grass to produce a bonemeal effect (also spawns pumpkins occasionally).
    • Typhon no longer has a damage reduction ability. Instead, he explodes on death with a radius of 7 (almost twice as much as a creeper).
    • Fixed a typo where Typhon could not be selected with the permission 'titan.all'
    • Lowered the Glory requirement for Tier 2 Titans
    • Lowered the Blessing requirement for Tier 2 Gods
    • Removed Hades' entomb ability, replaced with /raisedead
    • Hades' targeting ability is now free to use
    • Hades' targeting now affects zombie pigmen
    • Increased rate of Poseidon't healing while in water, but decreased overall amount (now 1 heart/3.3 seconds)
    • Improved /checkplayer functionality so you don't have to type in a user's full name anymore
    • A lot of bugfixes that I don't remember right now
    Version 0.5.1
    • Fixed a glitch with /dg stats not updating properly
    • Right clicking on dirt with Rhea now grows grass
    • Source is included in the .jar
    Version 0.5.2
    • Bugfixes
    • Source is no longer in the .jar (forgot to click the button, I'll put it in the next release)
    Version 0.6.0
    • Config file
    • Rewritten save system (all of your player information will be wiped)
    • Tier 1 God ultimates have a cooldown of 10 minutes
    • Item bindings and cooldowns are persistent
    • Factions support- destructive skills won't work in safe zones
    • New downloader- automatic updates for the rest of your life!
    Version 0.6.1 and Version 0.6.2
    • Fixed a bug where demigods.dat did not load correctly
    • /dg stats now works properly, removed a repetitive line
    • New config option- whether or not protected areas allow skills to be used (default no)
    • Dying as a Titan no longer deducts 90% of your power
    • Know issue: targeting abilities only work at very close range
    Version 0.6.5
    • Fixed /dg stats
    • Fixed targeting glitch, finally
    • Phantom Typhon no longer has a knock-back ability
    • God and Titan chat allows you to communicate with other Gods and Titans on the server- to activate, type "g" or "t" (without the quotes, obviously) and press enter.
    • Protect land and create shrines using new deities- God and Titan. Any God can use a shrine or build in land protected by God, and any Titan can do the same in land protected by Titan.
    • Helm of Hades, Sword of Storms, and Poseidon's Trident added. The related commands are "/revive", "/scatter", and "/earthquake". Figure the rest out yourself!
    • Various bug fixes
    • The official Demigods Wiki is on the way.
    Version 0.6.6
    • Bugfixes
    • In the config file, worlds should be separated by double semicolons
    Version 0.7.0
    • Earthquake is more earthquakey
    • Fixed a bug that would wipe all saves if Rhea died with undetonated trees
    • Buffed Cronus's hoe attacks
    • Added new admin commands: /addfavor /addblessing /addpower /addglory
    • Bug fixes
    • Added Styx, new Titan
    • Added Apollo, new God
    Version 0.7.1
    • Fixed a saving glitch
    • Fixed error where titans did not receive a multiplier for tributes
    Version 0.7.2
    • Fixed glitch where Styx could attack phantoms
    • Added shrine warps- right click a diamond block in a shrine to warp to another shrine blessed by that God/Titan.
    Version 0.8
    • Changed lift: costs 50 Favor and is weaker
    • Added a new ability for Hades, Snare, that traps the target in place for 5 seconds
    • Removed phantom mode
    • Removed Apollo
    • Removed Styx
    • Fixed damage system so Gods and Titans will die as normal
    • Added Cronus's passive back- can only die to physical damage. Changed from 1/2 damage reduction back to 1/3.
    • Fixed Rhea eating logs to decrease hunger instead of giving hearts.
    • Gods now lose 10% of their favor on death.
    • Collecting experience orbs is the only way to gain favor/power.
    • Added more items that can be tributed.
    • Fixed the player information save system, hopefully for the last time. All of your player data will be wiped (but not locations).
    • More bugfixes
    Version 0.8.1
    • Re-added Permissions 3 support
    • Fixed a bug with Factions compatibility
    • Tributing at chests now gives 1/10 of the value as Favor/Power (Blessing and Glory unaffected)
    Version 0.8.11
    • Removed Permissions requirements on choosing deities temporarily.
    Version 1.0a
    • Completely overhauled everything.
    Version 1.0b
    • Added /setmaxfavor command, uses same permission as /setfavor
    • Added more config options
    • More detailed messages when a shrine is created or destroyed
    • Added a global message when a player forsakes a deity
    • Changed the amount of EXP gained from breaking ores, due to abuse of silk touch
    • Fixed a bug where one alliance could vastly outnumber the other (the advantage control can be turned off in the config file)
    • Other bugfixes
    Version 1.0c
    • Fixed a levelling bug with Cleave that could crash the server
    • Replaced Prometheus's Defect with Blaze, an ability similar to Flood that blankets an area with fire
    • Revamped that Favor system. Favor now regenerates over time, and tributing at a Shrine increases Favor cap. Maximum Favor cap can be set in config.
    • Revamped health system. Health regenerates slowly over time and damage dealt to Demigods is now at a 1:1 ratio, meaning that a Demigod can have much more than 20 HP and will be able to survive direct creeper hits. Maximum health can be set in config.
    • Various bugfixes
    Version 1.0d
    • Fixed a bug with the new HP system that would cause a player to apparently lose their deities
    • Added /setmaxhp and /sethp
    • Added new config options
    • Bugfixes
    Version 1.0e
    • Bugfixes
    Version 2.0
    • Introducing the Devotion system! Each deity now has their own measure of Devotion, which determines how powerful their skills are. Read /dg <deityname> to see customized information about the deity.
    • Complete shrine reworking - read /dg shrine for updated system, with video tutorials upcoming (to be directly integrated into the /dg help files)
    • Added two Gods and two Titans - Athena, Hephaestus, Oceanus, and Hyperion
    • Reworked many old skills that were either buggy or imbalanced
    • Bugfixes
    • Lots more!
    Version 2.0a/b
    • Fixed an error that interfered with deity claiming process
    • All griefing/combat skills from Demigods should no longer work inside WorldGuard No-PvP zones
    Version 2.0c
    • Added compatibility with Factions - damage dealing/griefing skills no longer work in "Peaceful" or "Safe" zones.
    • Added debugging feature for botched saves
    • Bugfixes
    Version 2.0d
    • Fixed Hephaestus's passive not working properly
    • Fixed Prometheus's blaze destroying blocks
    Version 2.0e
    • Fixed levelling bug caused by changing max Ascensions
    Version 2.0f
    • Added "unclaimed Devotion" that players can allocate to deities themselves (given using a console command)
    • Fixed Hephaestus's passive to be completely immune to lava
    • Drown no longer affects protected areas
    • Fixed Factions compatibility

    Version 2.0g
    • /check can now be accessed using /dg check
    • /removeplayer now removes the player's file properly
    • Drown no longer costs Favor when it is used in a protected area
    • Fixed a logic error preventing Demigods skills from working properly
    • Added a config option to allow Demigods skills in protected areas
    Version 2.1
    • Added a new God: Apollo
    • Fixed a bug with Factions related protections
    • Reduced the penalty for dying from 20% of Devotion to 10% of Devotion
    • Fixed a bug with ultimate cooldown times
    Version 2.2
    • Added a new Titan: Themis
    • Added SimpleNotice (client mod) compatibility to conveniently display Health, Favor, and Devotion changes.
    • Added new functionality to /removeshrine. Can now be used with the name of a shrine you own.
    • New command for admins: /listshrines lists all the shrines you own.
    • Fixed logic of player versus player kills, which should fix kills being wrongly awarded to players.
    • Added code to remove "stuck" fireballs from Prometheus ultimates.
    • Added automatic cleaning of invalid shrines (missing worlds or impossible location).
    • Cronus' ultimate no longer affects the whole world, only players within 70 range.
    • Rankings now show a player's name in green if they are online.
    • Typing "dg" will display all online Demigods players and their alliance.
    • Adjusted the kill reward, so that killing players with a high KD ratio gives more Devotion while killing players with many deaths gives less.
    • Adjusted rate at which players lose Devotion on death, and added a cap of 15,000 Devotion lost per deity at a maximum.
    • Changed some skill costs for balance.
    • Skills can no longer be used inside protected zones to target players outside.
    • Other bugfixes
    Donators! You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside!
    It was too hard to keep track of the benefit system, but that doesn't mean I've stopped accepting donations- if you like what you see or have an idea you'd like to see implemented immediately, please click the donate button!

    Insignia folks
  2. Offline


    mari.. I'll be happy to make my server available as a demonstration of factions or anything else ya need
  3. Offline


    I'm back... only a small issue this time. Currently, I have set the max ascensions possible to 2. This way, my players can claim a primary deity, and secondary, but nothing past that. I also have the max favor set to 400, this way my players can use some of the abilities, but not the ultimates such as Waterfall (for some reason, that one particularly doesn't dissipate as quickly as it should... and typically lags my players out.) and of course for balancing purposes. The issues is... once you achieve the second ascension, you continue to gain exp. Once you gain the third ascension, your character begins to receive max HP, and new ascensions over, and over and over and over.... to the point where it locks the server temporarily. The server will "hick-up" and kick all players, and when they get back on, they've lost about 3 minutes of work, but as soon as they receive any experience, it happens again. 0.o
  4. Offline


    Tyger I should have seen this issue coming - I'll put out a fix as soon as possible.

    Done! 2.0e shouldn't have this error.
  5. Offline


    You are amazing! Thanks so much!
  6. Offline


    djl0st12 As of the latest version, 2.0f, skills no longer work in Safe or Peaceful zones.

    Other changes detailed in the changelog.
  7. Offline


    More bugfixes in 2.0g. Apollo should be out in the next version.
  8. Offline


    Now on version 2.1, with more bugfixes and Apollo finally added!
  9. Offline


    After update 2.0g, my entire world, appears to be "protected". I went into the the config files, and changed "allow_skills_everywhere: false" to "allow_skills_everywhere: true". It seems that it didn't make any difference, as we still can't use most of our skills anywhere. However, it's not just limited to skills, we can no longer plant TNT either. At first, I assumed this was a clash with another mod I had, Creeper Heal. However, I have removed all other mod's, one by one, and the issue is still there. I've even went so far as to modify the config file inside the .jar file. Sadly... Still nothing.
  10. Try to update to 2.1.
  11. Offline


    Tyger If you were using Factions, you will need to update to 2.1 like HQM said. Read the changelogs to see what the new versions have fixed.
  12. Offline


    I guess I should have been more specific, lol. When I updated to 2.0g the problem began, no factions installed. I have since updated to 2.1, still no factions installed. I currently have: World edit, creeperheal, autosave, and demigods installed, all of which are updated to the latest version. I read through the change logs, and made sure that everything was up to date, and configured "properly" (I say that as I am prone to mistakes, lol) and unfortunately, I still can not use the skills. If I completely remove demi-gods, the issue ceases. That, however is not an option, as we (my server) have really grown to love the mod a considerable amount.
  13. Offline


    Have you checked that no errors are appearing? The only problem I can think of is that the world is set to no-PvP under worldguard.
    You might want to set the "allow_skills_everywhere" option to "true" in the config.
  14. Offline


    Was able to fix it, finally... Turns out setting "allow_skills_everywhere" to FALSE was the answer. Opposites.... who knew. ^.^
  15. Offline


    Interesting... I'll fix that in the next version, but will put that in the thread for now.
  16. Offline


    Pretty sure I know the answer... but is Demigods compatible with plugins like Permissionsbukkit?
  17. Offline


    You should add Hermes lol....for speed and flight lol just a thought haha make it use speed and it cost X amount of favor per second its active and the same for flight.
  18. Offline


    Is there any way to restrict the use of this to only certain users? I'd like only certain people to have the ability to follow a god and become a demigod if possible.
  19. Offline


    Tyger Yes, the Permissions nodes are listed in the main post.
    YourmoveCreeper Hermes will be added in the future.
    forsaken1111 Yes, use Permissions and only give certain players permissions for specific deities.
  20. Offline


    So if a player/group doesn't have permissions to any diety, they will be unable to use the features? Sorry if this seems redundant but your permissions list says "Permissions nodes for gods and titans (if no Permissions, allows all):" That seems to state that if no permissions are specified, any diety is allowed and I see no way to restrict the use of the plugin to only certain people. Maybe I'm missing something?
  21. Offline


    The way it's supposed to work is that if you have a Permissions plugin installed, you must specify the permissions for the players or they will be unable to claim the deities. That is, no one will be able to have any deities by default.
    You can give players access to specific deities via titan.cronus, for example, or you can give them all gods/titans using god.all and titan.all.
    If you only want a specific group to have access to deities, give them the permissions and give the other players nothing.
  22. Offline


    Ahh, I was just misunderstanding what you wrote. Thanks!
  23. Offline


    Can you add Essentials Support?

    None of the abilities works on my server here is a list of plugins I have, ChatManager, CreativeGates, DemiGods, DisguiseCraft, Energy Craft,Essentials,EssentialsSpawn,Factions,FalseBookBlock,FalseBookCore,FalseBookExtra,FalseBookIC, Jail, Jobs, Launch Me, LWC, Magic Carpet, Mob Arena, Mob Bounty Reloaded, Mob Catcher, Modify World, MultiVerse Core 2.4, NoCheatPlus, OpenINV, PermissionsEX, RuneCraft2.13, SimpleRestart, SunSteel, SWatchDog, The Thuum, TimTheEnchanter, Vault, WereWolf, World Edit, World Guard. Thank you for reading this hope you can find a fix.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  24. Offline


    Zachurah What do you mean by Essentials support? You might want to check permissions, and check the log for any errors. If there are no errors, make sure none of your other plugins are preventing Demigods commands from going through.
  25. Offline


    I had the same issue at first, you have to add the permissions to allow ppl to have rights to use the skill/abilities that come with the plugins, I use group manager so I just added in permission to each group and made a new group for demigods alone. Here is a paste of what mine look like.

    Add the permissions as so to the corresponding group or person. If you need more help please ask.
  26. Offline


    I think its Essentials conflicting possibly. There are no errors in console
  27. Offline


    I'm pretty sure its your permissions. Add the permission demigods.* to yourself and I bet you will be able to use any demigod command. Your essentials permissions are most likely preventing you and your players from using the demigod commands.
  28. Offline


    I gave myself demigods.* it still doesnt work I think essentials commands dont like DemiGods commands. Marinating, can u add command aliases possibly?
  29. Offline


    The commands are fine. Look at the pastie I posted. That is my permissions and I can use essentials and demigod commands just fine. Why don't you post a pastie of your global permissions and I'll take a look at it. But I'm telling you lol nothing is wrong with essentials or demigods. Its just a permission misshap thats all.
  30. Offline


    default: true
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.rules
    - essentials.motd
    - essentials.list
    - essentials.helpop
    - modifyworld.*
    - jobs.use
    - essentials.protect.damage.creeper
    - essentials.kit.Starter
    - essentials.kit
    - wormhole.remove.own
    - -creativegates.use
    - -demigods.removeshrine
    prefix: '&e[Guest]&f'
    build: false
    rank: '1000'
    default: true
    - god.all
    - titan.all
    - demigods.perks
    - demigods.alliance
    - demigods.forsake
    - demigods.claim
    - demigods.check
    - demigods.dg
    - essentials.workbench
    - essentials.hat
    - essentials.afk
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.balance.others
    - essentials.balancetop
    - essentials.home
    - essentials.mail
    - essentials.mail.send
    - essentials.msg
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.tpa
    - essentials.tpaccept
    - essentials.tpahere
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.warp.list
    - lwc.create
    - lwc.remove
    - lwc.modify
    - multiworld.minium
    - launchme.launch
    - falsebook.blocks.cauldron.use
    - essentials.spawnmob.*
    - moarrows.list
    - moarrows.use.teleport
    - moarrows.use.poison
    - moarrows.use.lightning
    - moarrows.use.razor
    - mobcatcher.allow-all
    - essentials.signs.use.sell
    - essentials.signs.use.spawnmob
    - essentials.signs.use.warp
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.signs.use.heal
    - essentials.signs.use.balance
    - essentials.signs.create.mail
    - falsebook.blocks.lift.use
    - falsebook.blocks.lightswitch.create
    - falsebook.blocks.lightswitch.use
    - falsebook.blocks.readbooks
    - factions.admin
    - factions.autoclaim
    - factions.claim
    - factions.deinvite
    - factions.description
    - factions.disband
    - factions.home
    - factions.invite
    - factions.join
    - factions.kick
    - factions.leave
    - factions.list
    - factions.mod
    - factions.noboom
    - factions.owner
    - factions.ownerlist
    - factions.power
    - factions.power.any
    - factions.relation
    - factions.sethome
    - factions.tag
    - factions.title
    - factions.unclaim
    - factions.unclaimall
    - thuum.shout.fusrodah.1
    - thuum.shout.kaandremov.1
    - thuum.shout.wuldnahkest.1
    - runecraft.runes
    - runecraft.teleport
    - runecraft.*
    - vampire.kit.fullplayer
    - default
    prefix: '&2[Builder]&f'
    build: true
    rank: '750'
    - magiccarpet.mcs
    - moarrows.use.slow
    - moarrows.use.explplosive
    - sunsteel.special.*
    - sunsteel.armor.*
    - dt.userplus
    - essentials.nick
    - essentials.powertool
    - essentials.signs.color
    - treeassist.autoremove
    - treeassist.toggle
    - wormhole.cooldown.groupthree
    - wormhole.use.compass
    - thuum.shout.fusrodah.2
    - thuum.shout.wuldnahkest.2
    - thuum.shout.yoltoorshul.1
    - thuum.shout.lokvahkoor.3
    - essentials.joinfullserver
    - essentials.warp.MobGrinder
    - essentials.warp.list
    - essentials.warp
    - essentials.warp.Farm
    - essentials.warp.spawn
    - condenser.use
    - sunsteel.special.waterfloat
    - Builder
    prefix: '&5[Donator]&f'
    build: true
    rank: '500'
    - essentials.spawner.cow
    - essentials.spawner.pig
    - essentials.spawner.chicken
    - treeassist.replant
    - essentials.bigtree
    - wormhole.cooldown.groupthree
    - wormhole.list
    - thuum.shout.fusrodah.*
    - thuum.shout.wuldnahkest.*
    - thuum.shout.yoltoorshul.2
    - VIP
    prefix: '&d[Premium]&f'
    build: true
    rank: '250'
    - essentials.kick
    - essentials.kick.notify
    - essentials.tphere
    - essentials.whois
    - launchme.launch
    - launchme.teleport
    - falsebook.blocks.cauldron.use
    - essentials.spawnmob.*
    - teslacoil.use
    - moarrows.list
    - moarrows.use.all
    - jobs.*
    - mobcatcher.ignore-protection
    - essentials.kit.*
    - essentials.seen.banreason
    - essentials.fireball
    - essentials.lightning.others
    - essentials.lightning
    - enchanter.enchant
    - essentials.warp.*
    - nocheatplus.admin.chatlog
    - nocheatplus.admin.commands
    - nocheatplus.admin.reload
    - nocheatplus.checks
    - nocheatplus.mods
    - wormhole.go
    - essentials.gamemode
    - -essentials.kick.exempt
    - -essentials.ban.exempt
    - -essentials.mute.exempt
    - -essentials.sudo.exempt
    - -essentials.tempban.exempt
    - -essentials.vanish.see
    - VIP+
    prefix: '&c[Moderator]&f'
    build: true
    rank: '150'
    - demigods.*
    - -essentials.nuke
    - -essentials.vanish.see
    - '*'
    - commandbook.*
    - launchme.*
    - sunsteel.*
    - moarrows.*
    - factions.*
    - LetItRain.*
    - creativegates.*
    - -essentials.kick.exempt
    - -essentials.ban.exempt
    - -essentials.mute.exempt
    - -essentials.sudo.exempt
    - -essentials.tempban.exempt
    - moderator
    prefix: '&3[Admin]&f'
    build: true
    rank: '100'
    - demigods.*
    - essentials.speed.bypass
    - '*'
    - launchme.*
    - essentials.*
    - sunsteel.*
    - sunsteel.special.*
    - sunsteel.armour.*
    - moarrows.*
    - essentials.kick.exempt
    - essentials.ban.exempt
    - essentials.mute.exempt
    - essentials.sudo.exempt
    - essentials.tempban.exempt
    - essentials.vanish.see
    - admin
    prefix: '&4[Owner]&f'
    build: true
    rank: '50'

    Thats my Permissions

    Sorry if thats alot of perms xD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  31. Offline


    is that your groups.yml? do you have a globalgroups.yml?

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