Occassional CreeperHost crashes, I guess I can handle. 45 minute-1 hour rollbacks I cannot. Is there any plugin that is light on resources that can prevent these unexpected rollbacks?
You just need a plugin to do more frequent saving. There are a few plugins out there that do just that, but what we do on our server is use rTriggers to automate a console save-all command every 5 minutes.
Only as intensive as it would be to type "save-all" in the console every five minutes. I do notice a bit of lag on some servers from just having rTriggers installed (since it's such a heavyweight plugin), which is why I would suggest looking at some of the other plugins that are specific to this purpose.
I manage my servers with McMyAdmin. It's overkill just to get auto-saves.. but the scheduler also handles my backups, daily restarts, and notifications. Resource utilization is low, and not a concern whatsoever.