Resource Based Economy

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Lomsor, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Looking at all the economy plugins ... I'm not happy with them, they are good but they don't create the right dynamic in my opinion. Sometimes inflation runs wild and sometimes people get crazy and angry over a bunch of virtual money.

    What I'm looking for is a more open approach on resources. An approach witch supports cooperation and sharing and in the same time rewards/encourages the one who did the work. For your information I run a modded bukkit server (Infos here). With RedPower releasing frames and computers in the future I see big machines do a lot of work for the players ... digging up resources (while still needing resources (virtual-minecraft-resources and brainpower) them-selfs to be constructed, so "working" won't fall of the cliff entirely).

    I don't know exactly how this should look like. I just wanted to post it here before creating some construct in my brain that would sit there alone.
  2. My server uses in-game Spout money, do you want me to send the plugin? It's private, but you can get it if you want
  3. Offline


    You can link it to me, but I can't run mods and spout simultaneously ... there are some conflicts.
    But I'm interested to see how it works. How is the dynamic on your server?

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